Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1464: So vicious

Seeing Ke Zan's fierce gaze that he would eat himself alive, Buga suddenly shook his body and said, "I said, I said, originally, Ms. Tiki's reputation in the rat race was quite high, and many young people admire it She, under her persuasion, has refused to eat the heart of other races, but this move has caused dissatisfaction with the patriarch. He believes that his prestige is not as good as before, so he hates his biological daughter. "

Having said that, Bhagwa gasped for a moment, and continued to say, "These things, he only said to our generals, so most people don't know. At this time, Miss and Ke Zan fell in love, and the two even started talking about marriage, which led to the patriarch's murder. "

"Burga, what do you mean by that?" After hearing the other's words, Tessie snarled with a frown, "Honestly tell the truth."

"Yes, this is the case, because Kozan is a very powerful Demon warrior, he has a strong appeal among the Devil in several nearby villages. The patriarch is afraid that after you get married, you will take away most of the young people in the Rat clan. Then they joined together with Kozan's people to become a strong and fresh tribe in the third layer of the abyss. "

Bugatti said, "The patriarch is worried that if that happens, the domineering clan ’s dominance in the third layer of the abyss will be threatened, so he is determined to use this opportunity as an excuse to prevent you from getting married. All the tribes of the kinship have been massacred to eliminate future troubles! "

"What are you talking about ?! Father ... he was so vicious ..." Hearing the truth of the matter, Tessie suddenly felt dizzy and turned around, almost stumbling and falling, and Ke Zan beside him quickly stretched out her hands to support her: "Be careful."

"Woohoo ... Kezan, I'm sorry for you. Auntie and villagers wouldn't have been poisoned because I insisted on elopeing with you ..." At this moment, Tessie whimpered with her hands, tears constantly Gushing from her fingers, she shouted indignantly: "Why do I have such a father? Thinking of his blood flowing in my body, I, I can't wait to end my life!"

"Miss Deqi, we all know that this is not your fault. Even if we want to hate, we will only hate the patriarchs of the Heart-biting Rats!" At this time, He Pu came over and said: "The villagers of Guxia Village mean the same thing. Everyone said right? "

"Hepu was right, Miss Tessie, when we were caught just now, you could have gone, but you were willing to be caught for us, we are all moved!" At this moment, there are many The villagers shouted: "Miss Tessie, you are kind-hearted and fair-minded. Just lead everyone together to overthrow the rule of the Heart Rats, and we would rather recommend you and Ke Yiping as leaders!"

Guan Heng and other foreigners watched nearby, and saw the excitement at this time. The sound was higher than a burst. Everyone counted on the evils of the heart-running rat race, all claiming to fight them to the end.

The rat general, Buga, was so scared and trembled that he had seen these villagers stare at him with indignant eyes. At this moment, his heart was screaming badly, and he thought that his life was too short. It's hard to guarantee.

Sure enough, at this time, Kezan and Di Qi glanced at each other, then nodded, and Di Qi shouted loudly to the villagers: "Okay, in order to get justice for the dead, to make the third layer of the abyss welcome Come to everyone's long-awaited peace, let's fight the evil people of the Heart Eater Clan to the end and overthrow them !! "

"Okay-okay-" For a while, the villagers of Guxiaxia shouted with arms raised, and their momentum suddenly boiled and rose! "Hey, where do you want to go?"

At this moment, Guan Hengfei raised a pedal and turned over Buga, who wanted to take the opportunity to step away, and then stepped on his back again: "Master Master Ben is watching here, you don't want to run away anymore, obediently Would n’t it be nice to suffer from the bitterness? ”

"Don't, don't kill me ..."

At this time, Buga was not the general that was a brave and bloodthirsty rat family just now. Now the boy has a pitiful expression on his face in order to survive. He clasped his hands on his chest and begged hard. Road: "I am also an upper and lower faction. Those bad things that I have to do in the last resort, uncle, leave me a life."

"Give you a life?" Guan Heng was happy when he heard this, and he said with a smile: "This is Gu Xia Xia Village, can't I kill you? It's not my turn to make a decision, Kezan, Moss Qi, are you right? "

"Well, Mr. Guan Heng makes sense."

Ke Zan nodded again and again. He admired Guan Heng ’s arrogance and his opponent was his own life-saving benefactor. He naturally agreed with Guan Heng ’s meaning, and Tiki also said, "Buga, this evil thief. We have committed the crime of killing Tucun, and we can't easily let him go! "

The villagers of Guxiaxia Village also burst out into an angry roar: "The three are justified. We must not let this executioner leave alive, kill him, and take revenge for the villagers of Hepu Village!"

"Masters, Miss Tiki, forgiveness, forgiveness—" I heard everyone refused to let go of themselves, Buga lay on the ground like a jackal, and the bun was like a chicken pecking rice: "I will never Dare, the younger is willing to reform and follow Miss Tiki to overthrow the patriarch ... Ah no, Karupa's sinner ruler of the sinner. "

At this time, Guan Heng heard that Buga became increasingly brazen and kept humiliating his face and begging, so Guan Heng turned his eyes and said to everyone, "Let ’s do this. Let me make a suggestion. Everyone considers how to spare him? "

Hearing this, including the brothers and sisters of Seraki, Kezan and Tessie, and the villagers of Guxiaxia Village, they were all stunned. They never thought that Guan Heng would intercede for this cold-blooded mess.

But before everyone responded, Guan Heng had taken Buga to the corpse of the old village chief who had died first, threw this guy there, and then said coldly, "If you can make this old The village chief ’s heart is restored, and he will come back to life, and I will ask everyone to spare you, how about it? ”

"He ... I ..." After hearing Guan Heng's words, he just felt that he had a vitality on his face, and even if he was an idiot, he understood that he was being played by the other party! Guan Heng smiled and said to the villagers at this time: "Now it's alright, this mess can't fulfill the conditions I proposed. Everyone now has revenge and resentment, so please dispose him casually!"

"Beat and kill this asshole, take revenge for the old village chief!" The villagers picked up stones from the ground and the weapons dropped by the Heart Eater warriors, and surrounded Buga with a rage of anger ... On the ground only half a minute A pool of mud and flesh remained.

—— [2016.7.19 second update, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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