Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1465: Enchanted Bunker (Third)

At the next moment, Guan Heng discussed with Kezan and Tiki: "Anyway, you are going to gather forces from all ethnic groups to overthrow the Heart Rat Rats. My companions and I will also go to the Moguma Bunker, and we will go on the road together. If there is anything I need to help Somewhere, I will help out in time. "

"If so, that's great!" Kezan and Tessie have a certain understanding of Guan Heng's fighting power, plus Guan Heng's two pets, the soul-absorbing beast Yabu and the multi-headed basilisk, are a group attack. A big killer, they naturally agreed with Guan Heng's joining his peers.

"However, I hope Miss Tiki can promise me one thing." Guan Heng turned the words and said bluntly: "My companions and I came to the third level of the abyss in order to find the lord of this level, the heart eater. A fragment of a different space teleportation array collected by the patriarch Karupa. Can you take it to me after you have captured the mogul bunker? "

Upon hearing this, Tiqi tilted her head and thought for a moment, she said, "Yes, my father did collect similar things and put them in the secret treasure house of his room, where he never let others approach. However, I think I can find it for Mr. Kwan Heng. "

"Thank you then, let's go." After receiving a satisfactory answer, Guan Heng immediately waved at Brother Seraci, and the two companions immediately followed Guan Heng's back to the snow monster.

At this moment, the villagers of Guxiaxia Village were also led by Kezan and Tiki, took up their weapons, and smashed to the Heart Eater Clan occupation area, which is a hundred miles away, this way. On top of that, many ordinary demons who were oppressed by the rat race on weekdays rushed to join Kezan's team.

The team and the number of people seeking the Heart-Blood Rats have been increasing, even reaching thousands of people in just half an hour. Watching more and more Demon fighters and villagers gathered, Guan Heng muttered in a low voice: " The heart-eaters are really angry, and no wonder so many people want to overthrow them. "

"Brother Guan Heng, are we really going to be involved in the war among the demons?" Ting Si asked carefully at this time: "To be honest, I really don't want to get too much involved."

"Rest assured, isn't there still me?" Guan Heng said very easily at this time: "I said that I would shoot at the appropriate time, and then I would end the battle in the shortest time. We can also get it quickly Teleportation debris left. "

After hearing Guan Heng saying this, Ting Si looked around for the excited demons and soldiers, so she also sighed and said, "Well, listen to Brother Guan Heng's right."

With a distance of more than a hundred miles, it didn't take long for me to walk up. After a while, the army of the heart-eaters had arrived at the fringe area ten miles away from the magic marsh bunker. Just at this moment, suddenly changed suddenly!

A large group of Heart Eater warriors and rat witch sacrifices blocked the way for everyone. The first General of the Rat Clan shouted, "The indestructible Demon Clan even dares to lead people into the Forbidden Land of the Rat Clan? I think you are impatient!"

At this moment, when Tiki, who was riding on the swamp giant, took a look, she cried out immediately: "On the opposite side is General Osalon?"

"Eh? You are ..." Rats General Osalon recognized Tessie when he suddenly shouted, staring at a pair of angry eyes: "Miss, you, you even colluded with outsiders to attack your relatives. Is it true! "

"Osalon, Karupa, he has severed his father-daughter relationship with me, and has also sent Buga along with Kozan."

Tiki also said aloud at this time: "What's more exaggerated is that by pursuing my name, you are killing ordinary people in the villages of ordinary demons and killing your heart. You are the sinners who will never be forgiven. Join me in seeking the wicked Karupa, otherwise we would be unkind to you! "

"The shameless dead girl colluded with outsiders to rebel with relatives, I killed you !!" This Osalon is a dog leg minion that has always followed Patriarch Carupa, and his hands are also stained with blood. At this moment, the guy heard Tessie When he said that, he suddenly became furious, and suddenly pulled out his sabre, and then hurled fiercely at Tiki.

"Yeah!" A sword stabs through the air and goes out like an electric power. He winds up straight to Tessie's throat, and Osalon yells with a grimace on his face: "Death!" Seeing his lover in danger, Ke Zan suddenly greeted his gun: "Hugh to hurt people, I'll fight you!"

"When!" The gun front and the blade violently struck in an instant, firing countless sparks. The rat general, Osalon, was timid, and suddenly "Teng Teng Teng" took three steps back and suddenly felt numb arms.

"Huh, General Rat, but that's it!" At this moment, Kezan was overwhelming, and his spear in his palm turned into a shadow of the sky. He attacked his neck, heart socket and shoulders suddenly, and suddenly turned Osalon. Forced to fuss and struggle to cope.

At this moment, Guan Heng quietly patted on the shoulder of Tiki who watched the game next to him, and then winked at her, and Taki noticed immediately and walked to the side to talk with Guan Heng.

"Tessie, is there a nearby road leading to the magic marsh bunker?" Guan Heng said at this time: "The battlefield here, it is enough to hand over Kozan and my companions and the snow beast to deal with, we better be able to Enter the bunker directly and set your father Karupa to end the war as soon as possible. "

"Well, Mr. Guan Heng's proposal makes sense." Tiqi bowed her head for a few seconds and thought suddenly, she suddenly looked up and said, "There is indeed a shortcut to the mogul bunker. Swamp beasts, we can't enter the bunker if we don't solve them blocking the road. "

"Hey, as long as there are shortcuts, you just need to be the guide." Guan Heng patted his chest and chuckled, "I have everything else."

Upon hearing this, Tiki nodded: "Okay, Mr. Guan Heng, please come with me." After greeting the Seraki and Tingsi, the two glanced again at the mouse general Osa. After a fierce battle, Kozan, who had the upper hand, rushed into the low bushes of the nearby swamp.

"Oh, ooh!" While Guan Heng led the way, Tessie said, "The shortcut I want to take you through is located directly to the left of the magic marsh bunker. Here is the swamp sucker. Habitat, they are fierce and bloodthirsty. "

Having said that, Tiki stopped for a moment, and continued to say, "But ordinary sucker monsters have a weakness, that is, when they smell the pollen of a plant called" stinky flower ", they will retreat and escape, we The Rats rely on this plant pollen, so they are not afraid of strange beasts such as suckers. "

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng chuckled and said, "Is that right? You must have a lot of pollen on you?"

—— [2016.7.19 third change, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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