Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1466: Giant sucker

"That's right." At this point, Tessie suddenly stood up and lay a flat boulder. Guan Heng followed and fell on it.

"Well, this is the pollen packet." Tessie then gave Guan Heng something, and she said, "You put it in the pocket of your clothes, and the ordinary sucker must have seen it and ran away."

"Oh, thank you." Guan Heng wanted to say that he wasn't afraid of any sucker monster. If that thing appeared, naturally there were many basilisk hiding behind him, but he couldn't bear to refuse Tiki's kindness, so he took it over. Collect it properly.

"Mr. Guan Heng, those guys are here, please be careful." As soon as you handed the pollen packet to Guan Heng, he turned and looked at Tiki in front of him and whispered: "This time it came so fast, presumably the sucker demon also smelled Human breath. "

Guan Heng's gaze was like a torch. At this time, he also saw dozens of weird strange beasts lingering on the wet swamp. I saw that these guys were like black charcoal, but they didn't have their heads and limbs. Li bowed and crawled at an incredibly fast speed, like a giant "sea cucumber" magnified many times.

At this time, Tiki looked left and right, suddenly stretched her right arm and caught a small orange frog that happened to jump on the boulder. Then she shook her arm and threw it at the group of suckers.

"Woohoo ?!" The little orange frog landed in the swamp and was about to escape, but at this time it was too late, and the head of a sucker demon trembled slightly, and the whale stretched out a dozen times. The tentacles of the long sucker arm narrowed the frog for a while, and then threw it into the open weird mouth.

"Well, this sucker moves so fast." Guan Heng whispered at this time: "It really is great."

"Mr. Guan Heng, let's go." Tessie just gave a demonstration to Guan Heng just now to let him know the habit of sucker magic, but with the agility of the two, you won't be afraid of this kind of humiliation. So in a blink of an eye, he ran away all the way.

On the way forward, Tiki told Guan Heng that the two beasts that she said were the most difficult to deal with are actually the ancestral beasts of all suckers in the swamp, that is, the parents of suckers, a pair The gigantic-"giant sucker"!

"The bodies of the two giant sucker monsters are really too big, so they usually stay and sleep in a fixed area except when they eat and hunt." Tessie said to Guan Heng at this moment: "Let's dive in. The door of the secret bunker in the bunker is the 'bedroom' of these two guys. I came here many years ago. Because I was afraid of each other, I didn't dare to go inside, but they should still be there. "

"Oh, I understand that." When Guan Heng slightly nodded his head, the two had gradually slowed down, and Tiki said, "About 500 meters in front, it is the tunnel, let's ..."

Just after Tessie had just said here, Guan Heng suddenly made a "snoring" gesture. He lowered his voice and said, "Wait a minute, it seems that something is crawling over, let's avoid it."

Although Tiki ’s ear strength is far less keen than Guan Heng ’s, but since the other party said so, Tiki also had to follow suit, and when the two of them climbed up to the low dead tree beside them, the thing that slowly came over , Already showing his own respect, Guan Heng looked at each other's appearance by the light of the three weird magic domain suns in the sky.

The appearance of this huge beast is generally the same as the sucker monsters I have seen before, but it is hundreds of times larger than the ordinary sucker monsters. The huge body standing upright is silent when sliding over the swamp. It's really amazing.

"Mr. Guan Heng, this is one of the two giant sucker monsters ..." Tiki, holding the branch and looking down, couldn't help shrinking her neck, she said carefully: "This guy has more than a thousand tentacle suckers , And it also uses dark magic that creates hallucinations, so be careful. "

Hearing Tessie's narration, Guan Heng laughed secretly: "Hey, what's so great about this guy? I just show my hand in front of Tessie and let her see how I settle this big guy!"

Thinking of this, Guan Heng suddenly said: "Hide away first, I'm going to attack this monster!"

"Mr. Guan Heng, you ..." Before waiting for Tiki to react, Guan Heng had landed lightly about ten meters away from the giant sucker, and then suddenly pulled out the dragon's tooth blade and aimed at the giant sucker. The demon split a sharp knife: "Ice Demon Dragon Breath!"

"唰-噗嗤-噼 click!" In a short time, the blockbuster dance of the freezing cold wind that swept up the storm quickly solidified the first half of the giant sucker, more than ten meters high, and immediately stopped it in place.

"Basilisk, it's your turn to hit this guy hard!"

With the command of Guan Heng, the multi-headed Basilisk trembled from the sky suddenly flickered, and began to bloom, and the black gas in the demon domain within tens of meters of the surrounding space was absorbed by the three small mouths of the Basilisk. "Wow!" A surge of violent energy surged in an instant, and the Basilisk snarled and issued a fierce move: "The devil snake burst into air!"

Just when the multi-headed Basilisk was ready to go, the Giant Sucker had felt the shadow of death covering itself. It wanted to fight back or escape, but half of its body had been frozen by the freezing knife of Guanheng. Moved!

Speaking late, at that time, three dark matter energies suddenly twisted into one, and banged heavily on this giant sucker demon, "Hoo-bang-boom!"

After the loud noise, it was really terrible to see the giant sucker on the swamp. Its huge body had been blown up by two-thirds, and the remaining dark flesh continued to emit a pungent and pungent breath. The giant sucker The remaining remains of the demon trembled slightly at this time, as if it were already the flames swaying in the wind, and they would soon die.

But at this moment, Tessie shouted from behind Guan Heng: "Mr. Guan Heng, quickly and completely destroy its body, the regeneration ability of this giant sucker is very fast!"

However, Tiki reminded a little slower at this time. The remaining body of the giant sucker had changed a little. It even grew a small half-length again in a sudden shaking, and fled where it turned around.

"Stop, don't run!" Guan Heng then pointed in front of him: "Basilisk, after catching this guy, you can devour it, seeing that the sucker is not small enough to make you eat.

Hearing this, after sending out the Devil Splinter Air Explosion, some tired and shrinking soul demon king suddenly got a great boost of spirit: "Well, master, just look at me!"

—— [Fourth more of 2016.7.19, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets 月 | ` O ′ | ′ ~~] ——

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