Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1468: Basilisk fierce (first)

"Yeah, what the **** is this?" The multi-headed basilisk only felt that the things hitting him were slimy and greasy, and it was creeping slowly. It was just a little deliberate work. These little monsters started Crazyly absorb the dark matter in the Hydralisk.

"Wow wow wow! These dirty things have sucked my strength!" The long basilisk in the air was completely violent at this time, while screaming frantically, he quickly shook his body and dropped those terrible little things to the ground.

When those objects kept falling and falling on the swamp, Guan Heng looked at his eyes. It turned out that the little creeping monsters turned out to be small sucker monsters. These things crawled on the multi-headed basilisk. The body sucked its energy.

At this moment, the multi-headed basilisk has shaken off all the "little sucker monsters" on his body, and after the little ones fell to the ground, they crawled back to the giant sucker monster's body, and saw only four giant suckers in the swamp. All the demon began to flash a strange strong light.

After seeing the bodies of the giant sucker monsters shining, the wounds left by the bite-bite fighting with the multi-headed Basilisk quickly healed and disappeared, and Guan Heng suddenly hesitated: "This guy stole the darkness of the Basilisk Material energy heals himself? Sure enough, there are two brushes! "

"How can this be true, you thief, return the stolen energy to me." At this moment, realizing that his energy was stolen by the other side, the multi-headed Basilisk suddenly became furious and burst into rage: "The one who killed the thousand swords Meat bug, you're looking for death, look at me— "

Although the soul demon king was furious at this time, he realized that he could not win the opponent by fighting hard, so he immediately remembered what Guan Heng said just now, so the multi-headed basilisk changed his strategy in an instant. Start using your own skills.

"Oh!" After a light sound in midair, the multi-headed Basilisk suddenly changed itself from a solid to a transparent invisible body.

This soul demon king itself is an invisible soul-like monster, but after its strength has increased, it can solidify the entity for itself. When it was just fighting, this turned into its own fatal flaw. Therefore, the multi-headed basilisk immediately hid itself in In the dark air of the Demon Realm, he was ready to wait for the next moment and fight back.

At this time, the four giant sucker monsters lost the trace of their opponent Soul Demon King, and they were a little restless. They were lying on the ground a little overwhelmed, and they didn't have a clever thinking mode, which prevented them from a small amount of resilience.

After all, although the giant sucker monsters are not weak, they can almost tie with the multi-headed basilisk, but they still lack the courage to take the initiative to attack, but at this time, the ghost monster's ridiculous smile suddenly came out in the air. Voice: "Dead flesh bug, Uncle Basilisk will let you know how powerful I am today, and tell you that it is not only you who can do avatars. Uncle, I am better at this trick!"

The voice of the multi-headed basilisk did not fall, and I saw a squeaking sound of "噌 噌 噌, 嗤嗤嗤, 嚓嚓 嚓" in the air, and hundreds of trumpet soul monsters shrieked and screamed out. Thick black mist rushed towards the four giant sucker monsters in the swamp.

Seeing this situation, the giant suckers suddenly felt a little bad. They were trying to use the stealth to sneak into the swamp quagmire, but did not expect that dozens of soul demon have been flying around in circles, they are constantly absorbing the black gas of the magic domain. In his mouth, he suddenly spit out a beam of energy beams of flashing black light: "The magic bullet of avatar!"

"Bang, bang, bang!" The ghosts of the ghost demons are like four giant sucker monsters in a series of blasts, which suddenly made their bodies tremble, and then became stiff until they were unable to move.

"Haha, this avatar's magic bomb is not strong, but it will make you a paralyzed flesh-worm." At this time, the multi-headed basilisk showed its true meaning in the air, and it sneered: "Now it is the snake's turn Blame me, I've done a good job for you! "

"First of all, you meat bug!"

"Hoo--" The Basilisk looked at an opponent closest to itself, and suddenly wrapped in a gust of black mist, the giant sucker seemed to realize that he couldn't escape doom, and was frightened, but it was now full of body. Paralysis, it is too late to escape.


"Oh!" Nine huge snake skulls attacked the sucker from different angles, and immediately entangled the whole huge black meat bug, "Doo, doo ... poop, **** ... "

The nine snake skull giant mouths forcibly teared and crushed this clone of the giant sucker demon, and then ate it with a big mouth, devouring the sucker devil's clone, and the multi-headed basilisk cocked his head suddenly and madly exclaimed: "Oh, delicious! I feel I have absorbed some of your food! "

The other three giant sucker monsters had barely gotten rid of the general paralysis at this time. They were about to regain their strength to attack the multi-headed basilisk again, but did not expect that the fierce and powerful spirit monster king had already begun to advance the attack.

"Huh-huh!" At this time, the multi-headed Basilisk slammed into the swamp, and three huge snake skulls slammed on the muddy ground, causing countless rotten black swamp muddy water, In time, a water curtain with a height of more than ten meters gathered like a giant wave and rushed towards the remaining three giant sucker monsters!

These terrible attack methods suddenly frightened the three giant sucker monsters. In a hurry, they didn't even have time to disperse and evade, so they swarmed together to resist the scourge of waves from the raid.

"Bang! Wow!" The rotten mud of the marsh was pounding heavily on the giant sucker monster, beating them left and right, and they were at a loss for a moment.

However, this is just the "eye-blocking method" used by the multi-headed Basilisk. It has already soared to the top of the three giant sucker monsters under the cover of the mud and water waves, and then slightly trembled and bloomed, and suddenly began to quickly absorb the surrounding Magic domain black gas.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the multi-headed Basilisk has soared more than ten times. Its three largest snake skull giant mouths spread open together, suddenly condensing the surging energy surge. The next moment, the soul demon king Grow your head and growl: "Taste me this trick, the three devil snakes burst into the air !!"

This is the second time today to use the big trick of the cracked air explosion, but the multi-headed basilisk is not as tired as it was in the past, obviously because it has swallowed the flesh of a giant sucker monster, which has caused its energy base to skyrocket.

Speaking late, then, fast, the powerful cracked airburst has fallen from the sky, banging the bodies of the three giant sucker monsters, this is also the three black meat worms are gathered together to resist the attack of the mud and water waves, really It is impossible to avoid the onslaught of cracking air explosions.

—— [2016.7.20 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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