Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1469: Means of Carupa

"Oh!" The three giant sucker monsters were terribly miserable after their strokes. Their bodies have been fragmented by this basilisk's big move, but the multi-headed basilisk has not slowed down the attack speed. Zhi, the perverted self-healing means of sucker demon just now makes the multi-headed basilisk still remember.

"Huh, **** flesh bugs, I'll kill you when you're sick! This is what my master taught!" The voice didn't fall, the soul demon king had shaken the nine snake heads and rushed to the remains of the giant sucker, and in the next moment was mad The bite swallowed.

Seeing this scene, Tiki, who was watching the battle from a distance, was frightened and took a breath, she whispered, "No wonder Mr. Guan Heng, you listened to the sucker demon thing, you don't care about it, your magic pet is really amazing! "

"Hahaha, this is nothing." Guan Heng smiled slightly at this moment, and he said, "I don't know if we are making this huge movement here, will there be any notice in the magic marsh bunker? ? "

"Oh, don't worry about this," Tessie explained at this moment: "There are often huge beasts killing each other around the bunker. This kind of ringing ratchets there is just accustomed to it. It's a trivial matter. "

Hearing the other person's words, Guan Heng slightly nodded his head, and he said at the moment: "Miss Diqi, I have one thing and want to ask your opinion."

Hearing what he said, Tessie said immediately, "Mr. Guan Heng is my life-saving benefactor, and he is willing to help me and Kezan. If you have any questions, just ask me."

"Uh, that's it, I was thinking, if we just kill into the mogul bunker like this, it would be better to meet ordinary heart-biting rat warriors and rat witch sacrifice, as long as the uniform is captured ..." Guan Hengyi His eyes flickered, and he whispered, "But if you meet your father, Patriarch Carupa, what do you think we should do?"

Guan Heng's words were like a thunderbolt hitting Tiki, and the young lady of the mouse race was settled on the spot. In fact, she was constantly suffering in her heart, and I did not know how to face her vicious father.

Although the head of the Karupa family did all the bad things, he was vicious, but his father and daughter's affection was thicker than the water. Tiki hated him for sending people to kill himself and Kezan, and even did the **** of Tucun's heart. A crime, but if Tiki disposes of her father herself, she will never bear it.

"If you can't do it yourself, you can do it for you!"

Guan Hengmian was expressionless and said indifferently: "Anyway, my companion and I just passed by here, not for a long time. I did all this kind of vicious things such as killing my own daughter-in-law, conniving at the minions and slaughtering the village, and taking away the hearts of ordinary people. I ca n’t let go of the guys who come out, of course, if I want to take a shot, no one can stop it! "

After listening to Guan Heng's remarks, Tessie's heart was also pounding. At this moment, her mood was extremely complicated, and it was unthinkable for outsiders.

In fact, Guan Heng was just an irrelevant outsider, but he was willing to help Tiki and Kezan, and Guan Heng was also out of good intentions. In order to avoid the tragedy of father and daughter killing, he proposed to solve the problem of Karupa. In herself, this was also clear to Tiqi herself.

However, Tessie thought and thought, and her eyes finally became firm, so Tessie said, "Mr. Guan Heng, thank you for your kindness, but I hope to deal with my father's affairs myself. This is what I want to give to all The explanation of the three-layer abyss demons, I don't want others to do it for me. If my hands are doomed to blood, the devil's life will be harvested by my own daughter. "

"Well, you are such a strong woman." Guan Heng sighed slightly and then said, "Well, I respect your request."

At this time, the multi-headed Basilisk had swallowed up several giant suckers, and it was full in the air and said, "Uh ... uh ... Master, I have solved all the black meat bugs."

"Well, that's good." Guan Hengji nodded, and then said to Tessie, "Let's go."


A moment later, the patriarch's room in the mogul bunker.

At this moment, the burly rat patriarch Karupa was in an urgent discussion with several old elders.

"Report--" At this time, a heart-running rat warrior who stumbled into the door shouted, "Report the patriarch, the big thing is not good, Miss Tiki and a strange master bring a bunch of young adults who have been spurned. The clan has come here, please ask the patriarch to make a decision early. "

"Junk! This inverse girl is really looking for death--"

"Bang!" Calupa, who was furious, slammed the corner of the table in front of him, and then yelled with a throaty voice: "The existence of this daughter is my confidant, and I must kill her this time! ! "

"Patriarch, absolutely." At this time, a elder with white beard and white hair and a trembling figure stood up and said, "Miss Tessie is of good character. I heard she came all the way and blocked us up. The soldiers who intercepted could only kill or kill them, and they tried to persuade them to try to avoid the bloodshed of the same race. We might as well ... "

"Eh? Why not?" Carupa was now staring fiercely, staring at the elder on the opposite side, he sneered sneerly: "You say it."

"We might as well sit down and talk to Miss Tiki." The elder finally summoned the courage to persuade him: "No, the old man suggested that you abdicate and let Miss Tiki take over as the patriarch, so that's okay ..."

"Stop, you **** old thing !!!"

"Oh!" Without waiting for the elders to finish speaking, Carupa had already gone crazy like lightning, hitting the elder's heart with a punch.

"Well!" The pitiful elder erupted in a fist after he punched his head, and his breastbone collapsed at this time.

"Who dare to ask Lao Tzu to abdicate himself? This old ghost is his end!" Carupa barked like a mad dog at this moment: "Did you understand ?!"

"Uh ... this ..." Seeing the patriarch's spears killing the highly respected elders, the others were so scared that the wooden chickens were sweating coldly. Although their hearts were facing Tessie, no one dared to say.

At that moment, another soldier who rushed in hurriedly shouted: "Patriarch, it's not good, General Latour and Ruhr led the remnants desperately to stop Miss Tiki, they insisted on not surrendering, but they were moss All the unknown strong men brought by Miss Qi killed on the spot! "

"What ?!" Upon hearing this, Carupa fell into a chair with shock, Lato and Ruhr were their closest and most loyal subordinates. The two were among the best in the rat race. Once joined together, even Karupa could not compete with it, but he was easily killed by a mysterious master. This bad news came, and Carupa was completely frightened.

—— [Second more of 2016.7.20, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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