Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1492: Fire Demon (fifth more outbreak)

But these people, driven by Patriarch Bipp, walked a few hundred meters forward, and suddenly heard the strange howling sound of "Woohoo" in the air, everyone was shocked and slightly timid. Guys, at this point the legs and stomach were shaking a little.

"Why, why stop?" Although Piper also heard the crippled weird whistle, he still urged his clan to move forward. He yelled in a low voice: "What are you talking about? Don't hurry Go ahead, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

But just as Bipper blurted out, he heard a number of breaking sounds in the air, and then a tribe walking on the rock wall suddenly screamed, "Oh oh!"

It turned out that one of the fiery black shadows had already gone around this person's body in an instant. When he looked at him again, the whole body of the guy had shrunk and turned into a scary skull!

"Well, this is a 'fire demon' formed by pure black fire. Everyone flashes away." Someone suddenly recognized this demon, and suddenly shouted, "They will make the living person's blood and Energy sucks! "

"Run—" The threat of death swelled everyone, and the people carrying the white beetle shell took the lead to throw the things off their shoulders, and then they ran away in the direction they came!

"Miscellaneous things, don't run!" Biper suddenly became furious when he saw this scene, he was going to stop the people who threw down the white beetle shell, but at this moment, two crickets covered with black flames The shadow of time hit him.

With a "call", a black shadow slammed into Pipper's heart. Of course, Pipper was not the only one who was easily recruited as the head of a tribe. I saw that his body was slightly swaying, and the wings behind him immediately shook his body, producing Two strong winds flew into the black shadow.

"Bang!" Heiying's body flipped and fell, hitting the rock wall immediately, but suddenly it turned into a black smoke and disappeared. But at this moment of electric light flint, another dark shadow suddenly appeared behind Bi Pei's body, the "dancing" swirling dance, released a large number of sparks, and instantly ignited Bi Pei's wings.

"Uh ah ah-hot!" Bi Zhao of Zhongzhao almost fell forward, but at this time, those escaped Yutian Ye Mo people screamed and ran back again. It turned out that in the middle of their escape, they were surrounded by another group of more than a dozen ghostly fire demon. These guys could only escape to Biper again in panic.

"Yeah ah--"

"Oh!" In order to extinguish the flames on his back, Bi Po was compelled to helplessly, and had to crash into the rock wall himself, which stopped the fire barely.

But at this moment, Piper was not badly injured by the Fire Demon. He had a black and smoky plume on his back, almost the bones could be seen in the wound, and the flame of the Fire Demon seemed to have some unknown poison. Let his wounds continue to fester, so painful that Piper grinned at this moment, cold sweats.

"Patriarch, we are now surrounded by the Fire Demon." One of the more timid clan yelled, "What shall we do?"

"Stupid, don't speak loudly!" It was too late, and then, as soon as Bibb growled, he stretched out his hands and pinched the collar of the tribe, and then he threw him hard into the distance.


"Oh!" The screaming clan screamed, and before being able to figure out what was going on, it was already smashed into a fly ash powder by the fire demon who had been rushed over.

"Did you see?" Pippi, who was panting, whispered to the people around him. "Most of these fire spirits are blind people who can't see anything. As long as you don't make loud noises, you can be safe for a while."

After saying this, Piper's eyes suddenly flashed a bit of vicious color, and then he whispered, "I think of a way to get everyone out, but you ... and you!"

He pointed to the two people closest to him and said, "Come on, I have something to tell you to do."

When the two heard this, they suddenly felt that they were in a bad situation, but they did not dare to disobey the order of the Patriarch, so they hurried to Bi Pei.

At this time, those fire demon who were led away by Bipp's thrown people were still wandering about seven or eight meters away, and it seemed that they had not found a target to attack. Then, Piper said to the rest of the tribe: "I and the two of them stayed at the end. You immediately carried the white beetle shell to Lao Tzu and ran to the end of the cave."

When these people heard Bi Pei's words, they suddenly became embarrassed, because no one knew what unknown danger was ahead, but at this moment, Bi Pei said to the crowd, "Do you want to run forward now, or am I thrown away? I will give it to those fire demon in the back!

Everyone knew that the patriarch was cruel and ruthless, and he was helpless. The remaining five or six people finally gritted their teeth and picked up the worm shell, and ran forward desperately under Biber's indifferent eyes. Maybe their breathing and footsteps were too loud. It was harsh, and in the next second, finally those fire demon spirits heard the sound and chased quickly.

"Uh! Fire Demon is here, run away—" The shadows of the death of the two clan people near Bi Peer were approaching quickly, and suddenly wanted to get out and run, but at this moment, the sneer Bi Peer suddenly clasped their necks. : "Sorry for both of you, so you can live as a bait!"

"Bee, baw", the bodies of the two men came out of the air, and they were thrown away by Biper, who was very vicious. "Plop, plop!" They fell almost ten meters away from the left and right sides at the same time. "Dora" split into two and rushed towards the two unlucky baits.

At this moment, Bi Po stepped forward with a sneer, and took a long time to throw the series of screams behind him far away.

At this moment, a figure suddenly passed over the two piles of burned ashes. When the fire demon surrounded them, the person smiled and said, "Is the fire demon right? The flame on your body is not only spiritual, And it's full of rich, pure dark matter, which can't be wasted. "

Speaking, Guan Heng, who had already appeared, spread his palms and let the Dragon's Breath crystal sphere stop there. He saw that the sphere suddenly spun at a high speed and suddenly produced a strong suction. All the fire demon spirits were pumped out in an instant. Pull over to absorb it.

After doing all this, Guan Heng looked at the direction in which the Yutian Ye Mo people left, he slowly shook his head and said to himself: "Sacrifice the life of his family to fight for the opportunity to escape for himself, this guy named Bi Pei is quite Vicious, if he dares to do something bad for me, he will destroy him by the way. "

Having made up his mind, Guan Heng also quickened his pace, and chased in the direction of those people running away.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.24, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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