Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1493: Black Fire Pit (first)

At this time, those rushing royal night demon clan rushed for several kilometers under the leadership of Patriarch Piper, and after they had reached a safe place, these guys could not help but pant and panted. The anger gradually slowed down, and the sharp-eyed person gave a quiet glance, and suddenly found that Bibo was missing two people. They were about to ask, but their companions stopped them with their eyes.

In fact, everyone knows that the patriarch sacrificed two people just now, so that everyone can safely get away. However, for individuals, there will always be selfish feelings. Everyone does not want to talk about this matter clearly, otherwise, first Those who speak are likely to be the next victim.

In this way, everyone was frightened and walked for another few minutes in silence, and finally came to a huge deep pit. The pit was filled with high-temperature and hot black fire. Yu Migao spit fire snake.

"Okay. This is it."

When the crowds walked more than ten meters outside the deep pit, they were already blocked by the irresistible heat and couldn't take a step forward, but at this moment, Bipper's eyes only had endless greed, and he mumbled to himself. Road: "It's great. With these recent sources of the earth's black fire, I can definitely turn the lord's castle into ashes and kill all those who have a relationship with recklessness in order to resolve my hatred. ! "

"Dangdang!" The huge worm shell suddenly settled into the dust.

"Hurry up!"

At the next moment, under the command of Bipp, a group of Royal Night Demon put the huge white beetle king shell on the ground. They immediately took out the tools on their bodies and began to sculpt various mysterious patterns and Symbol, this is a unique skill of the Royal Night Devil, which can strengthen the appearance of the insect carapace, so that when the source of black fire is absorbed, the material in the carapace will not leak out.

Within a short time, the sweaty people had completed the procedures in their hands. At this time, Piper stepped forward, looked left and right, and finally nodded calmly. He took out a huge black from his arms. The magic crystal murmured in his mouth: "To provide the necessary energy for the white beetle king shell to absorb the black fire, you can only use the largest black magic crystal in the family, whether it is successful or not, One move! "

Having said that, Bipper gritted his teeth and inserted the black demon crystal in the groove of the top of the huge carapace. Then he patted it and shouted, "Come, help me absorb all the sources of black fire!" ! "

"Woohoo--" For a while, the strong winds around the white beetle's shell suddenly made the remaining Nocturne stand steadily under their feet. "Yeah!" Suddenly a bad guy broke out and screamed. Instantly was blown into the black fire pit by violent wind! !!

Everyone didn't even have time to blink their eyes. The tribe had completely disappeared and annihilated, but the source of the black fire in the pit seemed to be alive with the sacrifices, even the flames. It's a little bit more intense.

Beacon, who had both eyes shining, suddenly cried out, "It turns out that throwing a living person into it can activate the spirituality of the source of black fire ?! That's great-come!"

Speaking late, at that time, Bipper grabbed a clan's shoulders in his hand and threw him a cry into the deep pit. The clan screamed in midair: "Yeah ..."

"Oh!" The person's body was already caught in the flames, and suddenly disappeared! "Okay, next ..." Bi Bo didn't hesitate to return to catch other people, but found that the remaining people of the same family had long ago exited with a panic and panic, and he was caught empty!

"Miscellaneous things, the white beetle king shell is about to complete the state of charge and start to draw the source of black fire. How dare you do me bad at this time?" Tian shameless and vicious, Bi Pei didn't care about sacrificing the lives of many people. What he wanted were only those sources of black flames with horrific flames.

"As long as a few living people are thrown in, the source of the black fire will be absorbed by the white beetle shell." Thinking of this, Bi Pe suddenly pulled something out of his waist, and shook in the wind, suddenly Crackling!

It turned out that it was a chain hammer with a big fist and a thorny iron ball at the front end. After a while, Biper suddenly trembled his arms, and the iron chain "screamed" a slamming dance, and immediately hesitated one. The clan's waist turns several times in a row.

"Hahaha, come here for Lao Tzu!" Bi Pei pulled hard with both hands, and immediately caught this person in front of him.

"No, patriarch, forgive me--" The man's begging words for mercy just shouted, his face was already hit hard, and his head was buzzed by Beater's fist. As soon as he was thrown in the pit, the prince completely swallowed the flames without humming.

At this moment, there are only three remaining Yutianye demons, and they dare to stop there when they see this scene, and suddenly shouted in unison: "No, the patriarch is crazy, run away! Hurry! run!"

"Mixed ball, don't want to leave now!" At this moment, Biper, who had already been mad, shook his wrist, suddenly throwing his own chain hammer, and slammed one of the people who wanted to run away, and dragged him along. Come over and throw it into the fire pit without hesitation.

The remaining two were not stupid. They instantly glanced at each other and fled in two different directions. In this case, Biper could only catch one of them, and the other could have a better chance of escape.

"Oh!" The hammer-head full of thorns instantly wrapped the calf of the guy on the left, and he screamed in his heart: "It's over!"

Sure enough, this man was again thrown into the black fire pit by Biper, and the flames inside it suddenly shook suddenly, it seemed to be getting more and more irritable, it was like rushing out of the pit and raging everywhere.

At this moment, the last Yutian Ye Mozu had ran more than ten meters, and he was about to leave the attack range of the chain hammer. He couldn't help but feel secretly pleased, but there was a sudden sound of "swipe", and the oblique stab suddenly He flew a small stone, hit the kid's knee with impartiality, and suddenly he was kneeling on the ground, and then, the life-threatening chain hammer once again wrapped in a strong wind and was caught by the wind. His ankle ...

"嘭 -hoo!" The last living person was also "fed" by Piper to the increasingly fierce and fierce black fire, meanwhile, the strong wind swirling around the white beetle shell around him It also stopped abruptly, replaced by a flickering dark golden light.

"Excellent, the white beetle shell's prepared state is complete." At this moment, Pipper, who was full of madness, suddenly looked up and laughed: "Great, this is the most powerful endless black in the first abyss. The source of fire is finally owned by Biper of my Royal Night Demon Clan, hahahaha— "

—— [2016.7.25 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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