Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1497: Spring Eye Shortcut (fifth more outbreak)

"Hey! Hey!" I stunned a bit with the weapon of the opponent. The horizontal dragon's blade turned like a lightning bolt of lightning. In an instant, the flames of the dragon's breath swept two chops together: "Look at this ! "

"Uh yeah-hi!" In the low roar, the ice prisoner held his huge blade and tried his best to block the horizontal cut, but he did not expect that the opponent's blade was like an anthrax of bones. Panning along the giant blade, the slightly devious work of the ice **** has already split on the arm of the ice giant.

"Hey!" The wrist of the ice **** fell off. Just when this guy wanted to take a gourd-like approach and use the surrounding snow and ice elements to help himself recover, Guan Heng suddenly laughed: "Now it's too late to want the hand to grow out. It's up! "

Just between the electric light and flint, the dragon's tooth blade in Guan Hengzhang flashed coldly, and dozens of hot dragon breath swords have been wrapped in the mighty Wuhan's mighty power. "The black ice giant blade in the palm of the ice **** was smashed in time, and the remaining knife energy was channeled into it.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh one but one feels fiercely burning inside my huge body! The Devil of Ice Jail just screamed and burst in mid-air, countless ice debris scattered all over the sky, right there. At this time, Guan Heng had already seen a group of spirit cores shaking slightly in the frost, and then hurried to the distance.

"This is the core of the spirit of the ice hell? Never let it go!" Guan Heng's eyes were like a torch, and he immediately looked at the other person's direction of escape, and suddenly released his ghost ghost: "Go on, catch it!"

The speed of swallowing the beast was really fast, but it was just the time to breathe, and the core of the spirit body had been intercepted by the volley. Before the other party turned around and turned around, the beast opened its mouth and suddenly bit it. It's up.

A few seconds later, Guan Heng had turned the core of the spirit of the ice prison into a soul stone. He threw the object in his hands twice, thinking to himself: "The former got the soul stone of the fire demon, and now he has ice again. These two guys can be regarded as the strongest combination of fire and ice in the abyss of the demon. If you can use them to replace the ice and fire dragon soulstone on the dragon's blade, it will definitely increase its power. "

"Just wait for Kufa to wake up and discuss it with him." After making up his mind, Guan Heng had begun to read the memory fragments in the soul stone of the ice prison.

Sure enough, Guanheng expected that this ice **** has been inhabiting the penultimate layer of the abyss for thousands of years. It has already become a climate. Its ice and snow power can cover almost the entire area. Therefore, hurricanes scream and snow and ice rag all year round. Leaving the rest of the species off almost all living conditions.

"So, after I destroy that ice hell, is it possible to improve the climate here?" At this moment, Guan Heng murmured to himself: "Reluctantly to do a good thing, it should be exaggerated Boast of yourself. "

At this time, Guan Heng read another useful message from the soul stone's memory: "Huh? The hidden space gap leading to the next floor was found under the eyes of the largest hot spring here."

After a moment, Guan Heng came to the hot spring's eyes and looked at the hot spring overflowing by the pool. Guan Heng slightly shook his head and smiled, "Well, I have to wear clothes to soak in the hot spring this time."

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng jumped forward and fell into the hot spring with a bang. After entering the water, Guan Heng discovered that the space below was quite wide. Dragging away, finally found a narrow slit about several meters long at the bottom of the hot spring pool.

"Here it is." Guan Heng looked at the position, and swam over without hesitation. Sure enough, in the moment approaching the gap, he disappeared.


The next moment, Guan Heng only felt that his body was falling from a high place. This time he was experienced. He yelled for a moment, hit the ground with a punch, and immediately used this inertia to swell in the air. Leaped and landed.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Guan Heng found that the penultimate layer of the abyss seems to be shrouded with a layer of gray and dirty mist all year round. These things are not only abnormally pungent, but also greatly reduce visibility.

"Now that you are here, let the Basilisk come out to see your hometown." Thinking of this, Guan Heng immediately released the soul demon king in his palm: "Hey, Basilisk, now you have reached your hometown."

"Hoo--" 多 The multi-headed Basilisk, who appeared in mid-air, felt unusually familiar with the surrounding environment, and immediately exclaimed, "Haha, it really is the hometown of my old snake. This familiar taste, haha ​​... 呸呸Alas ... still so bad! "

Speaking of the last sentence, the multi-headed Basilisk seemed to be a bit uncomfortable with the smell here, and said a little awkwardly: "I probably stayed in the fresh air for too long, but now I'm a bit uncomfortable here."

"Well, don't talk about that." Guan Heng asked at this time: "Basilisk, since this is your hometown, then you should know how to go to the next level, which is the lowest level abyss?"

"Well ... the little servant doesn't know it at all!" The multi-headed basilisk immediately answered honestly: "I used to be just a muddy, unsophisticated little spirit demon. Although familiar with most of the geography of this area, it is really not Know how to get to the bottom. "

"Well, I really didn't expect you to help." At this moment, Guan Heng sighed, took out Herkinson's notes again, and said, "Fortunately, I still have a book that can provide information. Information booklet. "

Do la la flipping through this note, after a while, Guan Heng looked up and said: "Well, to find a way to the lowest level, but it is really weird ... Going to the lowest level abyss requires such complicated steps ?"

It turned out that in the penultimate layer of the abyss, there was no gap in the space to the lowest level. At least the Demon Pioneers led by the three brothers of Pawn were not found at that time, but those people found a place where the space was relatively weak.

The three Pawn brothers and their companions found a very destructive thing in the abyss of this floor, and used it to blast a fleeting space gap, and went to the bottom of the abyss, but this was also the back Tracking down their demons robbers provided a way, and so did the other side as the pioneers passed by.

It turns out that in this uninhabited abyss where the soul demon inhabits, there is another extremely scary creature-Capricorn.

The name of the Capricorn was taken by the pioneers. This strange and fierce Warcraft body is flat and large, just like a table surface. They do not have limbs and usually hide in the sand to wait for the opportunity.

However, the edge of the skin of the Capricorn's body is extremely sharp, and it is easy to smash anything passing by. In the penultimate layer of the abyss, they are the only beasts who dare to fight the soul demon.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.25, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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