Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1498: Capricorn fierce (first)

Despite their fierce personality, Capricorns always adhere to the single life habit of the recipe. They will not easily attack the remaining species, but will only prey on individual species of beasts and demons in the sand.

However, this kind of "deep-dwelling and simple-out" maggots have a special function. Their outer skins are wrapped tightly with a small amount of black magic crystals, and they can be smashed by firing and throwing them to break the weak space barriers.

The three Pawn brothers unintentionally discovered the feature of the Capricorn, so they led their companions to capture a Capricorn, and used its outer skin to make a tool that blasted the space barrier and led to the next level.

After reading these things recorded in Herkinson's notes, Guan Heng shook his head slightly and frowned: "Well, it's really troublesome, but in order not to waste time, I can only try this."

After making up his mind, Guan Heng asked the soul demon king: "Basilisk, do you know where you can find such things as" magic monster "in this area?"

"Capricorn ?! It seems like some impression."

At this moment, the multi-headed basilisk shook his head for a few seconds, and then hesitated and said, "Master, I vaguely remember that things like magic wands seem to live in the dunes north of the penultimate abyss, but you What are they going to do? Those things are so fierce that they often come out of the sand to make sudden attacks, and even our spirit demon is not willing to provoke them. "

Having said that, the multi-headed Basilisk paused a bit, and then continued to say: "Because of the hard and abnormal flat body of the Capricorn, there is no trace of flesh. We don't like to eat it. In addition, these Capricorns seem to capture the soul monster. The body ’s movements attacked, so the soul demon will go around the road when he sees an alien beast like this.

"It's you who detoured, but not me." Guan Heng laughed at this moment: "I'm not afraid of them, but you have to hurry me to the habitat of Capricorn, I intend to catch a few and use them."

"Okay, the little servant is dispatched by the owner." The multi-headed Basilisk agreed and immediately flew up to the sky with Guan Heng using the dragon flying technique, and had its way, Guan Heng soon came to the sand dunes where the magpies inhabited. .

As the site of many Capricorn activities, they are unbridled here, and there are no natural enemies here, so many Capricorns lie in the sand, leaving their front halves outside for a leisurely slug. Looking at those guys who were flat and barbed at the edges, Guan Heng smiled in the air: "It turned out that the magic puppet looks like this, it's really extraordinary."

"Master, please stop for a moment on the towering huge rock in front of you." At this moment, the multi-headed basilisk said obediently and diligently: "The little servant went to attract the captors, so that the host could catch them easily. "

"Okay, then it's up to you." Guan Heng simply sat on his knees on a huge rock and sat cross-legged. He relaxed and said, "Attract as many as possible. I want to pick the biggest one."

"Observe." The soul demon king promised, and suddenly swept towards the sand dunes below, saying slowly, then, at that time, the multi-headed basilisk deliberately flying around in mid-air, causing a lot of wind pressure, and immediately made those monsters Gray-faced and embarrassed.

"Squeak--" The annoying hissing sounds were disturbed by the Basilisks who had disturbed Anning for no reason. At this moment, just listening to the sound of "嗤", a Capricorn suddenly came out of the sand dunes. Spilled out of the land, launched two rows of sharp teeth and bite fiercely at the soul demon king flying low in the air.

"Haha, now I'm not the old snake. I'm going to play with you. You should go to the owner." Facing the captor that rushed over, the multi-headed Basilisk "chirped" disappeared in front of the other party. Because of the unstoppable momentum, he flew straight to the rock where Guan Heng sat.

"Hahaha, come here well, this is the first one." Guan Heng shook his finger without hesitation at this time, "Oh!" A dragon's breath flame ball suddenly broke into the huge mouth opened by the magic wand, "Boom!" The blazing dragon flames burned wildly in the Capricorn, instantly burning its belly completely.


"Patter!" At the next moment, the body of the Capricorn with a black plume of smoke fell into Guan Heng's hand unbiased. Guan Heng rolled it into a roll and placed it beside him. He also exclaimed: "The snake Strange, you did a good job.

"Haha, the master is praising my old snake." With the encouragement of Guan Heng, the soul demon king was working hard this time, and then he once again attracted three captives to Guan Heng himself. In front of him, Guan Heng burned his belly with the fire of dragon's breath and died. Guan Heng smiled and accepted the skin of several magical magpies.

"Well, it seems that these are enough." Guan Heng glanced at the four magical skins around him, and he murmured in his heart: "To explode the weak barriers in space, there are these skins and then wrapped in black Magic Crystal.

Should be able to achieve satisfactory results. "But when Guan Heng wanted to greet the multi-headed basilisk to retreat, unexpected changes took place!

At this moment, I saw a huge mound suddenly bulging in the dunes not far away, and in an instant, the thing was limping on the way, and then came out and went straight to the multi-headed basilisk in the air.

"Uh? Another one ... Yeah !!! How so big--" The multi-headed Basilisk attracted the other side to Guan Heng, but was suddenly frightened by the size of this Capricorn because of this Capricorn It is too big and borderless, and has rushed out of the soil, and there is a tendency to cover the sky and cover the sun!

Just a little bit of God's work with the multi-headed Basilisk, the huge and boundless Capricorn had already rushed in front of it. I saw the air around the Capricorn crackling in a hurry, and Guan Heng suddenly shouted in the back: " Basilisk, be careful, that guy can release a current-like attack! "

Guan Heng reminded him that this time was very timely, because at the next moment, the multi-headed Basilisk had quickly pulled up and flew out of the tens of meters away, and the power of the Capricorn was suddenly burst out, Immediately let the surrounding range of ten meters make a loud noise: "Bang Bang Bang-"

The tiny electric snake in the air kept fluttering and chasing. After seeing too many snakes, they suddenly took a breath: "It's dangerous, if the owner reminds me, I must not be able to avoid being caught by the electricity, uh, although I'm not very afraid The electrical attack, but it will definitely paralyze if it is shocked. "

At this time, by a mighty momentum, the magical urns that released the electric current out of the dune drums, suddenly made a roundabout in the air, and finally fell back to the ground. Within a short time, the dust was flying and the smoke was diffused. Those smaller maggots When he made a squeaking noise, he got into the soil and fled away.

"It seems that this is the 'king' of the entire Capricorn family." At this moment, Guan Hengyang said, "Basilisk, you can't deal with its current attack, let me do it."

—— [2016.7.26 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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