Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1499: King of Power

"Yes, thank you for the trouble with the Lord ’s body-dressing of the servant." Upon hearing this, the soul demon king had a pardon of heavenly grace, and a "call" had moved his body behind Guan Hengshen, and he hid in hiding.

"Hey, I just don't know what you can make out of the Colossus King's skin." Guan Heng looked at the Colossus King who was still wandering around at the foot of the rock and looked at himself and waited for opportunity. A smile flickered across the corner of his mouth: "Then I'll come."

"Oh!" It was too late, and then, Heng Heng's figure disappeared into place immediately, and he fell on the sand dunes in the next second. The devil king saw his opponent approaching him and sent him to the door. Immediately wrapped in a mighty fierce majesty, he was about to rush at him.

"Say hello to you first!" "Bang!" Guan Heng waved his fist and blasted out in the wind, hitting the head of the Devil King, suddenly hitting his shape and suddenly falling back to the ground.

"Squeak-hiss!" The first attack was blocked but he was suffocated. The hissing Devil King was immediately furious. It was the king of this dune land. Common creatures saw its huge body. Lest he be able to avoid it, he never expected that today, Guan Heng came with a multi-headed basilisk, killing its descendants one after another, and Han provoked the king's dignity.

At the next moment, the wrathful and enraged Capricorn King suddenly shook his body violently and began to stand ready, which was the prelude to the fierce move!

"Are you going to use electric shock again?" Guan Heng's eyes flickered suddenly at the moment, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "After many years of training, this devil king has also realized some unknown sharp killers. Let me try your power! "

"Oh!" In the next second, the dragon's teeth and double-edged blades on Guan Heng's shoulders had suddenly emerged from the sheath, and they had already been ready for the battle.

Speaking late, then, soon, the enchanted king Wang Li, who had completed his energy, suddenly yelled, "Squeak!"

"Crap! Boom!" For a short time, a hundred-meter-long blast of electricity broke out from the fierce and violent eruption around Demon King's body, and swept across Guan Heng in a blink of an eye!

"Good time!" At this moment, Guan Heng also soared the dragon's breath power to the extreme, and suddenly, in the roar, the double-edged cloak was cut off: "Break me!"

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!" The power of the current is not enough, but it is not as long as the origin of the Dragon Breath of the Dark Dragon Lord. The two sides fought fiercely for a few seconds, and ended up in defeat. At the end of the game, Guan Heng's savage cut off the electric currents and smashed them.

"It's your turn now!" Guan Hengzhang suddenly stretched out a hand, gathered the power of the flames of the dragon's breath, and "screamed" and immediately flew away!

The flame of Dragon Breath condensed into a round sphere in an instant, and plunged into the mouth of the Capricorn King with a thunderbolt. In the next second, the smoke of the Capricorn King rolled out, and it suddenly hurt. So that it fell down and screamed and kept rolling on the ground.

"Well, how powerful the flame of Dragon Breath is, waiting for your final result, that is, all the parts in the belly are burned to ashes." At this moment, Guan Heng had already returned the Dragontooth Blade into the scabbard, and he could not reach him. As expected, only between the few breaths, the Devil King has issued the final fierce misery, and his whole body trembled and he would not move!

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh-, at the moment, the head of the corpse king's corpse gathered a beast soul spirit body instantly, and there was a faint little crackling electric snake.

"Haha, the beast soul of the demon king, this is a thing full of infinitely powerful thunder and lightning power, it belongs to me." Guan Heng thought of this and immediately drove the devouring beast to capture the beast soul back, and it became instantly The soul stone of Capricorn King.

"Catch it!" The next moment, Guan Heng removed the "six-toed golden frog king soul stone" inlaid on the dragon's blade, and put the magic soul king soul stone in, and muttered in his mouth: "Magic How much better is the power of Wang Hunshi than that of the Golden Frog King? "

Speaking of it, Guan Hengyu suddenly let the surface of the dragon's blade be covered with a layer of magical power. Just listening to the crackling, the electric snake disk around the dragon's blade was scurrying, and the dazzling anomalous blade surged to nearly ten. Far away!

As Guan Heng carefully observed the disease-causing knife mang in his hand, the multi-headed basilisk behind him suddenly shouted: "Master pays attention, an external enemy is coming!"

"What ?!" Guan Heng was startled, hurriedly turned around to take a closer look, and saw dozens of turquoise and dwarf monsters flying suddenly in the sky, embarrassed, rough wrinkles piled up on his face, a pair of ugly monsters Looks like, but these guys have bat-like membrane wings on their backs and fly very fast.

"唰 唰 唰 ——" Seven or eight turquoise monsters suddenly stretched out their two front paws, and immediately gathered a dark energy ball, and then flew towards Guan Heng fiercely.

"Dare to take the initiative to provoke me to find death—" The dragon's tooth blade in Guan Hengzhang just gathered the thunderbolt blades, and he did not hesitate to split the bladeless blades in the roar: "Give me a tiger, kill !!! "

The terrifying thunderbolt wrapped in endless destruction and madly rushed towards those monsters. Their dark energy **** did not attack Guan Heng, but they were thrown in front of him. When the energy ball exploded on the ground, it was instantly The eruptive atmosphere erupted, forming a petrified wall over ten meters high.

"Bang—Boom!" Guan Heng's thunderbolt was chopped on the stone wall, and he was instantly smashed. The turquoise monsters, which were beyond their control, were too late to dodge, and were instantly twisted into Blood red debris flying in the sky!

However, at this moment, the multi-headed Basilisk screamed again and hurled towards Guan Heng's side, and it also shouted: "These guys are 'Flying Wing Stone Wings', and their target is the Corpse King's body! ! "

"What ?! How dare you hit your prey on these prey, these ugly and weird are so brave!" At this moment, Guan Heng realized that it was the other party's voice that struck the West, and those flying wing stone sacrifice a few The companion successfully opened up Guan Heng's idea, and the other dozens flew to the corpse of the Demon King in an instant, and grabbed it into the air with enthusiasm.

Don't look at these ugly flying wing stone urns, which are not astonishing in appearance, but they are full of brute force. A dozen stone urns together, they can quickly lead the maggot king to fly away to the distance.

"The outer skin of the Capricorn King, Lao Tzu is very useful. How can you take it away ?!" Guan Heng, who saw this scene, suddenly became furious, so he flew up in the air with Dragon Flying and chased him away: "Even if you flee to the sky, I will grab you and tear them up, and recapture the Lord of the Magi."

Although the flying wing stone magpies are amazing in speed, they still have to fly continuously with the heavy and huge Capricorn King, and they can't help but be chaotic. Finally, they were caught by Guan Heng when flying out of kilometers. At this moment, Guan A faint flash of light flashed across his eyes: "Junk stuff, you're ready to come!"

—— [Second more of 2016.7.26, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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