Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1503: End of the Abyss (first)

But at this moment, Guan Heng had discovered a series of looming and distant mountains rising up into the clouds. In his mind, a flash of lightning suddenly passed by, and he suddenly cried out, "That's ... the ancient devil's remains?!"

The reason why Guan Heng would recognize the mountains formed by the remains of the devil is that he saw the appearance of the rolling hills very familiar, which is very similar to the huge body of the dragon **** Ganeso previously seen in the different space of the dragon tomb. .

"Well, it really has a fight with the dragon body of Ganeso." At this moment, Guan Heng murmured with wide eyes: "Is the figure of the ancient three gods so powerful?"

"Well, but the figures of humans and demons are almost worse than mine." A tone of accent suddenly sounded in Guan Heng's mind, and he suddenly scared him: "Ganesha? Why do you suddenly Woke up?"

"Uh, that's the case. You idiot, you don't know what weird abilities you used, and even transferred yourself to the abyss of the Demon Realm, knowing that what I hate the most is the dark area of ​​the Demon Realm."

The dragon **** Ganesha slowly said at this time: "And the dragon's breath crystal in Zunjia immediately entered the demon domain, and immediately began to absorb a lot of black gas frantically, and it also wanted to devour me again, in order to resist its Intrusive, I also pulled Kufa as a helper, but it hasn't woke up now because of excessive fatigue. "

Having said this in one breath, Ganesha paused for a moment, and then continued to say, "Fortunately, I tried to stop the dark dragon's crystals from violently leaving, so this time I finally settled the trouble with no surprise. , And I seem to have realized that there is a way to integrate it with each other. "

After hearing this, Guan Heng hurriedly asked, "What do you mean?"

"It's like what I mean literally." Ganniso said with a grin, "In fact, when you last stopped the starburst crisis, you have initially learned to combine the two powers of light and darkness, but only because Unskilled, it has no small sequelae. "

"The reason why I have been asleep after you entered the abyss of the Demon Realm is because I am always using my power of the Dragon God to‘ synchronize ’with the Crystal of Dark Dragon Breath.”

At this moment, Ganeso explained: "Only when my Light Dragon God and Dark Dragon Breath are jointly output, can you use the power of light and darkness perfectly, do you understand? We both, a little more than anyone , A little less, it's impossible, and I can't stand the bad smell of black gas in the surrounding magic domain, so I have been snoring, haha. "

At this time, Guan Heng touched his chin and asked, "According to you, I can really use the two" Dragon Powers "of light and darkness right?"

"It can be understood, but I want to warn you that the power of the dragon of light and darkness is fierce, and it is not easy to control as you want, and it may also affect the mind of the user." Ganezo commanded solemnly : "So you'd better mainly use a single light dragon **** power or dark dragon breath power, don't step over the border easily, otherwise, I'll take care of you again."

"You really mean it, okay, I've made a note of it." Guan Heng said here and suddenly turned the word forward, he asked with a somewhat playful tone: "How? See the old demon god's body Remains, is it quite emotional? "

"Special! Lao Tzu sighed!" After Ganesha sweared, he said discouragedly: "Lao Tzu just feels worthless for the devil."

Speaking of this, Ganesha suddenly fell silent for a few seconds, and then slowly continued to say: "To be honest, Lao Tzu still admired the devil guy. Originally, the three ancient gods of ancient times were the earliest ancient people who came to this land Descendants of God, everyone is a right-tempered friend. "

"However, in the end, you fell out of love for some reason and started tearing each other." At this moment, Guan Heng seemed to be deliberately exposing the scars of the dragon god, and he said with a smirk: "I remember that the devil finally treated you and people and gods. Sold. "

After saying this, Guan Hengman thought that the dragon **** would be furious and angry, but he did not expect that Ganesha slowly said, "By the way, it is a long time ago, even if it is It's no use to hate him, it's also time for me to put aside this complete resentment. "

"At that time, the devil was a genius. Compared with me, who only likes to fight and cause trouble, sleep and sleep, and the foolish **** who provokes romantic debt everywhere, the devil is just immersed in the study of all things in the universe In the middle, it looks like an old scholar, hehe. "

Having said that, Ganesha couldn't help but smile: "But everyone will get together for a short period of time during the year, during those years, drinking and talking unhappy, for us, it was also an extremely precious friendship at that time. The years, but later, I do n’t know who was infected by the darkness ... Let us start to kill each other like mad, eh. "

"Well, I said you don't have to be emotional. If you want to hang an old friend, I will take you there now." At this moment, Guan Heng stretched his arms and said, "I have to find someone quickly, from his hand Got two pieces. "

Because Ganesha had not been awake, Guan Heng told the dragon **** everything he had seen all the way in the abyss of his demon domain, and then mentioned the bottom purpose of coming to the abyss.

"So, you want to find Paine's second brother-Reckless, right?" Ganezo said to flying with Dragon Surge at this time: "The boy is now sent here by Lord Paine Is it to guard the remains of the ancient deities? "

"Yes, that recklessness is really unlucky. Not only has the third brother died recently, but his only young son has also been violent because of the illness." Guan Heng smiled and said, "If you think about it, if I take these Everything tells him, will he be furious directly ?! "

"It makes sense, it makes sense." Ganesha couldn't help but grinned and said, "Haha, that's the real` `bloodless sword ''."

"Well, it's not far ahead. Someone is running fast?" Guan Heng looked down from the air, and he found a group of magic soldiers with blades constantly at his feet, running away in the direction he was going.

"These guys may be reckless followers." Guan Heng whispered to himself: "It would be better to follow the past and save myself the trouble to find it again. This group of boys is just the way to go."

In this way, Guan swept through the air and flew low, hiding his body as much as possible, and by the way, he raised his ears to listen to the other person's conversation.

Within a few seconds, a gasping demonic soldier couldn't help slowing his pace. He exclaimed, "Master Guard, can you rest for a while? Brothers can't stand it!"

—— [2016.7.27 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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