"No, Lord Lord's situation is getting worse these two days." At this time, the stature of the sturdy demon guard turned back and said, "He deliberately set us apart today to get things, what is expected to be? It changed abnormally, we must hurry back! "

"This ... well, listen to you." The half-dead demonic soldier opened his mouth, finally answered with a discouraged attitude, and ran away silently.

At this moment, following the relationship of these people in the dark, he felt that the dialogue just now was a little strange, and he secretly said, "Master Lord ... it should be reckless, but the situation is getting worse. What exactly does that mean?"

Although Guan Heng's suspicion was getting worse, he decided to wait until he found the recklessness together. In this way, the small group of magic soldiers ran forward in front of him, and Guan Heng followed in an unhurried and unhurried manner, this person All ran to the foot of a towering mountain.

"Bang!" A few people just ran over, and heard a loud noise, and then a black shadow sprayed a big red mist, and fell directly to the crowd!

"Ah ?! It's the deputy captain!" Seeing the thoracic spine collapsing, his already dead companion, the captain of the guard suddenly changed his face suddenly, he said anxiously, "No, the savage master is angry again. He was found! "

The demon soldiers who heard the words were so scared that they wanted to escape, but at this moment it was too late.

"Huh-huh!" A rushing shadow flew into the crowd in an instant, "Roar!" I saw this man wave his fists and kick in the rage, without hesitation, he landed on the magic soldier. Body.

All of a sudden, the crowd suddenly screamed again and again, the assaulted person's heavy punches, attacking the shadowless cymbals and wrapping up the strong wind, it was "dead by death, bumping to death", the demons' bones were broken and their mouths were sprayed with red, constantly falling Then, the captain looked stunned and finally shouted, "Lord Lord, please stop!"

"Yeah!" The voice didn't fall, and the guard's long rib under his sword suddenly broke out of his sheath and suddenly broke through. The goal was the opponent's back heart.

However, the black shadow just stretched out its huge palm and scooped it backwards. He immediately held the sword in his hand, and clicked with a crisp sound. The sword had been staggered into several pieces, and the black shadow held the sword. After that, he didn't hesitate any more, and immediately punched out with a punch: "Hoo--bang!"

"Uh!" The guard's fist in the heart, the armour smashed the sternum and recessed halfway, and suddenly swallowed a red mist. He pointed at the other side, struggling and said, "You are so fierce, you ... you are so fierce s method!"

"Tongtong!" The voice did not fall, and the head guard fell to the ground again with a thick blood spray, and died tragically.

"Roar-oh!" The first layer of the abyss lord and Pawn's second brother recklessly shook their hands with blood at this time. His head-up madness was like a madness, and Guan Heng looked in the dark and felt it was dark. Surprised, he thought, "This recklessness will kill all of his men. Is it because you have lost your heart?"

At this moment, the reckless body shook his burly body suddenly and rushed forward, but he flinched without any hesitation, and banged his head at the foot of the mountain in front: "Boom! Wow!"

The recklessness was mad at this time. Although his power was amazing, his head hit the mountain wall was bloody, but the recklessness was in madness at this time, but he didn't care about his face. In a blink of an eye, he was again Shaking his head and bumping into it, for a time, the flesh skull and the solid mountain wall repeatedly collided.

"Crazy, really mad!" Guan Heng shook his head at this moment and sighed. He said, "It's a good person, how can you become a lunatic without any knowledge?"

"Bang!" The savage **** head bumped his head against the mountain wall again, but at this moment, the big man suddenly roared, instead of stopping his slap and beating his cheek, he yelled loudly: "Damn thing, come out for me, come out—"

The recklessness shouted inexplicably, Guan Heng didn't know what he meant, but it is certain that the recklessness was not blindly involuntarily crazy, he should be controlled by something.

As soon as the roar of the savages fell, I saw the mountain stone wall in front of him that had been hit countless times, and the play suddenly shook, and suddenly a crack broke, and then a large black mist suddenly burst out. The stone cracked and turned into a powerful force, and suddenly surrounded the recklessness, and then he tied a strong.

"Strange, I'm familiar with the power of this black gas." Guan Heng's brain suddenly remembered the voice of Ganesha. After a moment's pause, the dragon **** suddenly cried out, "This is the momentum of the ancient devil. Is that black power? Qi is his remnant? "

"Isn't the ancient devil dead?" Guan Heng, who heard the words, was shocked, and he hurriedly asked, "Dragon, is it really the devil that grasps the reckless capital now?"

"Nonsense, I have known the devil for countless years, and I am not familiar with his breath." Ganesha said angrily, at this time the recklessness captured by the black power was extremely irritable, and he roared and struggled in place. Suddenly, a powerful force broke out, smashing the black gas that bound him.

However, this action suddenly surprised Dragon God. He hesitated and said, "It's really strange. The power that erupted in this person seems to belong to the demon. Why do these two powers that belong to the devil fight together?"

"Why are you talking upside down?" Guan Heng complained angrily at this time: "I can't hear my mind."

"I, I don't know ..." Ganesha couldn't justify for a while, and suddenly fell into an awkward silence.

But at this moment, the mouth, nose, mouth and mouth of the reckless capital suddenly flew out a dark red mist, and the sound of "唰 唰 唰" suddenly converged in mid-air, forming a sharp contrast with that black gas. .

But the dark red mist was more revealing with an extremely dangerous and evil breath, which seemed to be fierce three-pointers than the black gas, and the reckless capital lost the control of the red mist and suddenly fell to the ground, as if it were all breath No, I don't know if I died.

In the next second, the black mist and the red mist turned out to be inconsistent, turning into two voluptuous imaginary shadows, both of which are general appearances. The appearance of the old demons with a clear face, a long-distance running hood, and hands down Despising each other, only, the old man of the Demon Clan transformed into red mist, with the cunning and wicked fierce man's eyes constantly flashing in his eyes.

"Well, do you still want to stop me today?" The old Red Mist smiled sharply at this moment, and he used the thin index finger to point at the other side: "You haven't stopped my escaping for many years, now , Even more dreamy! "

The black misty old man said sinkingly like water: "Huh, you are just a congregation of evil thoughts in my lifetime. Why is it so arrogant?"

—— [2016.7.27 second, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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