Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1508: Glen Ambush (first)

"Cuck it, click it!" The first two demons who rushed over were hit by the ice crystal cannon and the frozen arrow at the same time, and they suddenly froze.

"Waste, get away from me—"

Behind them was a grumpy Demon Giant. He suddenly yelled with his fists and banged out two fists. He instantly beat two frozen companions to pieces and broken them. The ice flakes filled the sky and blocked Tingsi. With the sight of He Xuexue, it can be seen that the opponent shot fiercely, regardless of the life and death of the companion.

"Kill--" Seeing that Xuexue and Ting Si were a little stunned, the Demon Strong Han suddenly slammed his fist in the roar, the target was Ting Si's petite body, and he vowed to beat it to bone Broken ribs!

"Don't want to hurt my sister!" A large sword rolled in the oblique stab, and the wind rushed down suddenly, without any bias on the opponent's arm, listening only to the loud noise of "Dangji", the arm of the Demon Giant trembled, and suddenly mad "Go!"

"Bang!" The opponent's cross arm smashed on the big sword. Seraki felt only a strong surge, and then he stood back and forth three or four steps before he stood firm. It turned out that the demon giant had a pair on his wrist. The thick gold bracers, Seraki's epee is also sharp, leaving a long and narrow trace on it.

Seeing this scene, the Demon Giant suddenly felt shocked: "I can hardly hurt the sword with the fine gold wristband, which shows that the boy has a sharp sword in his hand."

When the bald old man found these helpers before, they paid a lot of money, so this group of guys were like crazy dogs who met flesh and bones, and they attacked Seraki madly without fear of death.

"This big sword, I want it!" The Demon Giant is one of the best hired killers in the group. He saw Seraki's great sword destroying his Adamantite Bracers, and was very angry. There was greed for treasure.

It is a pity that the sky is unsuccessful. Seraki sees a strong enemy looking around at this time. If you continue to delay, everyone is in danger, so you yell and desperately!

"The dragon is slashing with mad energy!" The big sword in his palm gave a fierce blow, and the offensive was immediately wrapped in the wind and rushed directly to the enemy that was close at hand. The demon giant saw this terrible slash. , Unavoidably, immediately crossed his arms in front of him: "Roar-come on!"

"Bang! Click!" There have been cracks in the Adamantite Bracers before, of course, at this time, Seraki can no longer resist the full force of the slash, and finally broke in the crisp sound. Let's brush down: "Slam!"

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it was a pain in the Devil Giant, shaking his two bare wrists, and he was violently retreating, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that his eyes were black, and there was a blood basin. His mouth was biting his head with impartiality.

The one who opened the mouth to bite the other was the Xuexue beast that stretched out his head in a gap, and saw that its upper and lower jaws closed instantly, and immediately ate the giant man's head into his mouth, then swallowed and swallowed.

At this moment, Seraki, Tingsi, and Xunxue Beast have gathered back to back, constantly fighting hard with the demons who are surrounded, and killing frantically. Xunxue Beast is strong and strong with his scale armor. It was huge, so the two behind him blocked most of the damage. Ting Si waited for the opportunity to release the ice-based magic beside the snow beast, and Seraki also took advantage of the gap to kill the enemy.

For a while, the killers couldn't get in, and the bald old man commanding next to him was mad and scolded: "Waste, even two people and one beast can't be solved, and dare to ask Lao Tzu for high rewards, you useless buckets!"

"Hey!" At this point, the bald old man who fluttered his feathers could no longer hold his anger in his heart, and his angry head shouted, "Damn thing, Lao Tzu will tear you to pieces!"

"Come out, bloodthirsty crows, kill me all !!!" It was late, then fast, and the feathers of the bald old man swelled without wind automatically. In time, they saved hundreds of squeaked beak birds. The raptors suddenly showed their claws, dived madly down from the air, and went straight towards the brothers and sisters of Seraki and the snow beast.

"Dangerous, Seraki hastened to protect Ting Si!"

Seeing the black pressure of a bloodthirsty demon crow rushing, Xue Xueju immediately turned his huge body and tried to protect the brothers and sisters of Seraki, but in a blink of an eye, the demon crows flying directly Divided into two strands, "Dola" fluttered around the Snow Beast and showed his sharp claws towards the unsuspecting Seraki brothers and sisters.

"Ting Si-Hurry up!" Between the flashes of light, Seraki saw a hissing bloodthirsty crow rushing at his sister, and he was furious and chopped his sword at the other side: "Go to death Come on! "

"Hello!" The strange crow's body was instantly split into two in the air, and the big red haze and black feathers soared into the air at once, but at this moment, a fast dark shadow passed by Seraki, just like steel. The claw-like claws stretched out of the air, and a squeak sounded to Seraki's eyes.

"Eh ?!" Seeing that the other party was violently attacking, Seraki suddenly raised his head to hide in order to avoid blindness. "Oh!" The action was slightly slower for half a beat, and a narrow scar with visible bones suddenly appeared on his forehead! "

"It hurts ..." The blood rushing out of the wound blinded his eyes. Seraki's eye could hardly be seen, but to protect his sister, he was still fighting hard with his sword, and he could only hear in his ear. The low snoring sound of Ting Si casting magic, and the roar of Wu Xue Beast have sounded a terrible voice.

"Don't be idle by others, I'm not asking you to come here to watch the excitement!" At this moment, even though he saw his overwhelming advantage, the bald old man still shouted sternly: "Give me up, Listen, I do n’t want to catch it alive, it all gives me chaos! ”

"Who dares to act wildly ?!"

"Bang!" At this moment, the two front hoofs of Wu Xueshou suddenly stomped on the ground, and it roared suddenly: "The snow storm scattered flying scales!"

"Oh!" Only moments later, the scales on the snow beast's body flickered quickly, and the wind was twirling wildly in the air. In the next second, the edge was like a thin sharp scale turning cold and flashing, and the bloodthirsty crow who was waiting in mid-air opportunistically decapitated his head, causing these flocks to scream and fall.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" My bald old man saw his subsequent killer slain by half of the snow monster at this time, and suddenly he was so angry that his blood filled his eyes with tears, and he yelled, "All the magic Crow listen to the order, all lift off, use magic attacks! "

"呱 quaquaga——" The remaining demons that were fortunate and unharmed swept up, and at the same time, they all changed significantly. I saw the black gas in the magical field in the air gathered together in a blink, forming With a huge and incomparable virtual image of the devil bird, it looks like an incomparable one!

—— [2016.7.28 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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