Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1510: Return to the world (third)

"Eh? Why is the entire army gone?" The bald old man was full of bitterness, and his heart was full of bitterness, but at this moment, Guan Heng flicked the binding cable in his hand, and whispered the old thing to himself, Immediately, he punched his fist and sent a greeting: "Bang!" The bald old man cracked his cheeks and bleed his nose and mouth.

"Tongtong, Tiaotong, Tiaotong!" Guan Heng walked along, piled up the bald old man and the killers dropped by the group of multi-headed Basilisks, and then shouted to Abu: "Come, fat boy, let's have dinner."

"Hum, how many times have I said, don't call me a fat boy." At this time, Yabu fanned his ears and flew over, discouraged to the group of unlucky eggs is a mouthful of yellow mist, killer and The bald old man didn't even have a chance to scream for a while, and suddenly turned into a stern bone, and the sound of "Wala Lala" spread out all over the place.

Immediately after, seven or eight ghost spirit groups emerged from the bones. Yabu opened his mouth and sucked wildly, and immediately ate them completely.

"Thanks to seeing a trap when I came back, I had confiscated the black demon crystals buried around the valley by the bald." At this time, Guan Heng had chatted with Ting Si, Seraki and Xuexue Beast: "something Already in hand, we can return to St. Lomprum soon. "

"Oye, Brother Heng Heng did not disappoint me." Ting Si said with emotion at this time: "To be honest, this journey was like a dream. When I was desperate at first, I didn't even think of myself You can go back home with your brother. "

"Pap." Seraki patted his sister's shoulder with a smile at this moment. He said, "It is a good thing to be able to return home. For those unpleasant experiences in the past, forget it quickly, and don't forget who it is. Give us hope for rebirth, we must be grateful. "

Speaking of this, Seraki solemnly said to Guan Heng: "Brother, thank you very much, but I will always remember this great gift."

"Hahaha, let's talk these words when we get to St. Lomplon." At this moment, Guan Heng smiled indifferently: "Well, now I'm going to assemble the teleportation shards quickly, and everyone will help to fight for it in a short time set off!"

Hearing this, brothers and sisters of Seraki also raised their arms and shouted, "Okay, goal, St. Lompland!"


In just a few tens of minutes, brothers and sisters Guan Heng and Seraki quickly assembled the alien space teleportation array and set up in this valley.

At this point, Guan Heng hugged his shoulders and said, "Well, it's almost finished. To start this teleportation array, it takes dozens of pieces of black magic crystal energy. Just these things, I still have."

Speaking of this, Guan Heng paused for a moment, and continued to say, "It's time to say goodbye to the abyss of the demon domain and return to the civilized world of mankind, although it may not be much better there, but at least you can see the normal sun and moon. . "

Hearing this, brothers and sisters of Seraki and Xuexue both looked up and squinted, glanced at the three magic domain suns hanging above their heads, and a smile appeared on their faces.

In the next second, with the impatient sense of eagerness, everyone was already standing in the middle of the teleportation array. At this moment, Guan Heng breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, when we open our eyes again, this is the world we want to see. Come on, goodbye, Abyss of the Demon Realm! "

At this time, Ting Si, Xun Xuebei, and Seraki also meditated in their hearts: "Farewell, Abyss of the Demon Realm, I don't want to come here anymore."

After the sound of "唰" sounded, everyone's body shape, together with the different space teleportation arrays under their feet, suddenly disappeared.


When they opened their eyes again, Guan Heng saw a blue sea, and the fresh sea breeze sent a pleasant and pleasant breath. Tings suddenly shouted: "Hahaha, oh oh oh-I finally again Come back! I'm going home! "

"Hehe, this feels so real ..."

Seraki leaned down at this moment, holding up a handful of wet sea sand, and tears flashed in the eyes of the iron man, he muttered to himself: "This is home, this is the breath of hometown, I didn't expect it, I could have escaped here with my sister. Hehe, it seems that I might have used up my life's luck. "

"Hey, Seraki, you're wrong." Guan Heng said half-jokingly at this time: "How do I feel that the journey is all my own luck and has nothing to do with you? "

"Che, everyone is a brother, what's the point of each other?" Seraki coughed awkwardly at this time, and then asked: "What are you going to do now?"

"Of course, please contact your partners first." Guan Heng had already pressed his finger on his forehead at this time, and said to Seraki casually: "I don't know how long I have left. I should confirm that they are safe. . "

Hearing this, Seraki and Ting Si leaning next to Xun Xueshou both slowly nodded their heads. At this time, Guan Heng was constantly calling for two people with a relationship with himself, that is, The guardian elves Dove and the Rain Prayer Beast, only they can get direct communication with Guan Heng.

A few minutes later, a faint voice suddenly sounded in Guan Heng's brain: "Guan ... Heng ... Is it you?"

"This voice is ... Duffel ?!" Guan Heng realized that he had been in touch with the guardian elves, and immediately shouted anxiously: "Duffel, are you still safe? After the battle of the Dark Dragon Valley, you whether……"

But at this moment, Doffer's voice was very weak. She interrupted Guan Heng and said, "Don't hurry to ask me, I will now send Fengyulong brothers Bath and Baru to meet you. Let's meet and talk. . "

Due to Dove's unusually rapid and urgent tone, Guan Heng had felt something wrong. At this time, he had to say, "Okay, we are now on a beach of the sea, where is it, it should be ..."

Guan Heng paused for a moment, and then he continued: "It should be not far northwest of the waters of the island of Koror. You have to let Baru and Bath come quickly. I also have a few new companions."

"Well, they'll be here soon." Dovele agreed at this time, and her voice disappeared into Guan Heng's mind.

"Duffel's tone is very bad." Guan Heng bit his lower lip and thought nervously at this moment: "Does it mean that everyone is more ferocious ?!"

But Guan Heng turned his thoughts and said, "No, if everyone is annihilated, Doffer will cry and make a noise after contacting me, but although her voice was quick, she didn't have much sadness, um, this is it It shows that eight out of ten people are out of danger. "

Guan Heng stood still, silent like a clay sculpture, and immediately caused the confusion of the brothers and sisters of Seraki, but the first question he asked was Xue Xuebei, because the big guy always talked unscrupulously.

"Hey, Guan Heng, what happened to your companions?" At this moment, Xue Xueju shook his head and said, "Well, let me hear it."

—— [2016.7.28 third more, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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