Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1511: Fort Narrative

"Actually, I don't know what happened." At this moment, Guan Heng frowned. "Everything, I'm afraid I can't make it clear until I see you."

While they were talking, the voice of the dragon roar suddenly heard in the air: "Master Guan Heng, I am here with Baru!"

The deafening roar passed into Guan Heng and others. At the same time, the two wind-speaking dragons of Baru and Bath had slammed into the ground, and they were standing not far from everyone.

"Ooooooooooo! Lord Guan Heng, you're finally back." At this time, Fengyu Long Baru stepped on the ground and made a slamming stride, and even ran to Guan Heng, crying, coming soon. A "dragon's hug."

"Stop it for me!" Guan Heng took a step back in a hurry when he saw this situation. He shouted loudly: "Damn muddy ball, if you dare to snivel on me, I will choke you!"

"Uh, don't be so ruthless." Baru stretched out his front paws and wiped his face, only to cry, "I was excited when I saw you, so I lost control."

"Don't talk anymore, introduce some new partners to you." Guan Heng called Bath at this time, and then told the two Fengyu dragons the names of brothers and sisters Seraki and Wu Xuebei, and hurriedly explained a few words.

"Master Guan Heng, Dovre said, it is inconvenient to speak on the road, so you can explain in detail as we get to the hiding place." At this moment, Baru said, "Let's go."

"Okay, that's it. Seraki and Tingsi ride on Bath and follow. As for Xuexue Beast, you enter into my golden magic pet tube and rest for a while." Guan Heng hurriedly finished this In a few words, he immediately jumped on Baru's saddle and raised his voice: "The time is urgent, and immediately set out-"


On the flight, Baru didn't say anything other than hurriedly saying "Now there are eyeliners of the Demon Army and there is almost no safe place".

In this way, after more than ten minutes, they came to a grand canyon in the mountains, where the forest is lush and there are many vegetation. It is full of towering ancient vines and old trees, and it is extremely secretive under the sun.

After looking around, Guan Heng thought to himself at this moment: "This is a good place to hide. It seems that Dovre did not choose the right place." But when Baru and Bath took Guan Heng and others into the deep valley, you At the time of Lin Shi, Guan Heng was really scared. It turned out that Dovre was not hiding here, it was just a "transit station".

At this moment, Guan Heng saw A Jin and Dorie. The Queen of Ejin could not help but rushed to his arms when he saw Guan Heng: "Good Guan Heng, you are all right."

"Yes, yes, you are worried if you have a job." Guan Heng said in an embarrassed hurry at this time: "Akin, would you let go of your hand first?"

"Uh, I'm sorry, it's me." Akin was also a little embarrassed at this time, and she quickly let go. "Doffer and everyone are waiting for you on the other side of the space. Hurry up."

"Okay, let's go and introduce some friends by the way." After saying this, Guan Heng touched Doului's head again: "Shit boy, are you okay ?! Great."

"Brother Guan Heng, I already knew you wouldn't be in trouble." Dorie laughed at this moment and said, "You are so big. What dragon race master Otero and demon Pawn are not your opponents at all. Right? Great hero. "

"The stink boy really makes a bullshit." Guan Heng laughed suddenly after listening to Dole's compliment: "You're right, as long as I have a strong heart, there is no opponent that can't be defeated."

Speaking of them, Guan Heng and the others had already come to a huge rock dozens of meters high, and A Jin reached out and gently pushed it, and the arm fell into it without hindrance. It turned out to be a The hidden entrance to the alien space is opposite the place where Doffer and the others hide.

The next moment, Guan Heng was already standing in a dark space, where the ground was filled with large and small ink-colored stones, Guan Heng suddenly cried out, "Well, isn't this the god-controlling stone mine? I don't think of you all Why did you hide here? "

"That's right, I brought you here to drive the Stone Demon Fortress!" Just then, a rapid silver shadow passed in the air, and suddenly landed on the hem of Guan Heng's chest, Guan Heng fixed his eyes. At first glance, it turned out to be the guardian elf Doffer.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahah-ahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since you (who) did you guys leave me behind?

At this moment, Dovre was crying on Guan Heng's placket. It was a heartbroken, disregarding, dark, Guan Heng had to sneer with a smile and advised: "Little ancestor, don't cry, no matter what I did before What have you done, apologize to you first, now I'm in a hurry to understand everyone's situation, you can say these things first. "

"Well, let's talk about it after you disappear in the valley of the Dark Dragon ..." Doffer said with sobbing tears.

It turned out that Guan Heng desperately threw Dovre's Elf Stone Necklace into the Valley of Dragons. Dovre flew out at a stretch and went to the stone demon fortress where the gods of the people and the sand people live. At this time, he was fighting the transformation of the dragon warrior. The companions have also encountered great changes.

The earliest one to get out of trouble was Dole and Akin who were fighting the dragon warrior "Dimai" with scars everywhere and one-armed axe. At that time, Dimai's momentum surge was about to cause a problem, but a turtle appeared in the surrounding space. The fissures, and then, they started to collapse!

When he was disturbed during the battle, Timmy couldn't hold back the black gas that erupted around him. He was immediately backfired by the side effects of the strong demon heart. He sprayed blood and was seriously injured. At this moment, A Jing, who felt bad, hurried to greet him Out of the gap in the space, the two pulled out and ran towards the periphery of Dragon's Valley, just happened to meet the Sha people and Shifu warriors, and returned to the stone magic fortress.

Immediately afterwards, it was Borui, Imira and Zowei who escaped to the gate of the Stone Demon Bastion. At the time, Borui was fighting fiercely with the transformational magician Canku. When the two were fighting for magic, the surrounding space was turbulent. As a result, both sides All of his attacks hit his opponent. Canku was injured and disappeared. Borui escaped from the gap in the space.

At the same time, Zovi and Imira, who were confronted with the sturdy and remodeled dragon warrior "Lejie" with a single horn and a fleshy face on the head, were all seriously injured in the fierce counterattack of each other, but because of their position The space suddenly collapsed, and the two took the opportunity to work together to hurt the already unconscious Lejie, escaped the gap in the space, and just met Borui.

So Borui gritted his teeth and exhausted the last magical power, and returned to the gate of the Stone Demon Bastion with Zowei and Imila, but at this time, the three of them were injured at the same time and were unconscious there. Fortunately, they were discovered by the Sha people. This was saved.

—— [Fourth more of 2016.7.28, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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