Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1520: Gold Fighting (Third)

"But, at the critical moment, Ruta's call saved me ..." Speaking of which, Ma Ze suddenly raised his voice, he said forcefully: "It is Ruta, who used friendship and trust to lift me from the bottom of the dark abyss. Awakening in the middle, let the undead king in my body burn, and now suppress the spread of black gas in the magic domain! "

"Abominable, I didn't expect this kid like Maze to take such luck." At this moment, Kou Han was furious, but when his sharp and vicious eyes fell on Ma Ze's heart, he suddenly laughed evilly: "Huh , It's only temporarily suppressed, but the magical black gas is still in you, let Lao Tzu detonate it! "

"Black Arrow--"

"Oh!" A sharp arrow condensed by the dark air of the Demon Realm. Time flicked from Cohan's withered claws and flew straight towards Ma Ze's heart!

"Oh!" Ma Qi's arrow was not biased against the position of Ma Ze's heart, but he was steadily blocked from the skin epidermis, making it harder to get in. At this moment, Ma Ze sneered: "Huh, I'm afraid you To be disappointed, the most powerful force in my body is no longer the undead king's fighting spirit, but the yellow-gold-king-zhe-dou-dou-qi! "

It was late, and at that time, Ma Ze uttered a terrible drink: "Broken!" The sharp arrow that the black gas condensed in the Demon Realm was shattered and shattered, and then turned into a black gas that was sucked into Ma Ze In the body!

"Uh ?! Absolutely absorbed the black gas from the Demon Realm and transformed it into your own power?" Kou Han was completely out of breath at this time: "Why? You are not darkened, but you can absorb the black gas?"

"Well, thanks to the effectiveness of the bottle of magic wine, my body is used to absorbing the black gas of the magic domain, but my golden king's fighting spirit turned it into the power of justice!" Just after saying this, Ma Ze was surprised at this moment Turning his hands back, two shots flashed like lightning, "Slap, Slap!" The thick iron chain tied on Ruta's body snapped off, and immediately broke him free.

"Haha, it's a relief, I thought you smelly, you just talked about yourself and forgot to save me." At this moment, Ruta squeezed his fist. He smiled and said, "Kou Han, this is a loss, not only loses the black spirit of the magic domain, but also helps Ma Ze to reshape the body. I am grateful for the brother."

"Abominable, where is the demon soldier?" Kou Han yelled at this moment: "Come! Kill me these two **** rebellions!"

"Kill it!" In the roar, countless dark black squashed magic soldiers emerged from the surrounding valleys, and rushed directly to the center of the execution ground.

But at this moment, sudden changes suddenly occurred!

"The Wrath of the Enchanted Demon !!" With a loud roar, the huge flame giant was fluttered in mid-air and swept through a large number of magic soldiers in an instant, turning these guys into ashes!

"Ahhhh!-I'm scalded, fire, fire, fire-" A large number of magic soldiers cried and yelled at their father, lost their helmets and removed their armor, and fled to the surrounding area. Just a low chirp sounded: "Ancient martial arts stream, the tiger's broken rock bursts!"

"Bang, bang!" Sanji's majestic fist wrapped in Wufeng's violent wind fell on a huge rock, and shattered it!

"Boom boom--wow-la-la ---" Countless falling stones whistled, falling from the top of the mountain overwhelmingly, wherever he passed, blinking and crushing a large number of fleeing demons into meatloaf.

"Hoo--" "Wow wow wow--" The sound of the wing of the broken wings and the long whistle of Long Xiao came suddenly in the sky, and in the next second, Zuo Wei, riding the wind of Long Baru, stood high and waved the white method. Staff: "Sacred Light Arrow Rain !!"

"唰 唰 唰-嗤嗤嗤-噗噗 噗!" The arrow of light sloping down from the sky suddenly nailed dozens of magic soldiers to the ground!

At this moment, the most important highlight has appeared!

"Hoo-ooh!" The sound of a broken garment rang out, and a swift shadow suddenly fell from the cliff to just above the execution ground. Powerful three in one !!! "

Guan Heng appeared with a thunderbolt, and the dragon's blades in his hands gathered the power of Bingyan Lightning and crackling, "Taste this trick-Bingyan Lightning Dragon God cut!"

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, blast, blast, blast, ice and thunder, and the air knife fell from the sky, and hit the middle of the demons crowd with impartiality.

"Oh!" I saw the cold hit people, and in time I quickly frozen the east demon soldiers into ice golems, burning fiercely, and burning out the enemies on the west in a blink of an eye; the power of thunder and lightning instantly swept through the south devil and changed it. For the scorched earth, the most fierce dragon and god's fighting spirit has become a sea of ​​swords and mountains, and in the cold light flashes the wind and crushes the first enemy of the North!

"Hey, Guan Heng has finally arrived." Ma Ze said resentfully at this time: "How can this be so, the way of playing is so arrogant that I have stolen all my limelight!"

"Patter!" Guan Heng turned on the execution court after the release of the big move, and then suddenly raised his hand. Two rapid black lights flew out, breaking through the sky to Cohan's face!

"Ah ?! The power of the dragon god-can't be fixed!" Kou Han was like a mouse when he saw a cat, his body suddenly turned black, and suddenly withdrew more than ten meters.

However, these two Wuguangs suddenly weakened their power after forcibly retreating from Cohan, and in the two crisp sounds of "snatching", they were nailed to the cross stake beside Ruta.

"Ha, it's my double-edged blade!" Rutta smiled suddenly. "Thank you for your help. I'm worried that I can't find a hand weapon."

Guan Heng smiled at this moment, and then said, "If you want to thank, thank Akin and Dorie. They picked up these short blades in the Valley of the Dragon."

"That said, I really should thank them both." Ruta glanced around at this moment, making a strange noise: "Well? What about Akin and Dorie?"

"We are here!" Suddenly in the air, Fengyu Longbass flew down. At the same time that the big guy slammed, Akin and Dorie also lowered their saddles at the same time. Dorie said at this time: "The number outside the valley Hundred magic soldiers, we have all been solved! "

"Hahaha, great, all of us are now together!" At this moment, Borui, carrying his staff of dragons and demons, shouted to the enemy, "Hey, Cohan, you have already Surrounded by us, hurry up and die! "

"Abominable human magician little bug, don't think that sweeping some miscellaneous soldiers has already defeated our army of magic domain!" The angry and roaring roared out this sentence, Cohen's whole body suddenly darkened and hovered around, he raised his head to the sky and shouted: "Tie Vero, it's time for you to show up.

"Well! It's finally time, I've been waiting impatiently!"

The words did not fall, there would suddenly be a hundred huge black holes in the space over the execution ground. From there, they would continuously fall down huge brown cylinders. Then, the smirking demon dragon Tivello was also there. Suddenly a black hole in space suddenly appeared, and he exclaimed proudly at this time: "Master Cohan, I'm here!"

—— [2016.7.30 third more, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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