Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1521: Abandoned Tivelo

"Is Tivelo ?!" Guan Heng and Ma Ze stepped forward almost at the same time. They met with enemies and were extremely jealous. These two were the people who hated Tivelo most, so they both subconsciously wanted to make this demon. Dragon broken corpse million.

But at this moment, Tivelo sneered: "Well, two guys who bit me tightly, do you really think that my demon dragon master is afraid of you? Today, let you look at me. ! "

Speaking late, at that time, Tivelo suddenly gathered the magic power of the whole body, and then quickly bloomed one hundred and ten dazzling and evil rays, and in the sound of "唰 唰 唰", the rays of energy brushed down those who fell before they fell. Huge metal cylinder.

"Oh ha ha ha ha ha!" Tivilo laughed at this moment: "Come on, the strongest warriors in the abyss of the Demon Realm—"

"Click, slap!" The huge metal cylinder broke apart in time and burst out of it. Many monsters with strange shapes and faces were rushed out of it, and some of them also held swords and other weapons. They screamed and screamed loudly. , Swept across the Grand Canyon in no time!

"These guys ... are really monsters at all levels of the abyss of the Demon Realm!" As he saw each other, his eyes closed for a moment, and he murmured, "Three-eyed Demon, Dark Werewolf ... and even There are blood charms who drive the dwarf charm and the red worm, and hum, they all appear! "

"Guan Heng, let me and Tingsi deal with the debris from these demons!"

The words did not fall, and the siblings Serage and Tingsi rushed from a distance. They were followed by the stone runes of the Sha people, and the ancient Griffon Knights led by Eding. These new forces broke out. Roar, kill time to kill those monsters!

Seeing this scene, the Kou Han unexpectedly retreated. He flew to Tivelo in midair and suddenly exclaimed, "Tivelo, now is a good opportunity for you to build your career. Guan Heng and his I will let you do it. "

"What ?! Lord Cohan, this ..."

In the chaos in the Tivelo Gorge, his own Demon Riders did not have the advantage, but they have gradually been crushed. He suddenly burst into dense cold sweat on his forehead, so Tivelo stuttered: " Lord Cohan, do you want to go back to guard the demon palace? The younger is willing to go with you and swear allegiance ... "

"Hahaha, what a‘ vowed death allegiance ’!”

At this moment, Kou Han burst out laughing suddenly, he suddenly said: "In the old days, you must not have used this phrase to deceive Otrow, the master of the dragon clan, Tivolo, you are a mean and shameless rat, a greedy The scum of a man who is afraid of death is like a **** mess, like you, is not qualified to guard the demon palace with Lao Tzu! "

"You, you ..." was publicly scorned and insulted by Cohan, Tivelo's face was cloudy and extremely ugly, not only did he feel incomparable humiliation, but also the fear of falling into the abyss, It is because his unbearable ugly face has been clearly seen in the other person's eyes!

"Tivelo, I didn't want to give you this kind of scum, but Her Majesty the Lord Paine, the benevolent Lord, decided to reward you with a chance."

As soon as this sentence came out, Cohan arrogantly stood in the air and said, "As long as you kill Guan Heng and all his companions in the execution ground of the Rautuo Mountains, you will have the opportunity to return to Tivelo. The devil's palace sings his merits in front of Lord Pawn, but if you fail, you will be the mud on the soles of your feet, a nameless shit, and ask for blessing! "

Speaking of which, just listening to the sound of "Dola", Cohan's body has disappeared, but his voice is still echoing in the air: "By the way, let me tell you that you have permission to enter and exit the demon palace, It's been taken back by me. If you don't get rid of Guanheng, Tivelo, you should never want to come back! Hahaha— "

"Abominable! Cohan, you jerk, you hurt me !!!" After hearing Cohan's last message, Tivilo was so annoyed and furious: "How can this be true!"

"Hahaha, Tivelo, you are just taking care of yourself!" After hearing the conversation in the air, Guan Heng laughed suddenly: "A homeless wild-skinned wild dog is a perfect description of you It's up! "

"Guan Heng is right!"

"Hahahaha-Lai Pi Wild Dog Tivilo!" Everyone in the gorge and the monsters of the monster realm heard the words of Guan Heng, and immediately laughed and fell, and their offensives became more violent, killing those monsters and monster realms. Seeing to be defeated!

"The enemies here should be relatively easy to deal with, as long as Teverlo counterattacks." Guan Heng whispered to the brothers and sisters of Seraki, Edin and the Sha people at this time: "I will now take Borui to rush to Yangu Lun Canyon followed Cohan, and the battle here was left to you. "

"No problem, just rest assured, Brother Heng."

At this time Ting Si waved her hand and said, "Except for the demon dragon Kohan, the other monsters in the domain, my brother and I have dealt with you once. We can do it here, yes, you are not saying Kohan's hand. Is there a piece of anti-astronomical disk that you have always wanted? I will help you pay attention! "

"Thank you, Sister Tingsi." Guan Heng patted Tingsi's shoulder with a smile at this moment, he said, "Please leave it to you, if you can get the fragments of the anti-astrolabe, give it to you at this time. The deities and demons of the stone monster fortress, yes, I will leave Dovre, Basilisk, and Abu to help you. "

"Well, I know." Hearing Ting Si promised, Guan Heng immediately waved to his companions: "Go, immediately go to Yangulun Canyon."

Having said that, Guan Heng glanced at Ma Ze, and he whispered, "Buddy, otherwise you stay? After all, Tirilo is your long-cherished wish, but he is your enemy."

"Fart, Tivelo's dog thing's life and death is nothing now!" Ma Ze sweared at the pretense of anger at this time, then he slaps Guan Heng shoulder and said with a serious face: "I can be you Guan Heng's help, fighting with you to the last moment, this is my wish now! "

Ruta, Zuowei, Imira, Borui, Ajin, and Dorie also have firm eyes, and Qi said in unison, "We are the same as Maze!"

"Okay, brothers and sisters, let's go—" Guan Heng's voice didn't fall, and the crowd was already holding hands in a group. Borui took the time to launch a teleportation spell and disappeared to the spot with everyone suddenly!


The next moment, not far northwest of the Rautuo Mountains, everyone appeared on the ground of the small canyon Yangulun.

At this moment, Borui said to Guan Heng, "Boss, are you really sure that this is related to the demon palace? When I came here yesterday with the old man of Sanqiu to set the target for the teleportation spell, I found nothing. what."

—— [2016.7.30 fourth more, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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