Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1522: Goodbye Rival (fifth more outbreak)

"My judgment can't be wrong, because this is the message left by Utro at the time." Wei frowned and shook his head, Guan Heng said at this time: "Utro was a disdainful liar, and at the time The situation is critical and he has no time to do so. "

As soon as this sentence came out, Guan Heng happened to see a beam of morning sun falling on a certain part of the valley, but it reflected the light faintly.

"That's where you are, follow me!" Guan Heng kept walking at this moment, pulling himself out and running into the Yangulun Valley. The crowd followed closely behind him. Within half a minute, everyone ran to the valley. In one corner, Ruta, Borui and Maze looked around, and they all shook their heads slightly and said, "Nothing."

"Impossible, I just saw it clearly. Everyone searched separately and looked for it together." Guan Heng said, taking the lead in finding around.

Suddenly, Dorie suddenly shouted, "Brother Guan Heng, look, there is something strange here." As soon as his voice fell, Guan Heng rushed forward in a rush, and at the same time, Guan Heng saw There was an oddly shaped object on the ground. He reached out and scratched it, the touch feeling turned out to be a huge metal pull ring.

"Everyone avoid it, I'll try to pull this thing." As Guan Heng's shout rang, everyone quickly took a few steps back and forth, and then Guan Heng gritted his teeth suddenly and shouted, "Qi--"

"Squeak-Kela-Bone Lulu-Dangdang !!!" In a series of harsh sounds, Guan Heng twitched the metal pull ring tightly, and finally pulled a huge disc out of nowhere.

"Oh, it turned out to be a huge teleportation array." Seeing this, Zuo Wei shouted, "This teleportation array is really big, is it to the devil's palace?"

"Whether it is there, we must take a risk." The person who said this was Ruta, who subconsciously touched his cheek on the side where he lost his eyes, and then said, "Because I went to the demon palace, it was me and Guan Heng's only way to challenge Pawn and save himself. "

"Rutah is right." Guan Heng had now uttered a "swipe" to the teleportation array, and he pretended to laugh easily: "Gentlemen and ladies, here is the one who is heading to the demon palace. Adventurous, please buy a ticket before getting on the bus! "

"Hahaha, let's all go." Everyone was relaxed, but they were full of vigilance, and as Guan Heng entered the teleportation array ...

"Huh-huh!" When Guan Heng and everyone opened their eyes unanimously, everyone's feet had stepped on a large piece of delicate paving green bricks.

In front of it is a palace-like palace with a magnificent appearance. The whole of the building shows a vast and boundless scale, which shows the endless domineering character and characteristics of the palace owner.

"This is the home base of Devil Pawn." Zuowei whispered sillyly at this time: "So big, I have never seen anything like this in my life ... uh ... it's too big to be edgeless building."

"Haha, I really haven't seen the country girl in the world." At this moment, Borui didn't forget to scold each other, but Zuo Wei stared and said, "What? Have you seen it before?"

Borui patted his chest like this at this time: "Brother, of course ... hehe, I haven't seen it before!"

When the two were grinding their teeth, Guan Heng's eyes flickered. He strode a few meters in front of the palace gate, and then exclaimed, "Who is it? Who is there?"

As soon as this sentence came out, a calm and stern voice immediately responded: "Huh, it really is Guan Heng, and I can actually detect my existence!"

"This voice is ... Utero!" Hearing the voice of the other side, Guan Heng had a hint of uncontrollable excitement in his heart. When he looked closely, a man walked out from the gate of the palace, which was full of scars. , The embarrassing dragon master-Urtero.

"I didn't expect that you could survive the power caused by the starburst magic stone ..." When Guan Heng said this, looking at Utro's eyes was extremely complicated and uncertain, and he continued: "What's more unexpected to me is that you will appear here alive, why? Are you still playing for Pawn?"

"Huh, Pane, I'm not in my sight anymore."

Urtero said this at this time, his face was full of pride, he said in a deep voice: "The reason why I can struggle from the edge of the line of life and death is because I can't let it go and fight with you. Guan Heng is because of my dedication to your victory, so I survived from Yuwei of Starburst Demon Stone, and then returned here to wait, come on, our battle is not over yet! "

Utero's voice just came to an end, and he saw the sound of "snoring" behind him, and five black shadows suddenly appeared, passing by Guan horizontally, and took away seven of his companions!

"Miscellaneous things, what do you want to do?" Guan Heng's response was so rapid that he couldn't detect the sudden situation this time. As a result, he watched Ruta, Maze, and Borui disappear.

"You don't need to be nervous first." At this moment, Utero explained coldly: "The five just now are the dragon warrior brothers who lived and died with me. They and your companions also have unfinished battles. Coupled with you and me, you don't need others to bother, are you right? "

"Well, forget it, I don't believe that your remnants will beat my companions."

At this time, Guan Heng stretched out his hand and held the handle of the Dragontooth Blade, and slowly pulled out a pair of weapons out of the sheath. Then he said, "Come on, my old enemy, let me settle the grudge and battle between us!" "


At the same time, the battle in the execution grounds of the Rautuo Mountains has entered a stage of fierce heat. Brothers and sisters of Seraki and Tingsi have battled with Guan Heng in the abyss of the demon field for a long time. Sharp out of hands, monsters in the monster domain kept falling down.

As a descendant of the human god, Eding has recently been continuously instructed by the black **** of the gods in the stone and magic fortress, and his strength has increased. Each other's life.

In this way, hundreds of teleported monsters in the abyss of the abyss are elite, and they have already reduced their staff by two-thirds.

"Abominable, when did these **** human dregs become so powerful?"

At this moment, the demon dragon Tivilo, who is fighting in the air, bit his lower lip, his face has become very ugly. Now he is thrown on the battlefield as the abandoned son of the demon Pawn and Cohan. If you don't want to do anything to turn the tide, Tivilo's life will be lost forever.

"Huh ?! Those two guys ... awesome shots!"

Suddenly, Tivelo, who overlooked below, saw the brothers and sisters of Seraki, and immediately felt that they were the backbone of this group of people. The insidious and sly Tivelo immediately made a decision: "Take the two **** first. Something, it must be able to restore some slump! "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.30, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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