Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1523: Last hole card (first)

Glancing at the brothers and sisters of Seraki, Tivello suddenly had a trick in his heart. He suddenly made a whistle in the air. Two magical dragons with huge wings flew from the oblique spurs.

"Hurry up, use the strongest fire spell on me!" With Tivelo's rapid command, the two magic dragons raised their heads and gulped, then opened a **** mouth and screamed at Tivelo. A fiery flame came out!

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!), Tivelo was clinging with a layer of crimson. He lifted his wand and shook it slightly, and then read the profound Dragon Mantra. The situation was about to take off, and then, Tivelo yelled, "Take it! Killing Flame Dragon!"

"Wow!" In an instant, Tivello's powerful magic power, plus the flame power of the two magic dragons, instantly gathered in the air into a roaring and roaring flame demon dragon. This flame constituted The horrible creature shook the majesty and went straight to the Seraki brothers and sisters who were hunting down the demon soldiers!

"Oops! Seraki, Tings! Quickly avoid—" Edin, who killed the enemy behind them, suddenly yelled, "Dangerous!"

But at this moment, the two brothers and sisters are too late to dodge. In anxiety, Seraki fits up and covers his younger sister Ting Si under his body, trying to bear the powerful attack of the Enchanted Dragon positively!

Just at this moment of crisis, a black wind suddenly swept in, and a monster born of nine huge snake skulls trembled in the air, and it turned out that the multi-headed basilisk arrived swiftly and ruthlessly.

Speaking late, fast at that time, the multi-headed basilisk suddenly began to quickly absorb the black gas from the surrounding magical field, and the energy flow around the time, the situation changed!

Immediately afterwards, the Basilisk's body has skyrocketed more than ten times. Its three largest snake skulls spread open together, and suddenly gathered a powerful energy ready to go. The next moment, the soul demon king roared with his head. "Taste me this trick, the three devil snakes burst into the air!"

Three bursts of bursting energy bursting from the giant skull's mouth suddenly gathered together, followed by a series of earth-shattering blasts of "Hoo-Boo-Boom", constantly echoing the valley, at this moment , The Devil Dragon that cracked the air burst and killed the Demon Dragon has been fiercely fighting fiercely in the air!

"Bang bang-bang bang bang!" The power of the soul demon king is remarkable, plus it previously followed Guanheng's vertical and horizontal abyss, devouring a lot of black demon crystals with rich pure black gas and strong evil spirits The strength has soared repeatedly.

However, the demon dragon Tivilo is not easy. Although Tivilo is treacherous and vicious, he likes to use deception to harm people, but his own strength has reached an unpredictable level. between!

But the only difference is that Tivilo is like a bereavement dog and a wild-skinned wild dog at this time. He is alone, but the multi-headed basilisk has a helper! Suddenly on both sides, a chubby figure suddenly flew into the oblique spur, which was the soul-absorbing beast Yabu. I saw that it hula flew to the vicinity of the multi-headed basilisk, and then aimed at Tivelo, it was a cheek. Blowing: "Bone Fog-"

"Oh!" A large cloud of dim mist wrapped the wind hood over Tivelo's head, and he was shocked by the demon dragon: "Bone ... mist! My mother!"

Too late, then fast, in order to avoid the invasion and damage of the bone mist, Tivelo suddenly headed down to the ground, and did not dare to stop for a second. At this moment, everyone in the scene only heard a "slam" There was a loud noise, and Tivelo suddenly fell into his mouth and shit!

"Hahahaha, bad guys, you're done this time!" In the proud laugh of Yabu, the cracked air explosion of the multi-headed Basilisk has smashed the Demon Dragon, and the sparks shot across the sky are wonderful and beautiful. At the same time, the murderous brothers and sisters of Seraki and the members of the Gryphon Knights of Edin slowly surrounded the helpless Tivilo.

"Tivelo, who killed thousands of swords, your doomsday is finally here!" There wasn't a demon dragon who didn't hate the sinister and cunning demon. At this moment, it was a good time for this cunning scum scum!

"Hoo-bang!" A spirited sword that burst into the air suddenly chopped at Tivilo's feet, and suddenly made this guy trying to escape timid, Seraki now carried his own big sword. Shouting loudly: "Tivelo, you dragon scum, even the demon master does not want you, this is the end of your willingness to be a running dog!"

"You fart !!" Tivilo was so angry that he was red-eared and scared. He shouted: "Damn, I'm going to kill you, let's get out today!"

As soon as the roar came out, Tivilo's magical light shouted loudly, and Serachi hurriedly called out the big sword in the palm of his hand: "Be careful this guy is desperate, everyone back!"

But the next second, Tivelo made an unexpected action that everyone saw, this guy suddenly raised his head and roared, and the whole body burst into countless sharp arrows of flame and cold.

"唰 唰 唰-嗖 嗖 嗖-嚓嚓 嚓!" These sharp arrows are overwhelming, but the target is not Seraki, they are almost beheaded and killed, there are only a dozen dead. In the monsters of the monster realm, the endless screams of the monsters in the monster realm erupted and screamed.

Tivilo's actions immediately shocked and angered the siblings and others, but they were totally puzzled and did not understand why Tivilo did this.

"Stupid people, you will pay me the sorrow of remorse for contempt of me, Master Tivilo!" Just as Tivilo shouted this sentence, he threw a thing into the air, "Come out, I The final killer, devouring the dragon !!! "

Everyone looked closely, and the thing that Tivilo threw out was a dark inky jade spar, which suddenly made a terrible violent noise in the air, and a huge black hole burst into space in time.

Immediately afterwards, a huge monster shook his body and shouted out of the black hole, slammed on the ground, and then issued a terrifying and heartbreaking roar: "嗷 ——"

Listening to this beast roar constantly wandering between the valleys, everyone was astonished in their hearts: "Uh ?! What kind of monster is this? The roar alone is so scary!"

"Hahaha, this is my latest favorite pet, devouring the mad dragon, and you will all die under its claws!" In a wild laugh, Tivelo pointed out the monster on the ground that had been killed and killed by himself. He sang: "Mad dragon, devour those monster domain corpses, they can help you complete the final evolution and make you the strongest killing tool !!"

"Roar!" Hearing Tivilo's orders, the devouring mad dragon with a breath of body turned out to be extremely obedient. He immediately swayed his limbs and rushed forward, swallowing all the remains of those monsters in the sight. Underbelly!

—— [2016.7.31 the first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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