Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1524: Devouring Dragon

At the moment when the monster's body was swallowed, the body of the devouring dragon really changed dramatically. Its original benzene and limbs were tightened in an instant, and its strong hind legs became giant legs. With countless sharp thorns, exposed spines like rows of sword-shaped mountains appeared on the back, jagged teeth opened and closed, and scarlet eyes shot at bloodthirsty mansions, making it even more embarrassing. Horrible.

What is even more surprising is that with the continuous deformation, the monstrous evil power of this guy is soaring rapidly. At this moment, Tivilo suddenly shifted for a moment and appeared on the head of the devouring dragon next second.

"Hahaha, the last step, merge with me temporarily. With my brain and your strength, we are invincible!" Speaking of time, then fast, Tivelo's feet were soft, "Wow" sound, the general Half of his body fell into the head of the devouring dragon.

"The demon master Pawn, the dragon tribe master Otero, the demon and the dragon tribe they studied all use their own body as an experimental model, gradually integrating the power of other outstanding species, and of course, they can gradually gain more powerful power. "

Tivelo's tone at this time seemed extremely arrogant and proud: "But if you do this, it will cause a great burden on your body, and even shorten the life span greatly. I, Tivelo, would not be so stupid!"

Speaking of which, Tivilo stood high and looked down at the siblings and others who were facing the opposite. He said arbitrarily, "So I used the flesh and blood of various excellent creatures to fuse together, and made this one that only obeyed my orders. Devouring the mad dragon, hehe, although it has not been finally formed, it may not have won the level of powers like Guan Heng and Demon Lord, but killing you is more than enough! "

"Junk stuff, dare to say such a thing when you die!"

At this time, a griffin knight could no longer hold back the anger in his heart. He struck the rein in his hand, and took off the griffin mount, hissing and hoaring, flapping his wings, and came to the devouring dragon, and saw One of the knights "噌" pulled out his dragon lance, and stiffly pointed at the skull that devoured the mad dragon: "Go to death--"

"嘭-啷 啷 啷 啷!" The dragon rifle had just touched the forehead of the mad dragon, and was suddenly broken into pieces by the strong reactionary force. The next second, the devouring mad dragon stretched its front paws in the roar, A "bang" stunned the Griffin knight. In Tivelo's smirk, the knight's body was crushed and shattered and turned into a big scarlet mist in the air!

"Abominable! Don't be scared by this guy, it's just a bit bigger, get together and chop this asshole!" At this time, in order to inspire morale, the sergeant Seraki suddenly sprinted in the palm of his hand!

"Dangdang Dang!" The big sword wrapped in the dragon's fighting spirit slashed three times and struck, but left only shallow scars on the feet of devouring the mad dragon, only scratching the skin and seeing this scene, Serra Qi Deng was sweating anxiously: "How could it be so hard? I've already done my best!"

"Don't be discouraged! Come on—"

At this moment, Dove suddenly fell in front of the crowd in a roundabout movement from the sky. It turned out that she had quietly hovered around the devouring dragon around the moment when the crowd was at a loss. Doffer cried, "This monster's skin is strong, but it doesn't prove that its stomach is equally strong and reliable."

"Yeah, the elf made so much sense!" The crowd immediately praised with thumbs up, but they said in unison with question marks on their faces: "But what's the use of this sentence?"

"Ah, you idiots, you just have a fight with the big monster, and you have to let Miss Ben personally tactical guidance, really stupid." In an instant, Dovre flew over everyone's ears, and she had already passed After talking about their own plans, everyone in Seraki nodded and applauded.

At this moment, the two large and small partners of the multi-headed Basilisk and Yabu had swallowed up the mad dragon and killed them together. I saw the soul demon king flying around in the sky, shaking nine snake skulls to stretch out and bite. The mad dragon, and the soul-absorbing beast Yabu is spouting the bone mist in time, hurting the enemy and disturbing the enemy!

But the devouring dragon had a burly skin and thick flesh. Driven by Tivolo, he waved his giant claws and launched a wanton counterattack. It was said that it was too late, and then, between the light and flint, the devouring dragon waved a claw Howling wind attacked, the long basilisk yelled, "Yab, dodge—"

However, the sound of the warning was slightly slower, only listening to the loud sound of "bang", Yabu was fluttered by the claws of the mad dragon, and "Clang" hit a mountain wall in front.

"Bone is sturdy and stunned!" With a series of screams of "Ouch, Mom," Yabu rolled his head down the road and planted it directly into the soil at the foot of the mountain.

"Hey, Brother No. 1, how are you?" At this time, Doffer flew to the pit where Yabu fell and yelled, "Brother Hog, you get up, Miss Ben's raid plan is not yours. what!"

At that moment, Abu struggled to climb out of the pit, and said with a weeping face, "Hum, my sister, I've been injured. Can I ask for leave?"

"Shut up, your lazy problem is here again." Doffer was now calm, and "whouting" flew over Yabu's head, twisting its fat ears tightly, "Listen to me ... So this ... do you understand? "

"Eh, that's okay ?!" After hearing Dovre's plan, Yabden was embarrassed, but when he saw the elder sister staring at herself, she nodded reluctantly: "Well, I'll just Try with you. "

"Bang, bang!" At the same time, the fierce fierce fierce fighting monsters and devouring dragons chased me in the air, playing fiercely.

"Abominable, you can't find the jet lag, so you can't use the devil to crack the air explosion."

The multi-headed Basilisk was fighting fiercely with each other, and secretly cried out in my heart: "My biting tricks can only tear the skin of this guy, but I have broken my teeth in pain. If I don't think of effective tricks, this battle will Fighting endlessly! "

At this moment, Seraki and Eding were holding the big sword, and suddenly rushed over silently. The two looked at each other, and found in an instant the two that devoured the mad dragon back and forth on the ground. hind legs.

"Aim at the big tendons of the ankles and cut--"

"Uhhhhh!" Two sharp sharp swords swept out suddenly, Seraki ’s first sword swallowed the left ankle of the mad dragon in an unbiased cut, and instantly cut through the nearly two-foot-thick epidermis. Splash.

But this was not the deepest injury. At this time, Eding's great sword was also wrapped in a strong wind to look at the wound, and came again fiercely, listening only to the sound of a "click", and the devouring mad dragon The ankle was suddenly broken.

"Eh? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh because I am so stupid) when I feel like my feet are soft, and I ’m half-knelt on the top of the lizard, and Tivelo blends with it Immediately annoyed with smoke: "What's going on?"

—— [2016.7.31 Second update, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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