Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1536: Verne Brothers

"You idiot, I never do anything meaningless. Now I take advantage of the five brothers of Verne to go and sharpen Guan Heng. I have something important to tell you."

Pawn whispered in Cohen's ears at this moment, and immediately heard the latter nodded again and again: "So it is, Your Majesty is really brilliant! Off the group of **** things, this move is absolutely unexpected."

At this moment, in the main hall of the Devil's Palace, Pawn's proud laugh was echoed: "Hahaha, Guan Heng, when you appear in front of me, I will let you know that all my efforts are in vain Effortless, your regretful look will surely be wonderful! "


"Boss, we haven't seen half a figure for so long. Where are the two **** of Pawn and Cohan?" Bory finished this sentence, and continued to say with a sad face: "This palace of the demon **** It looks so big and borderless. If I continue like this, without finding an enemy, I will run out of gas first. "

"Well, what you said makes sense." Guan Heng suddenly raised his hand at this moment, he said to everyone: "Everyone just passed a fierce battle, take a break for two minutes, let me identify the way forward."

Hearing this from Guan Heng, the rushing crowd suddenly felt a little tired, and they all slowed down involuntarily.

At this moment, Guan Heng "jumped" and jumped into the air. He used the dragon technique to circle around, and then fell to the crowd and said, "The area here is too big, just like Bory said, It's almost endless. If you don't know the direction, you will probably get lost. "

After hearing Heng Heng's words, Ruta hugged her shoulders and said, "What shall we do? Shall we separate our heads in search of the enemy's tracks?"

"It's not right, it's not right." Upon hearing this, Ma Ze shook his head and objected: "The enemy may be watching us secretly somewhere. If we split our way, we might catch their ambush or other traps. "

"But it's not good for us to run out of space like this." Borui's words immediately cast a shadow on everyone's hearts.

In the same way, everyone had expected to attack the Devil's Palace in one fell swoop, and plugging Pawn and Cohan was a fat meal, but who would have expected that this palace is too big, more like a labyrinth than a maze, and everyone was full of it. The blood of the fierce battle, suddenly poured a bucket of cold water into the head, and even the fighting spirit that was still very high at the beginning has gradually become anxiety that is difficult to wipe out.

Suddenly, a swift dark shadow “噌 噌 噌” rushed to Guan Heng ’s huge stone bridge a few times, and before everyone responded, this guy had already probed his arm “锵” and pulled out a short sword and went straight To the stupid Zuo Wei!

"嗤 ——" The sound of sharp blades sounded in everyone's ears, but Zuo Wei's response was not slow. The long-time enemy swung her staff up a block and then moved up: "Dang!" The bladed time was bounced back and forth, and it was almost released under the loud noise.

"Courageous, how dare you attack?"

Ruta, who was closest to Zuo Wei, suddenly greeted, and the double short-edged dance in the palm swept towards the opponent's neck. The other party missed a shot, and Ruta was chasing after him, and he no longer fell in love with each other. I saw that his physique was like electricity. "Hey, hey!" More than ten meters away.

At this time, Guan Heng and the others did not even move at all. It wasn't that everyone didn't respond, but they already knew that Ruta didn't like others to intervene in their own battles, and had absolute confidence in their partners, so All looked at the lively form coldly.

"Hahaha, your guy's double short-edged sword is really powerful." The guy who attacked Zowei didn't continue to attack at this time, but said in good faith: "You are the strong people who came to attack the demon palace, right?"

"Hmm, I have already started, and I have to ask knowingly ?!" Borui always talked relentlessly, and he said sarcastically, "Why, are you also Pawn's dog leg?"

"Well, this magician brother speaks really sharp, but I advise you to be kind to us, because maybe I can help you."

At this time, everyone saw that the attacker had a long figure and looked like a middle-aged demons in his forties, but this guy's eyes flickered and his face was a little sly.

"Help us, what do you mean?" At this moment, Guan Heng's eyes had already revealed a sense of murder: "It is best to say clearly, otherwise, I will kill you easily!"

As soon as Guan Heng's remarks came out, a terrible murderous slammed into the other side. Then the middle-aged demons suddenly summoned the courage to fight against it, but "Teng Teng Teng" stood back for seven or eight steps. Steady, this guy was shocked in his heart: "No wonder the devil Pawn tried his best to deal with this guy named Guan Heng. He was really strong."

The middle-aged demons suddenly made up their minds: "Until the last resort, you must not fight against this guy, otherwise, ten lives are not enough."

In an instant, the middle-aged demons said loudly, "I'm Jule, the eldest of the five swordsmen Verne brothers in the realm of magic, and now formally challenge you and yours."

It was late, fast, and eight people like Guan Heng said in unison: "Sorry, we are not interested in you!"

"Uh ..." After listening to everyone's words, Jule almost fell to the ground, and he immediately shouted in an angry voice: "Hey, do you have any warrior spirit? How can you refuse so rashly? My challenge? "

Guan Heng hugged his shoulders and said disdainfully, "Brother is a general, ready to deal with Pawn, who has the skill to deal with your nameless pawn?"

"Guan Heng is right." Ruta said with a smirk at this time: "I am still well-known in the Ashton continent. What about the" demigod thieves "who are in the world, what qualifications do you have to challenge me?"

"Undead unidentified little ghost under my keel spear." Ma Ze said with a gun, oblique Jule, "you ... hmm, a hair!"

Zuo Wei, Imila, A Jin, and Dorie, the "four women and children", glanced at Jule with the light of the corners of their eyes, and they all vomited. They brushed together and said, "Uh ... it's ugly, We're disgusted enough to reduce combat effectiveness, so we won't do anything with you! "

At this time, Borui looked at each other and found that all the reasons seemed to be used up by everyone, so he squinted at the other side and said, "Oh!" Then he shrank behind everyone.

"You don't even have an excuse?" Jule couldn't wait to see Borui's scumbag, and rushed to tear him, but at this moment, Guan Heng said coldly: "You won't My companion attacked me for no reason. If we didn't give a reasonable excuse, we would rush up and chop you up and throw it under the bridge! "

—— [Fourth more of 2016.8.2, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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