Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1537: Weird gambling (fifth more outbreak)

"Abominable!" Jule was verbally threatened by Guan Heng, and he suddenly burst into a cold sweat, even his back's shirt was soaked, and the boy suddenly shouted, "Brothers, come together."

"Hahaha, Big Brother is calling us." Suddenly, a series of yin and yang strange laughter sounded under the bridge, and in a moment, there were four strong black shadows in the voice of "噌 噌 噌" 袂Next to Le.

"Is this ... the five brother?"

Guan Heng looked at the opposite and looked exactly the same as Jule. The four weird middle-aged demons, including Jule, were almost indistinguishable from each other in height and weight. The only difference was that Jule was physically In purple, the other four were wearing white, orange, green, and red.

At this moment, Jule Haha laughed and said, "Guan Heng, don't you think this devil's palace is too big? To tell you the truth, this palace cannot be traveled with only your feet. If you want to find it, The main hall where Demon Pawn is located must pass through five teleportation arrays! "

"What did you say ?!" Guan Heng came to realize at this moment, and he secretly said, "No wonder we are desperately running, but we never reach the end of the palace. It turned out to be a teleportation team!"

"If you can take the challenge of our five brothers and win us ..." Jule said here, suddenly showing a residual picture, he grinned: "You can get five plane residuals of the demon palace Map, with which you can go directly to the main hall through all teleportation arrays! "

Suddenly, Jule stole the residual pictures and suddenly backed up a few meters. He shouted to Guan Heng: "If you dare to grab the drawings, we will destroy these residual pictures immediately, so that you can never reach the main hall!"

Just a second ago, Guan Heng really wanted to violently injure people to capture drawings, but his subtle movements failed to escape Jule's sly thief eyes. At this moment, Guan Heng was stunned and he Whispered in a low voice: "Well, I accept the challenge from all of you, come over and die!"

"Go to yours. If we really walked by, we would be called to death." Jule is still embarrassed by Guan Heng's murderous spirit. Where can he dare to go forward to fight? At this time, he secretly thought: "You must This group of guys introduce 'there' so that they can take a look ... "

Thinking of this, Jule exclaimed: "Since it is a challenge, then it is better to be fair. We should leave the opportunity to choose our opponents to‘ fate ’to decide.”

Upon hearing this, Rutta said impatiently, "Hum, what do you mean?"

"Hey hey, that's what it means--" A strange sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Jule slammed his feet, stepping on a green brick of the stone bridge, and the space of the stone bridge was instantly distorted the next second. Deformed, Guan Heng shouted, "No, this bridge is a different space teleportation array!"

But Guan Heng's warning sounded a little slower. He and the other seven companions suddenly stepped on the air, and then fell into a weird space.

"Abominable, dare to count Lao Tzu!" Guan Heng saw the five yin and Yang Weierna brothers still standing not far from each other, and immediately pressing the grip of the dragon's blade in anger, Guan Heng yelled at this moment: "I'll kill some of you now!"

"Wait, the same sentence as before, you can defeat us, you can leave with the residual picture." At this moment, Jule hugged his shoulders and said, "If you dare to act lightly, we will die even if we die. Destroy the drawings before you die. Think for yourself! "

"It's mad, I'm so angry!" Guan Heng thought of rushing to kill people regardless of whether he was thirty-seven or twenty-one, but then thought about it: "I don't know at all what the situation is, if I really kill them, It's not worth the loss of everyone's lives. "

"Guan Heng, don't be impatient, listen to what these guys have to say first." Ruta and Ma Ze left and right, walked quietly to Guan Heng and whispered: "It's important to get the drawing of the magic palace teleportation array, don't forget , We don't have much time. "

"Hoo--" Guan Heng breathed a long sigh of relief at this moment, and immediately yelled at Jule with his eyes wide open: "How do you want to fight? Hurry up and say something, don't provoke Lao Tzu to anger!"

"It's very simple, look at this thing first-" "Pop!" Jule suddenly showed the two magic pet tubes, released two things from the inside, Guan Heng and others looked closely, it turned out that they looked like two The "block" monster, these two things are innocent, with a total of six sides, I wonder what is the use?

"Hey hey, this thing is called 'Dice Monster'. For the sake of fairness, I think the order of the final battle between us should be left to them to decide."

Seeing the incomprehensible face on Guan Heng and others, Jule exclaimed at this time: "We have five brothers, and we also choose five people to participate in the battle, leaving their own faces on the five sides of the dice monster. Handprints and names, the sixth side writes 'at will', and let the weird monster roll. Whose name appears directly above, whoever will fight, understand? "

At this moment Ma Ze asked in a deep voice: "How to explain the word" arbitrary "?"

"It's random. Anyone who can participate in the war can decide for himself. It's up to his own discussion." After Juler said this, a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said suddenly, "However, your side Only Guan Heng can't fight !! "

"What did you say ?!" Hearing this, Guan Heng was instantly furious. He shouted loudly, "Did you want to find Lao Tzu's stubborn thing? Don't shake any dice, Lao Tzu is now cutting it across the board. about you!"

Jule didn't say anything this time, but the other four Verne brothers suddenly shouted, "Why, how dare you do it? Come here!-Big deal, you kill, let's destroy the map, and trap you in this broken space for ten days. Half a month, do you believe it? "

"A shabby alien space, want to trap me ?!" Guan Heng didn't even pull out the dragon's blade this time. He shook the broken blade Entos steel sword in his hand and said, "I can do it with one sword." Break the gap in space ... "

"Uh, dear Mr. Guan Heng, I forgot to tell you just now that this newly created alien space is very unstable." At this moment, Jule sneered sneer: "If you use brute force to destroy this place, the space barrier The eddy currents will flow in in a hurry, and we will all be swept away immediately. It doesn't matter if we are dead. Is it possible that your companion will not be buried with your companion? "

"How can this be true!" After listening to the opponent's words, Guan Heng slammed the sword in his hand into the ground. At this time, Ma Ze said, "Guan Heng, don't be impulsive. Except that you can't participate in the battle, the other party didn't mention anything else. Let's promise something difficult. "

Ruta also reminded: "Yeah, don't forget, time is tight."

"Well, okay, I'll watch the battle next to me. If something happens to the other party, I will kill someone immediately."

Guan Heng said, glancing at the five Verne brothers on the opposite side with his gaze-killing eyes, and he said word by word: "Frustration and ashes, I will leave you with no slag!"

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.2, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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