Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1543: Double War Begins (first)

Those black gas mad bees are fierce and abnormal, and Guan Heng and others who watch the battle from the outside are also very worried. Everyone at the scene knew that in the previous battle, Zuo Wei was able to defeat and win, also because Guan Heng called for the rain beast, because the red beast soul of the red coat Hugo belonged to the soul of the fire system. After praying for the faint moisture in the air, the rain beast will be wiped out by Zuo Wei.

At this moment, everyone focused their eyes on Guan Heng, hoping that he could think of a way for Tiemira to lift his predicament.

However, Guan Heng smiled slightly, and he whispered, "Don't look at me, Ma Ze, have you forgotten your new trick? Now only you can secretly help Imela."

In a moment, Ma Ze's mind flashed suddenly: "Yeah, I forgot that I can now absorb the dark energy of the Demon Realm, and then I turn into my own fighting spirit."

In fact, Guan Heng's Dragon Breath Crystal can also absorb black gas, but he would rather give this opportunity to Ma Ze, because Dragon Breath Crystal has absorbed a lot of more pure dark matter in the abyss of the demon domain, and now it is saturated, so that A little bit black, it was better left to Maze.

It was late, and at that time, Ma Ze took advantage of the attention of the Verne brothers on the opposite side, and calmly stepped forward, immediately driving the golden spirit in his body, and began to slowly absorb the black gas bee in the battle circle.

Ma Ze's action was silent, just between the electric light and flint, and quickly turned to the black gas bee surrounded by Imira, and then he was shaken by the whole body. Then, he was taken away by a powerful force. .

"What's going on?" Orange Yi Juan was about to kill the killer of Ymira who was desperately resisting, but did not realize that his bumblebee suddenly had a problem. He stared at his startled eyes and looked at his own The black gas bee buzzed sternly in the air, and then disappeared!

Seeing the opportunity not to be lost, Imila suddenly throbbed her wrist and flung her, and threw the chain and slammed out: "Kill--"

"Bang-click!" The hammer head was wrapped in the strong wind and cast away like electricity. He was unbiased and righteous in the head of the orange-dressed Juan, and hit a red and white splash of 10,000 peach blossoms. Died.

"Brothers ?!" Jule and Green Duffy saw that Juan had finished playing, and suddenly felt heartbreaking pain. Their five brothers came together, but now there are only two. Think about it, this battle is simply Defeat.

"I fight with you-" Green Yi Peidao stared at the blood-filled pupil Ren Ren, and flew to Yimila desperately, but the nearest Maze, suddenly showing the keel spear across the other side. In front, at this moment, Ma Ze growled coldly: "Why, do you want to rush to death? Then I will complete you!"

The keel spear's cross gun head shone with cold light, and suddenly Peto Fei was shocked. He stepped back subconsciously. At this moment, Zuo Wei had found the residual picture of Juan and swaggered back to Guan Heng. Passed over: "Oh, Brother Guan Heng, I also won, this is the booty."

"Good job, it is indeed the master of ancient martial arts." Guan Heng applauded at this moment: "Amazing, Imila."

Hearing Guan Heng ’s compliment, Imila wiped the sweat from her forehead and just smiled. At this moment, Ma Ze suddenly exclaimed: "Hey, brother Verne, now there are only two left to fight. Personally, hurry up and decide quickly, we don't have time to waste energy with you as a small nameless puppet. "

"Abominable, isn't it the former legionnaire of the Dragon Legion? It's so arrogant and look down on our brother ?!" After listening to Ma Ze, Jule and Petofi secretly gnashed their teeth, they can't wait to pounce on him and Ma Ze now Desperately, tore him to shatter, but at this time, there was something in Jule's arms that suddenly shook.

"Huh ?! This is ... finally waiting for it!" Jule, who saw this scene, quickly reached out and held the thing in her arms, saying that it was late, then fast, a message sent from the other side, time. Into Jule's mind.

Quickly clearing the message in his head, Jule quickly lowered his voice and said to Petofi, "Her Majesty Pawn is ready there, and all the arrangements have been made. Let's quickly find a chance to retreat, all the guys on the other side are not easy to mess with. You must not throw your life here like the first few brothers. "

"Brother is right. Although they got three residual pictures, as long as you and my two are still there, Guan Heng and his companions can only get lost in the devil's palace to death!" Seeing the vicious fierce man, he said, "You say, what's the next step?"

"Looking at my winks, let's take a shot together and make progress together." Julle said this, and then he shammed to Ma Ze again: "Everyone has played three games, and they all use the Weiqi monster. Decided to compete against our opponents, but we have two left now, so why not ... "

When Jule came to this point, he paused for a moment. He suddenly took out the tube of the magic pet, and "slammed" two times, and even closed the weird monster, seeing that Guan Heng and others were incomprehensible. Jule quickly explained: "In order to save time, the remaining two simply played together and had a 'two-on-two' doubles melee. What do you think? This is also good for everyone."

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng's companions, Ruta and Maze, frowned slightly, and they immediately looked at Guan Heng behind him, intending to ask Guan Heng's decision.

"Huh, it seems that the other party is a dog jumping from the wall and has other tricks." Guan Heng whispered to Ruta and Maze at the moment: "Promise them, make quick decisions, don't give the Verne brothers a chance to breathe and escape."

After a moment's rest, Guan Heng said time to his surrounding companions, "Everyone comes to Borui's side. If something is wrong, we must use his teleportation spell to escape this space immediately."

The partners nodded secretly, and all moved slowly and silently, and moved towards Borui.

"Hey, brother Verne, we agreed to your request." Between talking, Ruta and Maze had taken a big step into the field. At this moment, Maze shook the keel spear in his palm, and he was sensible. Sneer: "Come over and die."

"Don't look down on people, I'm here to fight you!" Green clothing Petofi yelled suddenly, then took off the weapon on his back, it was a huge wide sword comparable to the size of the door panel, and the whole body was dark. Color, the top is also inlaid with fist-sized strange crystals in four positions in the northeast and southwest.

"Now howl, booming sword--"

"Om-oh!" It was late, and then, quickly, a petite smashed a spar on the east side of the Great Sword. Immediately, a loud noise that strongly stimulated the eardrum erupted in the air. The sound of the sonic boom is like a sharp punch, and it is in the forefront of Ma Ze!

—— [2016.8.4 The first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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