Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1544: Get out of bed

"Huh ?!" Suddenly the other party slammed with a sonic boom. Ma Ze suddenly felt burned within five minutes. In the mouth and nose, "噗嗤" burst into a string of blood. In a hurry, Ma Ze immediately tried his best to help himself. Bao, he soared the golden king's fighting spirit to the extreme in an instant, and yelled: "The fighting shield broke out !!"

In a flash of time, Ma Zezhou surging up and down overflowed with an overwhelming momentum. This is the "Golden King's fighting spirit" which he transformed with a large amount of black energy from the Demon Realm, which is ten times more powerful than the undead fighting spirit he studied before.

Relying on the black-blooded bee who once again absorbed Orange Clothes Juan, Ma Ze's gold king's fighting spirit also grew stronger than ever.

"Bang!" The noise caused by Petofi's Great Sword collided fiercely with Ma Ze's Fighting Shield, and they instantly canceled each other. At this moment, Ma Ze also forcibly pressed his impulse to spit blood, and madly attacked the keel spear. Passed over: "Jerks, I want your life--"

At the same time, Ruta was in a fierce battle with Jule, holding a short sword. Both of them played fast, and suddenly the people in the field swayed, and the sound of the collision of "Dangdangdang" blades was endless. .

Suddenly, Rulehu's sword blocked Ruta's double short-edged sword, and then, using his other hand, he flew out a dozen odd and weird things, and those things fell on Ruta's feet in an instant. side.

"Hey, this is ..." Before Ruta fully reacted, those falling objects suddenly burst into a crisp sound of "papapa", and then, there were countless slender shadows wrapped in "puppet". The sound of breaking through the air suddenly caught Ruta's ankle.

"Hahaha, this thing is called 'Devil's Vampire Vine', which can restrain your speed and draw away your power." In the treacherous strange laughter, the short sword in Jule's palm has turned into a silver thread that tears the air. , Snoring, nailed to Ruta's neck, "kill--"

"Huh, the eagle worm trick, you take a closer look at what this broken rattan is entangled with?" Ruta's voice didn't fall, and his body had long since disappeared in place. Jule suddenly stabbed in the air with a sword. He Looking at the vampire vine on the ground in anger, he suddenly became so angry that the dense rattan that was horizontally and vertically turned tightly turned into a boot of Ma Ze!

"Stupid guy, you have lost!" It was too late, then, when Mazer's figure had appeared behind Jule, his hands passed by each other's arms and waists in an instant. reward.

"Abominable, fight with you!" Jule saw the other party's swiftness and incoherence as ghosts, and suddenly burst into a cold sweat in his heart. This guy suddenly turned around in anxiety, and the soldier's blade in the palm gave out more than ten swords in a blink of an eye, Ruta was forced to retreat, but this guy did not expect that he was missing something.

At the same time, on top of the giant sword in the hands of Petofi with Ma Ze, he has smashed three weird crystals, indicating that he has shot between the electric light flint and launched three explosive attacks against Ma Ze. .

But this time, Ma Ze was clever. He secretly blocked his ears with gold fighting gas, so that the eardrums would not be damaged the most. Taking this opportunity, the keel spear in Ma Ze's palm turned like a strange python and turned straight. Nailed to Petofi's heart.

"Ah, that's bad, I can't hide!" Green Yi Peiduofei saw that the gunpoint broke through, and had no time to block it with his sword. He had to raise his left arm suddenly as a last resort.

"Eh! Hey!" The keel spear spun into the flesh drill and twisted, only to smash the entire arm of Petofi in an instant.

"Ehhhhh, it hurts me!" Petofi raised his horror, and the pain of arm destruction swept through the body. He suddenly called out, "Brother, save me!" But this shout also affected Jule. The battle over there, his brother turned pale in an instant. If Jule was not afraid, he wouldn't be surprised?

Speaking slowly, then, at a moment when Jule was a little distracted, the double short blades in Ruta's palm instantly split two arcs to cut: "Xingyue double rounds!"

"Hey--hey!" Jule just felt that his cheeks were suddenly cold on both sides, and his two ears suddenly snapped to the ground. It turned out that they had all been cut off!

"Yeah!" Suffering in great pain and panic, Juler suddenly stepped back five or six steps, grabbed his brother Petofi's shoulder and yelled, "Go--"

Petofi suddenly realized that the boy resisted the pain of the broken arm, and suddenly smashed the last weird crystal of the giant sword in the palm, and saw a strong energy surge directly hit the space barrier. on.

"Hey, click!" A gap in the space where people can pass through appeared in front of the two Verne brothers. They can escape the pursuit of Ruta and Maze by stepping forward, and then trapped them here. In an unstable alien space that may collapse at any time.

But in such an instant, Ma Ze took the lead in chasing them. He suddenly stunned a dragonbone spear in his palm, and uttered a fierce cry to Petofi's lower abdomen: "Miscellaneous things, leaving your residue Figure! "

Seeing Ma Ze blocking the road, Jule was so angry that he turned his face ruthlessly. In order to escape, he immediately reached out and pushed his only remaining brother to the other's gunpoint: "I want him? Here you are. Come on !!! "

In the face of this move, Petofi was frightened suddenly: "No, brother you--"

"Oh!" Before Petofi finished saying this, the narrow lance of the keel spear had already given him a pair to wear. Ma Ze took the opportunity to pull Petofi's placket and caught the piece of light and flint. Afterimage.

"Hahaha, goodbye Guan Heng, you **** guys, stay here and bury my brothers!" Jule had plunged into a gap in the space at this moment, and then appeared again in a moment with Guan Heng They met on the stone bridge.

"I escaped!" At this moment, Jule was overjoyed. Although he had died of his four brothers this time, he could make the enemy of Demon Pawn—Guan Heng and his companions all sleepy. In different spaces, this is definitely a great achievement!

"As long as he returns to His Majesty Lord, he will definitely appreciate me, and I will definitely be a close friend of Pawn, overcoming Cohen's weird and eccentric guy."

Jule had a beautiful wishful thinking in his heart, but he had not yet taken three steps forward, and he heard a few roars from behind: "The arrow of sacred light!"

"Frozen Mantra!" The two attacking magics slammed at Jule's feet, scaring him for a while.

"You ... aren't trapped in a different space ?!" Looking back, Studded Jule stuttered, "This, how is this possible?"

"Hehehe, there is nothing impossible in the world, it depends on whether it can be done."

Guan Heng was holding his shoulders at this moment, and he was followed by seven companions. At this moment, Guan Henghao said leisurely: "Borui's teleportation mantra is good at taking us to wherever he has been, naturally including this stone bridge where we have just stayed. What we have to wait for , It's just the moment when you open the gap in space. "

—— [Second more in 2016.8.4, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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