Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1545: Map to hand (third more)

As soon as Guan Heng's words came out, Juler suddenly turned face-to-face. He lost all four brothers this time. Not only did he fail to trap Guan Heng and others, but he let these evil stars follow him out of a different space. At this moment Look up again to see eight other people like Guan Heng, these guys are surrounded by a murderous look, it seems that they will definitely kill themselves.

Seeing that Guan Heng was only seven or eight steps away from him, Jule's mind suddenly flashed, and he shouted incessantly: "You, don't come here, don't forget that I have the fifth chapter in the magic palace in my hand. The residual picture! If you dare to kill me, I will ... "

"What about you?" At this moment, Ruta's disdainful thing in her hand: "Hey, the residual picture is here."

"Ah ?! How is this possible?" Jule could hardly believe what Ruta said, but he saw that the other person was holding it, it was really like his own residual picture, so Jule hurriedly ran into his arms and fumbled, who Knowing that only a dark thing was caught.

"Damn, it turned out to be a stone!" "Slap!" Jule, desperately angry, threw the black stone in his hand to the ground and fell into eight petals. At this moment, Guan Heng hugged his shoulder and laughed: "This time you are Blind dog eyes, he picked the famous "demigod thief" of Ashton mainland as his opponent, not to mention a fragment of your body, which is the internal organs of your body. Luta can also be silent. Steal it! "

As soon as Guan Heng's words came out, Jule suddenly shuddered with anger, and said that it was too late, then, this cunning guy suddenly "chuckled" and ran away, and rushed away in the distance, At this time, Jule thought that as long as he got into the maze-like palace complex of demons and gods, he could escape from the pursuit of Guan Heng and others by relying on the familiar terrain.

It is a pity that his wishful thinking abacus can't be beaten. In the electric light and flint, Guan Heng has shaken the three-foot Entos broken sword in his palm and suddenly issued a slash: "唰 ——"


This slash infused the power of Guan Heng's dragon god, which was called swift and swift without any trace. It was just behind him in a short time. This boy felt the bad wind behind his head and wanted It's too late to shrink back and dodge, and saw the slanting speed passing through Jule's body. The next second, the boy broke into two corpses with a bang in the place!

"Good killing! Happy!" Borui and others immediately applauded in unison.

"Huh, it's just a few punk-skinned dogs that dragged our footsteps, but fortunately they also sent this."

Guan Heng walked in front of a stone platform and spread five residual pictures on it. Ruta suddenly said: "Guan Heng, on Jule, I found this in addition to the last residual picture. . "

"Well, this is ..." Guan Heng took over what Ruta had handed over, and he observed carefully and said, "This seems to be a folded mold. Let me unfold it."

Speaking of this, Guan Heng started to work, and several other people also came around to watch. After opening the mold, Guan Heng immediately became clear. He said loudly: "Look, the size and connection of this mold are exactly five residual pictures. It's exactly the same, I think, as long as you put a few residual images into the mold, it should be useful. "

As soon as this sentence came out, Guan Heng immediately started to fill all the five residual images into the mold. At this moment, everyone saw the residual images filled in, and they started to flash different lights. Some dumbfounded, they involuntarily asked in unison: "What's the mystery in it?"

"Hmm ..." Guan Heng lowered his head and groaned for a few seconds. He suddenly pointed his finger at an area and said, "Look, the position above this is definitely the stone bridge we are on. Here, it is much brighter than other map areas. On, this shows that we are already where we have been. "

"Oh, that's the case." Ruta analyzed her chin at this time. "So, the other bleak areas are places where you and I haven't set foot. Should I understand this right?"

Guan Hengwen slowly nodded his head and said, "Positive solution, so we have to go to the unknown area and look for the teleportation array to the main palace of the magic palace."

"I seem to have discovered a problem, that **** Jule, he probably already calculated it, even if we have captured all the residual pictures."

After Ma Ze said this, his face immediately showed the color of hatred: "As long as this kid escapes with a mold that can map the map and can mark the known area, we will still have a lot of trouble because we are not familiar with the location area. Go wrong. "

At the same time, others said in unison: "Yes, we also think Maze is right."

Guan Heng then looked at his location on the map and the nearby terrain, and he said immediately: "Crossing the stone bridge, bypassing the spiral stairs winding up to the north, crossing the towers connecting the two ends above, you can reach the first A sideline teleportation, let's go. "

"Okay, go now!" Upon hearing this, everyone immediately agreed, and immediately ran across the huge arch opposite the stone bridge with Guan Heng.


At the same time, the main hall of the devil's palace, Cohan has returned to work outside, at this moment, the demon Pawn muttered to himself on the throne: "The five brothers of Verne, have still not been able to delay Guan Heng and others For a long time, they have now been wiped out. "

"Your Majesty, I have done almost everything you ordered." After saying this, Cohen, beside the throne, asked, "Will I go now ..."

"Cohan, why are you getting more and more impatient now?" The demon took a glass of wine and sipped it, then whispered, "I said it already. When it's time for you to play, I will give an order. What you have to do now is to be by my side and enjoy the show with me. "

Speaking of this, the demon Lord Paine paused for a moment, and then continued to say: "In my demon palace, there are some excellent people who can deal with Guanheng. You, as my attendant, don't always think about playing Do you understand what happened? "

"Yes, his subordinates will obey His Majesty's orders." After hearing a little dissatisfaction in Pawn's words, Cohan was also involuntary. Cohen has always respected this moody master with 120,000 points. Be careful, for fear of angering each other.

"Huh ..." At this moment, the Lord of Master gently breathed a sigh of relief, and he suddenly smiled slightly narrowly: "I feel that your body seems a bit stiff, is it that the words in this seat scared you? ? "

"Subordinates dare not, subordinates do not dare." Kou Han's heart was crying bitterly at this moment, he could not help secretly cursing: "This old thing is obviously playing with me, if it is not enough strength and turn your face, I wish I could give you two loud slaps right away. "

Cohan's heart seems to have a loyalty to Pawn. That is because his relationship with Pawn is special. It doesn't seem to be so fearful and fearful to the demon. This guy seems to be otherwise. rely.

—— [The third update of 2016.8.4, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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