Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1556: Weird herring

"I said brother, can't you use your brain?" Guan Heng shook his head at this moment, then said angrily: "Zuo Wei, let the giant tortoise out of the magic pet's tube, let's ride on its back Cross the river. "

Upon hearing this, everyone in the audience laughed in unison: "Ha, this is a good idea!"

At this time, Zuo Wei released the giant tortoise and explained the situation with a smile. The giant tortoise immediately agreed. Its previous body was so tall, but after transferring two-thirds of its original power to the rain beast, its size has been reduced to The diameter is only a dozen meters, but even so, when Guan Heng waited on his back, he still felt very wide.

"Wow-wow-wow-wow-" The next moment, the giant tortoise swarmed towards the waters in front of them, breaking the waves all the way, and soon traveled a dozen kilometers.

"Guan Heng, I think being in this river seems a little bit wrong."

At this moment, the giant tortoise moving forward with his limbs suddenly said, "The longer my body touches the river, the more I feel heavier. Look, am I sinking slowly?"

Hearing this, Guan Heng was suddenly shocked. He and his surrounding partners looked at each other. Looking at his feet, he found that the back of the giant turtle that was just above the water. At this moment, nearly half had sunk into it. In the water.

"Come again ?!" The giant tortoise shook his body at this moment, and he cried out, "That's the feeling, it seems that there are countless big hands holding my body under the water."

"There must be something weird in this river!" Frown frowns, and Guan Hengyang said to everyone, "I'll go into the water to see what's going on, and you'll be on the back of the giant turtle."

Hearing everyone agreed, Guan Heng had been sent into the water in an instant, and a trace of ripples disappeared.

"Well, there is another world in this demon palace. There is such a wide and deep river, and there is a very weird inside." After Guan Heng jumped into the river, he immediately opened a protective cover with the power of the dragon god. Swim towards the bottom of the river under the giant tortoise.

While diving, Guan Heng couldn't help thinking: "The map only shows that the end of this river is the fourth side hall, but there is no danger here. It seems that we can only take one step and one step. Be careful. "

"Coo ... coo ..." Guan Heng had just thought of it, and suddenly heard that the water not far ahead was not calm, and he woke up a few strange blisters in an instant.

"That's ..." Guan Heng's eyes narrowed and looked closely, only to find that there were a dozen invisible black hands in the water more than ten meters away, and he was holding onto the hind limbs of the giant tortoise without letting go, no wonder the giant tortoise When you swim forward, you will feel that your body is sinking. It turns out that these things are engaging in ghosts!

I saw the hand of black gas was long and big, could not keep swaying in the water, looked down horizontally, and found that the source of the hand of black gas turned out to be a hundred strange fish lurking at the bottom of the river.

These strange fish are more than ten meters long, with dark blue hair color, but no scales are rough fish skin, and the fish mouth of the strange fish is extremely large, and the thick lips of the eversion look ugly and ugly. ferocious.

"These green-skinned fish are exhaling black hands, trying to drag giant turtles into the water?" Guan Heng finally understood the cause of the incident at this time.

"You **** things, dare to make a ghost here!" Out of anger, Guan Heng immediately pulled out the Entos broken sword, and the strange fish aimed at the bottom was a dozen fierce slashes: "All of them give I'll die! "

"Oh!" The slash containing the power of the Dragon God flew in the water in a blink of an eye, swiftly passing the bodies of those green-skinned fish at a rapid speed, and saw the blood splashing in the water and the flesh flying across The dozen or so strange fishes died instantly.

"Hmm, are you clean now? Retreat ..." Guan Heng was about to reverse his body, and suddenly found that two hundred red lights suddenly turned on, which was extremely scary!

"No, the red light from the bottom of the water is the eyes of a giant monster!" When Guan Heng thought of it, the monster that was a hundred meters away had begun to take action.


Three huge water polo **** were suddenly blasted out by a monster with a large mouth opening. This water polo gliding at a very fast speed, and it hit Guan Heng in a blink of an eye. Guan Heng, who had broken the sword, pulled out the dragon's teeth. Suddenly, three quick-freezing knife energies were split in a row, and the knife screamed and waved away. In time, the three water polo **** were frozen into ice balls, and they sank to the bottom of the water.

"Don't dare attack me, I think you're impatient!" Suddenly, Guan Heng stepped on the water with his feet on his feet, and suddenly swooped in the water, and came to the monster with water polo.

"Well, the big green-skinned fish is almost the same size as the giant tortoise, presumably you are the eldest of these fish, right?" At this moment, Guan Heng was angry, no matter whether he was thirty-seven or twenty-one. The dragon's teeth darted straight at each other: "Kill-"

The green-skinned giant fish seemed to know that Guan Heng was not easy to deal with, and at the same time, he sent out a trick, and saw that the fish giant mouth opened, and it immediately sprayed a large area of ​​black magic gas like dark ink, exhaling to the mask Off across the body.

"Eh ?!" Guan Heng suddenly snorted, seemingly to be restrained by his own black gas, and began to be a little busy. The green-skinned giant fish was overjoyed when he saw this, and suddenly opened his huge mouth to devour Guan Heng, but at this moment, Guan Heng sneered in the dark air: "idiot, I am making you play!"

"Oh!" A sphere suddenly appeared above Guan Heng's head. It was the crystal of the dark dragon's breath spinning fast and shining brightly. I saw that this object produced a great absorption force and immediately surrounded the black gas of Guan Heng. Exhausted.

"Your miscellaneous fish is really clueless, and it is my destiny that you have reached the end of your life." The cold light in the water appeared, and Guan Heng's dragon tooth blade had been passing by the bottom of the green-skinned giant fish in an instant. , Immediately gave this big fish a complete ripper.

"The fish's blood is dirty, and it may attract other monsters in the water." Suddenly, Guan Heng turned to electricity, and immediately attached a layer of frozen atmosphere to the blade, thereby completely freezing the green-skinned fish and letting it Just heading down like this, one turned over and sank straight into the water.

"Palace this guy, let's go!" Guan Heng thought of this, and quickly swam toward the water.


A few minutes ago, the giant tortoise on the water suddenly said, "Huh? My body seems to be getting lighter. Guan Heng must have solved the trouble at the bottom of the water."

As soon as the giant turtle said this, everyone on the turtle's back breathed a sigh of relief. Borui said at this time: "It's good that the boss shot in time, now we can move on ...

"Look, everyone, what's in the sky?" Just then, Dori, who had the best eyesight, suddenly cried out, "It seems that something is flying over!"

—— [Fourth more in 2016.8.6, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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