Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1557: Bone Bird Strikes (Fifth Outbreak)

Upon hearing Dou Lei's howl, Zou Wei took the lead in looking up and she cried out: "It seems like a group of strange birds, but these are ... flying skeletons ?!"

At this moment, everyone has found out what the foreign body is from the sky. It is a group of strange birds that fluttered and flew and kept screaming, but there was no flesh around them. He Yuyu, all that is left is the bone racking.

"This is the 'bone bird' of the undead." Ma Ze said at this time: "It's all ominous objects controlled by the black gas of the demon domain, but it doesn't matter. If you want to deal with the black gas of the demon domain, I can think of a way. . "

Having said that, Ma Ze suddenly turned his head and said to Doriel, "Give me a common eagle arrow."

Due to the limited number of keel arrows on Dole, he always carried an arrow pot with ordinary arrows. When he heard Ma Ze's words, Dole quickly drew a hand and handed it up: "Hey, here you are."

"Oh!" Ma Ze's hand holding the arrow flickered with pale gold, and he covered the whole arrow in a flash. Then, he passed the thing to Dori: "Fast, aim at those giant bones." The bird shoots an arrow! "

"Smack--squeak--" Duolie took the arrow and struck the string in a blink of an eye, and then quickly fired at a giant bone bird in the sky: "嗖 —— 嚓!"

"Oh!" The arrow with its light gold light flew soaring in the air, and in time, it entered the gap in the sternum of the skeletal bird. Immediately afterwards, everyone heard a loud noise. At the scene of annihilation, everyone applauded in unison: "This arrow shot really accurately, it is indeed the **** archer of the night elves!"

"Hehehe, everyone has won the prize." Dorie just smiled at everyone's compliment, but at this moment Ma Ze shouted: Don't care, the rest of the giant bone birds haven't disappeared yet! "

As soon as Ma Ze's words were out, the bone birds were howling and rushing down from the air.

"唰 —— 啪, 、, !!" Just between the electric light and flint, Akin's keel whip shot suddenly, and the whip whipping wrapped the wind almost simultaneously on the three oncoming bone birds, just listening " "Crapping, clapping" a few crisp sounds, the giant bone birds suddenly broke their bones and fell, all plopped into the water.


Speaking late, at that time, Ruta was tiptoe on the turtle's back, suddenly jumped to the sky, and stopped at the tops of the two giant bone birds without hesitation. "Bang, bang!" Ruta's two-footed crickets were together. Brushing out, just hitting the giant bone bird's face door, the two unlucky birds rolled and crashed into the companions behind them, letting two or three bone birds planted in the water with them head down!

"Yeah!" The keel spear spear stabbed out of Ma Ze's palm, and it turned into a hundred star points in a short time, and the skeletal skeletal bird that was passing by was turned over into the water in an instant. At this moment, Bo Rui laughed out loud: "Hahaha, leave the rest to me!"

Borui's voice fell, his one hand suddenly gathered the fire element, and the other hand suddenly gathered the ice element. At this moment, Borui whispered in his mouth: "Ice fire composite spell-flame ice cone rain! "

"Uh-hhhhhhhhh-hhhh-hhhh-hhhhhhhhhh, there are countless feet of sharp ice cones appearing in the sky, the flames of flames moving around the cones, and the next few seconds are overwhelmingly flying towards the remaining few A giant bone bird!

"呱 quaqua ———" The skeletal bird struck by the ice cone screamed for a long time. It was either frozen or burned by flames, and all fell into the cold water.

"Hey, Zowei, what do you think of my skill?" Borui bragged to Zowei proudly at this moment: "As long as I shoot, there will be no enemies ..."

"Where are you stupid **** looking?" As soon as Zuo Wei's words fell, she fluttered her arms and threw out a spear of sacred light that had just condensed, and whispered, "Here!"

"Suck! Bang!" The last giant bone bird burst and smashed after being hit by the light spear. It turned out that this guy actually wanted to attack Borui from behind, but happened to be seen by Zowei, so he rescued him. .

"Eh ?!" Borui was shocked when he saw the scene. He subconsciously patted his chest and called: "It's so dangerous."

At this time, everyone suddenly heard the sound of a "huh" on the water surface next to the giant tortoise. It was Guan Heng who turned over and leaped out, his feet "popped" on the turtle's back.

"Hey, did I miss something good?" Guan Heng asked with a smile at this time: "What is the bone dregs floating on the water?"

Seeing Guan Hengfa's question, Ruta casually explained the incident of the giant bone bird just now. Guan Heng said that he came out of the river too late and missed the exciting battle. At this time, the giant tortoise has begun. Continuing to cross the river, the wide river was calm at this time, allowing Guanheng to flow freely all the way.

In this way, it didn't take long for everyone to have reached the other end of the river. Guan Heng and everyone rolled over the back of the giant tortoise, and Zuo Wei returned the crossing boat to the magic pet's tube.

At this time, Borui looked up and looked up and asked, "Boss, which way should I go next? I see a dozen huge towers in front of me ..."

"Well, the map shows that not far behind those towers is where the fourth side hall is located." Guan Heng said to everyone at this time: "Okay, go ahead."

The roads under everyone's feet were all volley-shaped iron pontoons. The length of the pontoons was several kilometers. The other end of the pontoons directly led to the tower. They were blown by the blast of the air, and they suddenly slammed and kept shaking When you step on both feet, it seems extremely difficult to maintain balance.

But that ’s it. There is no slowing down of Guan Heng and everyone ’s speed. They grabbed the handrails of the pontoon pontoon and hurried forward, and soon ran to the center of the pontoon bridge, but at this moment Sudden change suddenly!

Just listening to the "squeak and crunch" sound from the lower end of the iron cable bridge, Guan Heng looked down. It turned out that hundreds of short, thin and ugly mobs gathered together. These guys were covered with gray hair. Fang the nostrils and the outer teeth of Dachazui, holding the rusty pig-iron short spear in his hand and aiming at them.

"Not good, the iron cable pontoon is shaking so badly that if it falls down to avoid the attacks of these guys, then it is not a joke." Guan Heng thought of it here and suddenly exclaimed: "Everyone hurry up, Speed ​​up and run over to the tower, I will stop the little monsters from attacking. "

As soon as Guan Heng's words came out, he had already turned over and lowered the iron cable bridge, swooped down with the "scream" of dragon flying, and rushed straight to the ugly mobs with short spears.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.6, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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