Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1558: Meet the ghost soldier again (first)

"Eh!" Entos broke the sword suddenly in his hands, Guan Heng immediately slashed out with a sword: "The flame of Dragon's Breath!"

"Alas!" A dozen slashes flew out, rushing towards the gray hair mobs, and Guan Hengman planned to kill his opponent with a single shot, but he was surprised.

"Squeak and quack--" These gray-haired mobs seemed to know the sharpness and intractability of Dragon Breath, and immediately brushed out the short spear thrown in their hands, using it to stop the flame of Dragon Breath from cutting, but those who cut In a blink of an eye, the short iron spear was smashed, but gave the mobs a chance to slip away.

I saw that these gray fur mobs slickly drilled into the hole next to them. It turned out that these guys had all come out of the hole.

"Bang, bang!" None of the dozen or so slashes fell to the ground, and he was so angry that Gong Heng immediately gritted his teeth and cursed, "You **** things, don't want to leave without Lao Tzu's permission!"

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng suddenly slammed into the air from the air and slammed the Entos sword in his hand into one of the burrows. At this moment, he screamed: "Burning, the flames just burst out— — "

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Suddenly, the cavern caused a violent chain reaction! This trick was a technique often used by Guan Heng in the Ashton continent to directly inject the extremely hot high-temperature sword power into the ground, thereby achieving the killing effect of the deadly enemy!

At this moment, centered on the broken sword of Entos, which has penetrated into the ground, a large spider-like cracks appeared suddenly in the radius of tens of meters, and "唰 唰 唰!" Countless hot flames of dragon's breath from the ground The gap rushed out, and then the screams in the surrounding caves rang out instantly.

"Squeak ---" The grey-haired mobs screamed in horror at this moment, and all of them leaped out of the hole like flames, but only the blink of an eye had turned to ashes.

"Well, what a bad thing to do to provoke me, and finally end up in a tragic death, but there is no place to take the regret medicine." Guan Heng slowly shook his head after saying this, he must leave immediately, but in this one Gongfu, he suddenly changed around!

"Wow-la-lah-huh!" It was late, then fast, and four figures appeared around Guan Heng. These guys each held a strange square flat stone in their hands.

"Who are you guys?" Before Guan Heng, who had posted the post, had no response, the stones in the hands of the four guys fell down at his feet, occupying the four corners of the northeast, southwest, and north. Guan Heng surrounded in the middle.

At this moment, the four men roared in unison: "Four Beibei prisoners array-start !!!"

"What ?! This is ..." Suddenly, Guan Heng felt a huge sense of weakness in his whole body, and then he couldn't move!


At the same time, Borui and others who first crossed the iron cable pontoon for several kilometers and ran to the tower also encountered the obstruction of mysterious figures.

In front of Borui, there were a few guys covered in dark mist. They faced Borui, Maze, and Ruta, but they said nothing, but everyone should not take a step forward.

"Abominable, good dogs don't stand in the way, get out of me!" "Smack-slap!" An Jin, full of anger and anxiety, took the lead in wielding the dragon-tail whip, and who knew that the whip tip had just fallen down. Above one's head, he was suddenly blocked by external forces, and "wheezed" and bounced back.

"Whew--patter!" Seeing the extremely fast A Jin wrapping the dragon tail whip back to her wrist in an instant, she whispered, "What are these weird things? Such a wicked door!"

"Oh!" At that moment, a scream screamed loudly, and a dark shadow sprang out from the opposite side, and attacked Maze holding the lance in hand.

"Well, here it is!" In the low roar, the keel spear in Ma Ze's palm rushed straight out, curling the wind like a lightning bolt to the neck of his opponent.

But the guy who was lingering on the dark and dark body did not retreat, so he straightly met Ma Ze's gun front, "Oh!" The next second, the sharp lance of the keel spear was already in the center of the opponent's neck. Just listening to the "thump", the gunpoint was bounced back!

"Uh? I was numb in my arm. What kind of monsters are these, who are not afraid of the stab of the keel spear ?!"

At this moment, Ma Ze was shocked. At the same time, Ruta suddenly turned his wrists and showed the double short blades. He shouted loudly: "Be careful, these monsters are very tricky, I don't know why they are out of reach! "

"Well, then, use magical attacks to fight them!" Borui drew his dragon and magic wand at this time, and called out, "Zowei, let's go together!"

"Okay, look at me—" Zuo Wei promised, and suddenly shot with Boruiqi to attack.

"Continuous fierce fire spell!" "The sacred light spear shot!" For a short time, successively overlapping large waves of fire wrapped around a dozen light spears, exhaled and flew to the black mysterious person opposite.

"Oh!" At this moment, the six mysterious people suddenly took a step forward at the same time, then stretched out twelve hands and stopped in front of them.


The fierce waves of fire and the spear of light hit the palms of the opponents suddenly, but at the moment of these moves, these guys only trembled slightly, and then gave a dull roar, which unexpectedly shattered the joint attack of Borui and Zowei.

"What ?!" At this moment, Ruta, Maze, and several other companions were stunned: "These monsters are not only inaccessible, but they can also block sharp magic attacks with their bare hands!"

"It's a bit wrong, not only because of the abilities of these monsters that shocked me, but also because they made me feel inexplicably familiar."

Ruta whispered this sentence, and then shakes his double short blade forward and puffs forward. He also yells, "Let me see what you are hiding behind the black gas!"

"Oh!" Among the flashes of light, Ruta had swiftly and incoherently reached the weirdoes. One of them snarled and waved his arms toward Ruta's neck, but the demigod thief disappeared in an instant. In situ, the guy caught the air at once, and Ruta had moved behind him in a flash.

"Look at it!" "Well!" Ruta's double short-edged swords wrapped in the wind, and fell right off, hitting the opponent's back. At this moment, Ruta suddenly felt a strong sudden shock. Strike to his arms.

"No, back off—"

"Oh!" After seeing the extremely fast Luta after a violent retreat of seven or eight meters, he used inertia to turn the inverse shock into invisible. At this time he whispered to himself: "I said how I looked at it like this Familiar, they turned out to be ... Kou Han's 'Black Armored Ghost Soldier'! "

"What ?! It turned out to be a black armored ghost soldier!" At this moment, Borui shouted out loudly: "No wonder these monsters are not afraid of me and Zowei's magic. We did encounter this in the black armored ghost soldier before. . "

—— [The first change in 2016.8.7, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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