Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1559: Four Monuments

"Is Cohan the guy nearby?" Ma Ze whispered suddenly, "If that's the case ..."

"No, in terms of that guy's deceitful character, once he finds that Guan Heng is not with us, he will definitely shoot immediately." Ruta just said here, and suddenly closed his eyebrows and said, "Guan Heng has been away for a few minutes. Why haven't you come back yet? Could it be that he is also in trouble ... "

As soon as Ruta's voice fell, the companions around him changed their faces slightly. This kind of speculation is not impossible, but at this moment, the other party couldn't let them be distracted because the six black armored ghost soldiers had roared. Fluttered over.

"Everyone be careful, these black armored ghost soldiers are much more powerful than we have encountered before." After finishing this sentence, Ma Ze had already waved the keel spear to the front of the crowd, while Ruta and He stood side by side, and has begun to stand still, the fierce battle between the two sides will start suddenly in the next moment.


Guan Heng at this time has been trapped by the weirds who suddenly appeared at the bottom of the iron cable pontoon. The group of guys used a strange array called the "Four Stele Prisoner's Array" and the array of props they used. It's four weird stones, but Guan Heng can see clearly in an instant. Those things are clearly filled with all kinds of weird runes-the control stone!

"Abominable, I didn't expect that the control stone could have such an alternative effect." At this moment, Guan Heng was standing in the middle, feeling that it was very difficult for him to move slightly, and he could not help cursing himself for his carelessness.

Suddenly, the weird man standing south said suddenly: "Hey hey, Guan Heng, Guan Heng, even I didn't expect that it would be so easy to trap you. These four monumental prisoners are really the legacy of the ancient gods. Treasures are infinitely useful. "

Hearing this familiar voice, Guan Heng snarled with a calm face: "Kou Han, it turned out to be the ghost of you asshole? Uhhh ... no ..."

Guan Henggang said this, and then suddenly stared at the strange man on the south and said, "No, you are not Kou Han. Although this breath is very similar to Kou Han, unfortunately it is too weak."

"Ha ha ha, you're right, I'm just a clone of Cohan."

The weird man standing under the stone tablet at the south side laughed wildly at this moment: "Not only me, but the other three who came here are also Cohan's clones. We brought the stone tablet here to line up, and we are planning to trap you in the direction of the Lord of the Demons. On the way to the temple. "

Speaking of which, the other three people also sneered in unison. At this time, Cohan standing on the north side said, "You guy is too dangerous, so I have to use my own hole cards to catch you."

"Hide card? Is this the so-called four-stone prisoner array?" At this moment, Guan Hengyang said, "Don't you really think that the four broken stone monuments can trap me? The remains of the ancient protoss can't help me! "

"Huh, this is not a black stone transformed by the body of an ordinary ancient god, but the remains of the king of the ancient god."

At this time, Cohen in the west corner said, "It took me countless years and hard work to find the small four pieces. Tell you, use these four stones to inscribe the ancient protoss" The Imprisoned Curse ", even if it is The true gods can still be trapped. "

"What ?! This is the god-controlling stone turned into the remains of the ancient king of the gods?" Upon hearing Cohen's avatar, Guan Heng's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and he secretly whispered: "If what this guy said is true Yes, I am in trouble. "

"Hum, say it, it's also your boy's bad luck. When I found the remains of these ancient gods and made the sleepy **** stele, I originally expected to use this thing ... Hey, that majesty ... "

Cohan's avatar was very vague, and he continued: "Unfortunately, now you are more threatening to me, I have to first take out these four monuments to deal with the divine driving, as for your few My companions, I have sent six of the strongest black armored soldiers to greet them. "

"Well, Ruta is also in danger on their side." Hearing this, Guan Heng was anxious. He knew that if he didn't get out of trouble quickly, his companions would be afraid of something serious.

However, at this moment, he has repeatedly used the power of the Dragon God and the power of the Dark Dragon Breath to crystallize, but he cannot make himself free to move in the four-stone trapped **** array. He will be really anxious: "How can this be, this ... this Really so sleepy? It's so difficult for me to exert my power! "

In a hurry, Guan Heng immediately called to the sleeping dragon **** in his head: "Hey, Ganesha, wake up quickly, I'm trapped now! Wake up and help me find a way!"

"Uh ... what are you arguing about?" The dragon **** who had accumulated strength in his deep sleep was suddenly awakened by Guan Heng. Then he realized that Guan Heng's body was something wrong: "What's going on? Why you and you can't move?" "

"This is the **** four-stone prisoner array, do you know it?" Guan Heng asked loudly in his mind: "A broken array can trap me, even the power of your dragon **** and my dragon's breath crystallize No power can escape, what is going on? "

"It turned out to be a sacred array of four monuments. It's awful at this time." Ganesha's tone also became tense at this time: "This is a 'destroyer prop' that can only be made by the remnants of the kings of the ancient protoss. For the three gods, they are all terrible killers. "

"The ancient Protoss kings are the strongest protoss on the land of St. Lomplon. The control stone of their remains has a powerful effect on all protoss."

At this time, Ganesha quickly seized the time and Guan Heng explained two sentences: "So the stele made by the king's remnant's control of the **** stone can also be used for our divine power. You are also a person using the power of the dragon god, so you are trapped here. It's not unusual ... "

"Who asks you, isn't it unusual?" Guan Heng scolded in a panic at this time: "I just want to know how I can get out of sleep !!"

"Don't worry, unless you have a power that exceeds the imprisonment of the king's body to control the **** stone, you can break through this trapped **** array."

Ganesha said at this time: "Single power of the bright dragon **** and the power of the dark dragon's breath must not work, but don't forget that you can combine the two and try it out!"

At this moment, Kouhan's avatars in the four corners of the east, west, north, and south are also full of energy. They raised their hands in the low roar, and gathered the dark black blades of the four handles with the dark air of the magic realm. Laughing: "Guan Heng, let me use this last attack to take you on the road, rest assured, your companions will follow you soon!"

"Kou Han, you are a mess of killing thousands of knives, don't daydream!" As soon as the roar came out, Guan Heng immediately started to act.

—— [Second more in 2016.8.7, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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