Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1562: Bone Demon Soul (Fifth Eruption)

"Desolate, is there such a place in the devil's palace?"

Guan Heng ran forward at this time, while thinking: "Now think carefully, this entire demon palace, probably the extra space created by Pawn, is really a bit outrageous, it is estimated that compared to a single floor The area of ​​the abyss of the demon domain is even wider. "

Just thinking about it, Guan Heng suddenly found something strange in front of him. When he ran there, he found that there was a huge blue-grey disc here, which was a simple-style teleportation array.

"Eh!" Guan Heng and several of them jumped into the disk teleportation array, followed by a light sound of "Eh", everyone was taken away from their place, and when they opened their eyes again, it was a strange area. .

"Eh? Only the feeling here is the most similar to the Demon Abyss!" As soon as Guan Henggang set foot here, he immediately realized that this fifth location area was different from the rest of the Demon Palace.

"Well ... the magical qi here is so rich, all around is filled with the dark matter that lingers." At this moment, those who are extremely sensitive to the black qi of the magic field also whispered: "It seems that we are indeed a distance away The main palace of the magic palace is getting closer. "

"Yes, go ahead." After Guan Heng said this, he jumped out of the teleporter's disk first, and landed on the ground with a "pop", but at this moment, he suddenly felt his feet Somewhat strange: "Huh? What's lame?"

Looking down, Guan Heng suddenly found that the road paved under his feet was a bit weird. It was made up of various skulls and skeletons that could not be seen at that time. At this time, everyone else was also beside Guan Heng, and saw those sensations. When bones are boned, everyone's face seems a bit unnatural.

"Well, looking at the appearance of the skeleton, all are like the demons." Guan Heng picked up a skull and glanced at his eyes and continued, "It's not too scary."

"Uh, it's disgusting." Akin yelled, frowning at this moment, "Guan Heng, throw that thing away!"

"Well, throw, throw." Guan Heng said, throwing his skull in his hand, and tossing it out. He only heard the sound of "snap". When the skull hit the ground, he collided with several other skulls. Powder crushed.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo time, four or five black gas rushed out of the smashed skull and rushed straight to Guan Heng and others.

"Dangerous, this is the ghost and soul of the demons!" Speaking late, fast then, Guan Heng's lightning-quick bombs suddenly shot out a few flames of dragon's breath, and the flames rolled in the air, and blinked. Three of the "black gas demon souls" were burned out at once, but the other two were out of sight and immediately fled away.

"The ghosts of these demons are full of strong blackness, but they are far more vicious than ordinary ghosts." At this moment, Guan Heng thought to himself: "Finally, it should be used."

Just then, Guan Hengxi suddenly opened his palm and whispered: "The soul demon king is now,"

"Oh!" With the call of Guan Heng, the avatars of seven long-headed Basilisks suddenly floated out of his palm.

Before entering the Yangulon Canyon teleportation battlefield, Guan Heng kept the soul-absorbing monster Abu, the guardian elf Dovre, and the multi-headed basilisk to let the brothers and sisters of Seraki feel safe against the demon dragon Tivello. They joined forces to help.

However, Guan Heng is afraid that other companions and themselves will be attacked by the black gas of the Demon Realm after entering the demon palace. Therefore, Guan Heng ordered the multi-headed basilisk to consolidate the seven strongest avatars, all of which are fist-sized but not weak. .

At this time, in order to let everyone safely cope with the "black spirit demon" here, Guan Heng urgently summoned the seven avatars of the multi-headed basilisk.

"All the little multi-headed Basilisks listen, immediately consolidate the" Soul Demon Shield "for Borui and Ruta." Guan Heng said at this time: "If there is a black gas demon who dares to come and harass, it will be destroyed immediately. Kill, don't hesitate! "

The seven soul demon avatars shouted in unison at this time: "Little servant obeys."

In the next second, Guan Heng's seven companions felt something strange about him. It seemed to have an extra protective barrier, and it could also automatically form an armor.

"Well, with the protection of the soul demon shield, everyone can rest assured that they can move forward behind me." Guan Heng then waved and said, "Don't worry about the black spirits flying around. In front of the soul demon, they It's a small dish. "

After saying this, Guan Heng took an unceremonious step and ran forward. At this moment, under his feet, he constantly crushed the bones and skeletons of the Demons, and naturally there were countless black spirits who were shocked. The soul floated out.

However, when these screaming monster souls opened their teeth and rushed to attack Guan Heng and others, the avatars of the seven soul demon kings suddenly appeared on the heads of everyone, those little multi-headed snakes. It's strange that he suddenly opened his mouth and bite at the attacking demon soul. After three strikes, five strikes, and two strikes, he ate these unclean guys.

And after eating these demon souls, the avatar of the soul demon king is faintly solid, and there seems to be signs of becoming stronger. This is unexpected, and he secretly said: "It seems that these dark spirits also have It has become a delicious dish for a multi-headed basilisk. This is not bad. If the basilisk can become stronger, it will be good for everyone. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng secretly ecstasy, and at this moment, Borui and Zuo Wei, who are behind Guan Heng, also release light magic and fire spells in succession, so that those black spirits can sway in the air, no more I dare not come here.

"Just now, let's hurry up." Guan Heng shouted with a smile: "Why can't these magic spirits and black souls come to us? According to the map, at the end in front is a building complex, and there is the fifth building in the middle of there. Partial! "

"Okay, let's go--" It was late, then fast. Everyone knew that the road to the main palace of the imperial palace was not too far away, and the spirit was suddenly energized, all of them rushed along with Guan Heng. When the crowd ran out for a few kilometers, Guan Heng suddenly felt that the road to the bones under everyone's feet had changed. Guan Hengxi shouted suddenly, "It's not right below, everyone will flash away!"

At the same time that Guan Heng issued a warning sound, everyone was aware of it. Everyone suddenly shook their bodies and suddenly retreated ten meters. Then, they heard a thunderous sound coming from below the Road of the Bone. In an instant, countless bones danced wildly.

All I could hear was the sound of "huh huh, huh", and those bones that were soaring all over the sky had broken their heads and smashed their faces at everyone!

"Be careful!"

"唰 唰 唰-Dangdang!" Ma Ze took the lead in front of everyone, and saw his hands dancing the keel spear like a huge windmill. In the instant, Ma Ze erupted all the power of the golden fighting spirit, and flew stiffly. All the broken bones that were coming were twisted into crushed powder!

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.7, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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