Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1563: Cohan was captured (first)

At the same time, Guan Heng has begun to confront the "protagonist" who caused the commotion. The guy is a giant Demon skeleton with a height of more than ten meters. The most obvious thing on the giant skull is that it has three narrow lobes.

Guan Heng raised his head at this time and asked, "Hey, big guy, what the **** are you?" "I'm a Demon Giant Bone Warrior, the eternal guardian here!"

At this moment, the green light flashed in the eyes of the two black holes of the giant bone warrior, and he roared loudly: "Bold intruder, here is the road of the bones, the forbidden area of ​​the demon palace, and so on. At this point, you must-die !!! "

The words of the Bone Warrior came to an end, and the white-bone sword that was held together with two palms was already chopped down by the severe wind. Guan Hengzhen sneered suddenly: "Afraid you won't succeed?"

"锵 ——" Entos, who was suddenly out of the sheath, broke his sword to meet the bone-bone sword, and the two soldiers collided with each other, and a loud noise burst suddenly: "Bang!"

In this fight, the giant bone warrior actually "tengtengteng" stepped back seven or eight steps before he stood firm. Before he could wonder why the power of Guan Heng far surpassed himself, Guan Heng was already screaming. Let the flame of dragon's breath cover the blade of the sword for a moment, and "唰!"

"Uh? No—" The Bone Warrior saw the offensive terrifying, and immediately smashed the Bone Epee in an attempt to block the opponent's coming, in order to protect himself.

However, Guan Heng's move was very fierce. When his sword Guang just came into contact with the Bone Sword, he immediately smashed the opponent and smashed it. Then, the fierce sword of Dragon Breath remained unabated. Half a minute, finally crushed the skull of the Demon Giant Bone Warrior directly.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The huge skeleton of the giant bone warrior suddenly collapsed. In an instant, a huge black gas demon soul with a diameter of nearly one meter burst out of the broken bone ruins. Escape directly into the distance.

"Basilisk, that guy's demon soul power is extremely powerful, and quickly gobbled up and strengthened his own power!" Hearing Guan Heng's orders, the seven long-headed Basilisk clones suddenly overjoyed: "Thank you master, let's go as soon as we go."

"Uh-hhh-" It ’s too late, and then, these soul demon avatars flickered off the body of Guan Heng's companions, and flew out of the air. The soul demon avatars caught the Bone Warrior aggressively. The devil's soul, shattered and devoured it.

"Uh ?! Alas, ah-" I don't know what happened, after the seven soul demon avatars swallowed the demon soul, they suddenly burst out and made a loud noise, which suddenly scared Guan Heng: "Oh, What's going on here?"

Immediately afterwards, I saw seven fists with big fists suddenly gathered together, and they combined into a complete individual.

Seeing this, Guan Hengyang asked, "Basilisk, what's wrong with you?"

"Master ... I don't know too well, it seems that my power surged suddenly after devouring the demon soul, so suddenly and uncontrolled again merged together, you see ..."

The multi-headed Basilisk was shaking his body slightly, and immediately separated seven fist-sized avatars. Those avatars slipped and attached to Borui and others.

But at this moment, the Basilisk is flashing again, and there are seven, fourteen, and twenty-eight avatars appearing around itself, and more and more gather, the multi-headed Basilisk said at this time: "I now vaguely feel my avatar Strength is only slightly weaker than your own body that is left outside the demon palace. "

"What ?! Your strength is growing too fast here ..." Hearing the sternness of this statement, his heart was a little hesitant, and then he said, "No matter how much, since you can rely on absorbing the black here The spirit of the spirit to increase strength, then continue to maintain this state, and go forward with me. "

Said, Guan Heng winked at everyone, and everyone rushed towards the demon palace complex at the end of the road of bones.


At the same time, in the main palace of the demon palace, the powerful and mighty demon demon Pawn, under a fierce battle, finally captured Cohan, and locked him in a large crystal cover in the corner of the main palace. .

"Uh ah ah-let me out, let me out!"

"Bang bang bang!" In the screaming screams that followed, Kou Han desperately knocked on the huge crystal cover, and hissing and screaming, "Pang, you old thing, I worked hard for you for countless years In the end, you should ... take everything from me, even if I die, I won't let you do it! "

"Well, stupid things. If you hadn't looked at your special constitution and were able to be a container for that thing, you wouldn't have lived today!"

At this moment, Pawn with a sneer holding a wine glass and stood outside the crystal cover said, "I said a long time ago, since everything you gave me was given, this seat can be taken back at any time, because you said It's so stupid to die of the betrayal of things'!

Speaking of which, Pawn drank the wine in the glass, and immediately threw the glass behind his head and shattered it. Then he slowly said, "Do you want to come out ?! It's easy, wait for Guan Heng to come. At that time, if I'm in a good mood, maybe I will let you out, Kou Han, I hope to wait until that moment, you don't regret it! "

"What ?! Do you want to ..." After hearing this, Kou Han heard an inexpressible feeling of fear in his heart. He shouted, "No, no, I don't agree! You can't stop thinking!"

"Don't you promise? Well, how can this be done to you?"

Pawn sneered at this time: "When I gave you something like that, I said long ago that it is imperative to recycle it, but your ambitions are growing too fast, so Only then embarked on the path of self-destruction. "

Like a cold sword, every word of Pawn's words passed into Cohan's ears. This guy's body was shaking slightly and looked very scared. What was the reason for this, I am afraid only Cohan and Pang The two of them knew it in their own hearts.


At this time, Guan Heng and his seven companions had already traversed nearly half the distance of the Bone Road, but at this moment, the extremely dangerous enemies raged from the air again. This is a guy whose size is comparable to the monster in the realm Its body is still only supported by the skeleton, and its appearance looks like a monster giant monster that can fly freely.

"I'll go up to deal with it, everyone will cooperate with me." Ruta exchanged glances with Guan Heng at this moment, immediately pulled out quickly, and rushed to the foot of the Demon Monster in a moment, stunned. Climbing the skeletal body along its foot bone.

"呱呱呱 ——" Seeing Ruta scurrying on himself, the giant bones were so angry that he wanted to fall Ruta, but at this moment, Guan Heng laughed a long time: "Basilisk, go up Entangle this guy! "

—— [2016.8.8 the first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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