"Okay, master, you look at me!" It was late, and then quickly, the multi-headed Basilisk swept across the wind and swept across the sky. In a split second, it shook nine snake skulls and "clicked" to bite The body of the giant bone monster.

"Hoo-oh!" While the long-headed basilisk was entangled in the other party, the other partners were already in shape, and surrounded them in unison, launching a fierce attack on the giant bone monster.

"Slap!" Ruta was the first to succeed. He used the time to climb on the monster, and suddenly stabbed out with a short blade. He was not biased into the monster's eye socket. At the same time, not far away The sound of bowstring tremor came out, "嗤-噗!" A keel arrow suddenly burst through the air, and entered into the other eye socket of the monster.

A pair of eyes shaking with the green ghost fire suddenly went out when attacked, and the giant bones of the Demon Domain suddenly became sore and screaming. At this moment, the multi-headed basilisk that entangled it closed the tight body in an instant. His bones shattered and shattered: "Pla ------"

Then I could only hear the sound of "Wa La La", this monster in the realm of monsters was completely finished.

"Huh-finally flattened out." At this time, Borui Chang breathed a sigh of relief, and pointed at the front: "Look at it, the building complex at the end of the road of bones is ahead."

After saying this, Borui ran away first, and he shouted in his mouth, "I ran all the way and finally arrived near the fifth side hall. Let me see what is special here first. ... "


"Oh my mother--" Suddenly, Borui, who ran over, didn't know why he screamed back and flew back, and thumped next to everyone.

"Hey, Borui, what's the matter with you?" Zuo Wei lifted him up at this moment, and she said, "What the hell? It's so embarrassing."

"Uh ... I ..." Bory, shaking his head, shook his head twice. He cried, "I seemed to hit an invisible wall, so I flew back upside down."

"Huh, there must be something weird in it." Hearing Bo Rui's words, Guan Heng has quickly stepped forward and pushed forward: "Bang!" The sound of this sound was so powerful that Guan Heng's palm seemed to be real Hit the same thing.

"Hell, it's a **** large-scale enchantment," muttered in a low voice, and Guan Heng turned his head and said to everyone, "It seems that this enchantment has encircled the surrounding area of ​​more than ten miles, and we are completely blocked at this moment. For the fifth side hall, it can only be seen and not touched. "

"What should we do now?" Ma Ze said loudly while stabbing the enchantment in front of him with a keel spear, "Do you want to destroy the enchantment with brute force? It looks like this broken thing is very solid."

"It is better not to use brute force to destroy, because this is probably the enchantment set by the demon Lord Pawn himself." Guan Heng said at the moment, holding his shoulders, and said, "Not to mention how much power we need to use to force If you break it, everyone's strength will be almost exhausted. "

Having said that, Guan Heng thought to himself: "I am afraid this enchantment is set against the power I use. Even if I can defeat the enchantment with the power of the fusion of the light and dark dragon's origin, I am afraid that when I fight Pawn later, It will also be greatly diminished, this **** old cuckold is really scheming. "

However, while Guan Heng was thinking of countermeasures, Borui and Zuo Wei could not help but started to send magic, one after another to attack the enchantment.

Sure enough, Guan Heng expected. When Borui's flame and ice cone ice hockey hit the enchantment, they just kept banging and rippled slightly, leaving no trace left. After Guan Heng looked at it, Just shook his head in disappointment.

"Yeah--the spear of divine light!"

"Bang!" With Zuo Wei's low whisper, the spear of light blasted on the barrier of the enchantment, and there was a wave of ripples.

"Well, Zuo Wei's magical attack power is far less sharp than Borui's, and of course it's useless." Guan Heng just wanted to stop Zuo Wei and let her stop her wasting attacks, but at this moment, Guan Heng His eyes flickered for a moment, and he had discovered an unusual place on the barrier of the enchantment.

"Slap." Guan Hengyun snapped his fingers, and he cried, "Zuo Wei, aim at the barrier of the enchantment, use the spear of light again, hurry up."

"Oh, okay." Although she didn't know what Guan Heng really meant, Zuo Wei gathered a spear of sacred light larger than the moment before, and hit the barrier with a crisp sound of "bang" Above.

"Yes, I can see it clearly this time." At this moment, Guan Clan shouted with joy: "Zowei's light magic can leave a slight crack on the barrier of the enchantment, although the enchantment is instant Just close the gap, but if there is a big enough gap, we can definitely rush in there. "

"Ah ?! Is my light magic so powerful?" Zuo Wei was startled at this moment, she covered her mouth and muttered to herself: "It can destroy the powerful knot laid by the demon Pawn himself. World, I ca n’t even believe it myself. "

"Yeah, boss, my magic attack is much stronger than Zowei." Borui scratched his head at this time and asked puzzledly: "Why can't our ice and fire double spells break the enchantment, Zowei's What about light magic? "

"If I analyze it, the reasons are as follows."

Guan Heng touched his chin at this time and said, "First, here is the end of the Bone Land, filled with the ominous breath of death and darkness. Zou Wei's light magic just has a counteracting effect on this, so the enchantment here is She will be slightly weaker in front of her. "

Having said that, Guan Heng glanced slightly at the head of the jaw, and the people who agreed agreed, and then continued to say: "Moreover, the enchantment under the demon Pawn is also full of evil negative forces. Weak, but will not yield to darkness. "

Upon hearing this, even Zuo Wei nodded her head: "Well, it makes sense, it makes sense." "As for the second point, look at Zuo Wei's staff."

Guan Heng said, pointing his finger at the black stone on Zowei's weapon. He said, "This thing is a god-controlling stone transformed from the remains of an ancient protoss. Other magicians have no effect in their hands. Only Zowei I feel that the God-Control Stone can increase her magical power, so there should be a trace of ancient Protoss power in her light magic, you say, am I right?

The crowd said in unison at this time: "Well, it really makes sense to hear you say that."

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly thought of something. He suddenly grabbed Zou Wei's priest's staff, and pulled out the god-controlling stone with force, and then "clicked" and squeezed it.

"Ah ?! Brother Guan Heng, what are you doing? This is the god-control stone that Uncle Shaharu set for me. How can you do this ..."

Zuo Wei said that her mouth was flat, and she was about to cry. Guan Heng said quickly: "Sister don't cry, I have a better control stone here, I'll change it for you immediately."

—— [Second more in 2016.8.8, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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