Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1570: The Battle of the Palace (Third)

"Eh? Guan Heng, can he really hurt me ?!" Although Pang was not severely injured, and he used the power of the deities to heal the wound in an instant, but Guan Heng's strength finally made this guy feel again. A hint of dangerous smell.

"Haha, Paine, you deserve it-well hurt!" At this moment, Cohen, who was watching in the corner crystal cover, secretly exclaimed. This guy was so excited and glad that his master was inferior. Real glee.

"Lao Tzu can hurt you once, and you can hurt you hundreds of times!" It was late, then fast, when Guan Heng suddenly used the dragon technique to rush out of the dusty night, and then he waved the dragon tooth blade. Said: "Try this trick again, the Ice and Fire Troll Dragon Dragon Slash!"

"Hoo--" The two fierce ice and fire sword strengths contain the source of the black fire-the fire demon giant spirit, and the original power of the ice hell, plus the power of the dragon **** to the two The fusion of power, the power that erupted at this moment, even the demon Pawn did not dare to take the hard block.

"Eh! This is a dangerous move and retreat-" Pawn has always been cautious about the enemy, not to mention, Guan Heng's strength is beyond his imagination, so he retreated nearly 100 meters between the number and interest. Avoid sharp edges.

But Guan Heng's sword turned into a half-flame and half-frozen dragon, and he chased Pawn in the roar, vowing to devour it completely!

"Abominable, do you really think I can't handle you?" Pang, anxious and angry, watched the other party's ice fire dragon step by step, and this guy finally broke out a loud roar: "The king controls the stone armor!"

After listening to the sound of "Dola", Pang Zhou immediately put on a dark stone armor, looking at the texture and appearance, it is clearly the top-level control stone, which is the control of the remains of the ancient Protoss king God stone is cast.

Seeing this scene, Guan Heng's eyes flickered suddenly: "What? It turns out that Punk's **** also has the god-controlling stone left by the ancient Protoss king."

"嗷嗷 嗷 ——" At this moment, Guan Heng's imaginary ice and fire dragon also sent a shocking roar and rushed to Pawn in front of him. The demon master waved the black magic wand and dared to greet him: See me destroy you! "

"Bang--Boom!" Pawn's black wand wrapped in the terrible black gas, stiffly collided with the ice-fire dragon knife, only to hear the violent "creak ... creak" violently at the same time The sound of friction, and then Pann yelled, "Give me-defeat!"

Under the fierce might of the Demon Lord, the fiercely-looking ice and fire dragon suddenly showed signs of disintegration. When Pawn secretly smugly tried to destroy the opponent, Guan Heng suddenly stopped at this moment. Suddenly growled: "Pann! You don't want to escape this trick easily--"

Suddenly, Guan Heng's Dragontooth Blade broke through the air and slashed again, violently cutting out a thunderbolt with the best efforts, this is the penultimate layer of the abyss of the demon domain, the power of the demon king has, Suddenly, Blaster Knife suddenly transformed into the virtual image of the Lord of the Wraiths, and roared towards Pawn, who was fighting the Ice Dragon.

"Uh ?! Is that ... the Capricorn ?!"

All of a sudden, the memories buried in the deep of the brain are like floodgates. It reminds Peng of the past to play a cold war. The Demon Pioneer, led by the three brothers of Pawn, was attacked by the spirit demon and was forced to capture the demon. Abandoning his wounded companion and fleeing, these unforgettable memories are enough to make Pann tremble all over!

At the moment of Pon's slackness, the sword of the Ice and Fire Dragon entered in a vain, and then gathered together with the power of the Surgeon Blade, which was unbiased and banged on Pawn's front heart: "嘭 嘭 嘭 ——Boom ! "

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at at the same time), where he was, where the smog filled with time, powerful ripples of energy burst out!



"Oops!" A Jin, who fought fiercely with Pang in the dorm, finally hit a heart after being accidentally hit by the opponent's attack. A Jin fell to the ground in a painful cry, saying time and time Quickly, the avatar who shot the sneak attack shouted, "I want your life!"

"I want to be beautiful!" Akin, who fell to the ground, seemed to be okay, suddenly turned over, and then swiped the dragon tail whip and drew on the other side's face: "Slap!"

"Hey! Hey!" The dragon tail whip was sharp and full of barbs, and it immediately tore off the half of the skin of the avatar, causing the other side to groan suddenly. The Paine avatar looked carefully. It turned out that Akin The reason why she was able to resist her hit in the vest was because a shield was hidden inside the clothes on her back.

Just then, Akin whispered, throwing the shield out of his hands, "Look at this--"

"Hoo-ooh!" This thing turned out to be a dual-use offensive and defensive weapon—the maneuvering shield. The wind blew into the air so as to pass the neck voice of the clone unbiased, and immediately made this guy die in the blood on the spot!

"Abominable bitches!" The two avatars who were fighting with Ruta suddenly fell back and fell right in front of Akin, who was exhausted and half-knelt, and his face shrieked loudly. "Bitch, you go to death!"

A dark, long blade suddenly condensed in Pawn's detached palm, and fiercely slashed at Akin between the light and flint!

Seeing the broken blade was about to make his dead body two points, A Jin's mouth passed a strange smile: "Hum, are you afraid you are not fooled?"

Speaking late, at that time, a rush suddenly burst out from behind Akin, attacking Pawn's clone from an incredible angle!

"Ah ?! This is ..." Without waiting for Pawn to see the other side clearly, his body had been bitten by nine huge snake skulls, listening only to a series of violent sounds, This unfortunate avatar has been ripped apart.

"Good job, the Basilisk!" After listening to Akin's compliment, the Basilisk snarled in pride: "嗷 ——"

It turned out that when Ruta, Ajin and Guan Heng broke up, Guan Heng had secretly issued an order to let this multi-headed Basilisk, who had greatly increased strength by absorbing the black spirits, follow Akin them as the When the two help.

At this moment, Akin's strategy of sacrifice his enemies was so successful that he finally let the multi-headed Basilisk raid and destroy the second Pawn's clone.

"Ah, there is still a helper ?!" At this time, the only remaining Pawn clone was shocked, and Ruta caught the opportunity with a little delusion, and the double-edged sword suddenly swept down in a cross. "Beep" cut off the other's great head!

"Hoo-finally killed all three of Pawn's avatars."

Ruta also consumed most of his energy at this time. He limped to the side of Akin, who was full of injuries, and said, "How to quickly find something, I believe that Guan Heng's side will soon be separated from Pang's body. Winning and losing, we must not lose time anymore. "

—— [The third change of 2016.8.9, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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