Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1571: Mutual exchange

"Well, you're right, it's getting closer and closer to Guan Heng's departure from St. Lomplun, we must ..."

A Jingang said here, her face was gradually dignified and surprised, and she pointed behind Ruta and said, "Look at it, it looks like the entrance to a room!"

Ruta looked back, but there seemed to be something wrong at the end of the dormitory, because the fight had already been destroyed and numerous furnishings and furniture, but the corner of that position was originally empty, and now the outer wall of the stone wall is gradually showing mottled and chipped marks. And a secret door appeared.

Squinting his eyes for a few seconds, Ruta was a demigod thief, how sharp his eyes were. He immediately noticed the clues inside, and he exclaimed, "Go, come and see."


In the main hall of the demon palace, Guan Hengning looked at him suddenly, and suddenly found that Pang, who had just suffered his violent attack, disappeared in situ. When Guan Heng passed a trace of surprise, the space behind him suddenly separated. In a gap, Lord Pawn suddenly jumped out from the inside, and waved the black wand crazyly to Guan Heng's back.

"Yeah!" Unexpectedly, Guan Heng sturdyly took a hard hit when he landed, and his body shouted and crashed into the ground, smashing the ground directly out of the big cracked hole.

"Abominable, where did this guy come from?" After Guan Heng was hit hard, he slumped out of the pothole, then turned his head and took a sip, spit out the blood in his mouth.

Looking at Pawn at this time, although the attack on Guan was successful, it was still very embarrassed, because just now the ice fire dragon and the powerful power of Sword Knife hit, this guy's body-controlling stone armor also appeared in countless cracks. Traces, only the part that protects the heart is still intact.

At this moment, Pawn was secretly lucky, because the remnants of the ancient Protoss kings were too difficult to collect. Except for the genuine position of the heart mirror, the rest of the stone armor was replaced by ordinary gods. If it weren't for the fact that Pawn had activated a special force in the face of a knife attack, he might have been seriously injured.

"Huh, Guan Heng, I admit that your strength is indeed not weak, but I still have a killer to use, the victory and defeat between us has not yet been separated!" Pawn's words did not fall, his body was in the air Suddenly it suddenly disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Guan Heng's eyes flickered suddenly: "Missing again? What a strange trick is this? Is it ..."

Speaking late, at that time, Pang's "swipe" reappeared behind Guan Wangshen. This sinister guy once again waved the black wand to condense a few meters of black blade: "Cut-"

Guan Heng heard the bad wind behind him, and hurriedly evaded, but unfortunately was a little slower, only listening to the sound of "噗嗤", his back was cut by Pawn's attack again!

"Uh!" Under the pain, Guan Heng hurriedly wielded the Dragon's Fang blade and swept backwards. Who would have expected it to fail again? At this time, Guan Heng was suddenly shocked. "

"Ha ha ha, it is worthy of being off, you really know how to buy goods."

Pawn's voice didn't fall, and his figure “唰” emerged in the air, and he laughed loudly: “This piece of the god-controlling stone formed by the remnant of my king belongs to a rare kind of vertical space before his death. The ancient protoss of ability, these thousands of years, this seat has been studying the ability of this royal family, and finally has the current breakthrough, you see-"

After saying this, Pawn suddenly waved his arms, and suddenly there were more than a dozen large and small space gaps around them. They were like the eye of the wind, and they made an unusual sound of "wheezing". Pawn continued to be proud. Said: "In this whole hall, I can appear at your side at any time through the space gap I made, like this ..."

"Wow!" The next second, this guy appeared three feet in front of Guan Heng. When the angry Guan Guan just waved the dragon's blade, Pawn disappeared again and appeared behind him, and then he laughed strangely. : "Your action is really too slow, hehe hehe—"

"People!" Pawn appeared repeatedly in the gaps around the time, and he laughed arrogantly at this time: "With the space-leaving ability of this ancient protoss, I can attack you at any time, but you can capture To my trail! "

"Mixed things, don't be too arrogant!" Guan Heng suffered two surprise attacks from Pawn, but now he became very calm. He stunned, he slowly returned his dragon's teeth to the sheath.

At this moment, Pawn stepped out of a gap in the space, and his face sarcastically said, "Why, do you want to give up resistance? Then I'll give you a good deal."

"唰 ——" Pang's voice did not fall, and he has retracted into the space gap again. The next second, just listening to the sound of "噌 噌 噌 噌", the arrogant demon domain master repeatedly entered and exited the space gap. This disturbed Guan Heng's sight and judgment. Suddenly, this guy appeared outside the space on the right side of Guan Heng, waving his black wand and smashing his head: "Shocking!"

Within a short time, there was violent energy surging around, forming a monstrous behemoth that ravaged the world with overwhelming power, opened his **** mouth and bit his crazy head into the horizontal head.

"Well, this blow will break your bones!" In the roar of Pawn, a moment of coldness suddenly appeared in his closed eyes, and he suddenly yelled, "Don't think about it, break it for me!"

The monstrous beast formed by all the energy of Pawn through the black wand, was suddenly blocked by the power of the dragon **** that broke out of Guan Heng, and froze violently in a place less than a few centimeters away from Guan Heng!

"嗷 ——" The beasts gathered by the black wand couldn't help snarling and roaring, trying to get close to Guan horizontally to the opponent's death, but the endless output of the power of the dragon **** erupting in Guan horizontal had a faint opposite direction to suppress the other side.

"Abominable !!" Seeing this scene, Pawn, with his hands clenched against the black wand, was so angry that he shouted, "I don't believe that the power of the devil can't suppress you! Kill--"

Speaking late, at that time, Pawn frantically urged his whole body strength again in the blink of an eye, so that the beast condensed by the wand continued to grow, but this guy did not expect the truth that "the material must be reversed", the beast was in his own Although the push continued to soar, the black wand was not so "strong."

Just listening to the crisp sound of "Kahelie", Pawn's black wand suddenly appeared strange, it had cracked fine lines due to the surge of energy overload.

"Okay, this is the moment I'm waiting for!" Seeing this, Guan Heng suddenly took a step forward, soaring the power of the Dragon God by 30% again, and then spread his other hand silently, using the dark The power of the dragon's breath crystallized, and the power of the light and the dark dragon merged again, and suddenly burst out from Guan Heng's body.

"Pang, you defeat me—" With Guan Heng's scream, the competition between the two's power has once again become fierce, and the power of the light and dark dragon's origin is no small matter. The beast that suddenly formed and the black wand suddenly appeared the most. Fierce confrontation!

—— [Fourth more in 2016.8.9, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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