Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1572: Recover lost (fifth more outbreak)

"Bang, bang, bang-rumbling !!" Even if the building in the hall is no matter how strong, it can't bear the strongest nuclear force of two people, the main hall finally collapses, and in an instant the hustle and bustle permeates and becomes Only the desolate ruins remained.

The intact thing in the hall was only the crystal cover that imprisoned Cohan, and I didn't know what material it was. It was so strong!

"噗 ——" In the diffuse smoke, a blood-spraying figure burst out, and then "plopped" and fell to the ground. It was Pawn. He ... lost!

Just at the moment, the black wand with cracked fine lines has not been able to withstand the output of the power of the devil, and more about the constant destruction of the original power of the light and dark dragon, the wand bursts with no suspense, The solid and fierce beast quickly turned into a virtual image, and then disappeared without a trace. Paine was shocked by the mighty power and suddenly spurted blood. This was the past.

"Ahem-huh !!!" Pang, who once again spit out a severe wound against the blood, supported the reluctant climb, and whispered in his mouth, "No, it's impossible! What this boy has is not just the power of the ancient three gods, That boundless power, I even ... "

Suddenly in his heart the thought that he would be defeated, Pawn suddenly shivered: "It's really impossible, I can only use Cohan's junk!"

"Abominable, the evil thoughts of the demon ghost soul were finally stripped out. Now that we have to be forced to re-integrate, I already knew this, why was it!" At this moment, Pawn couldn't care less about the other, and this guy stood out. Go straight to the crystal hood where Cohan is being held!


The moment he stepped into the meditation room of the palace, Luta suddenly trembled and trembled. He rolled and hugged his head in place and yelled, "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my head is going to explode It's up! "

"Ruta, what's the matter with you?" Akin next to him was frightened, but Luta struggled and shouted, "Hurry up, look around, I feel it, and this is the eyeball I lost. in the room!"

As soon as Ruta's words came out, blood began to shed in his empty eyes, and Ruta gasped and said, "You must quickly find my eyeballs, otherwise, it will be too late ..."

In fact, without Ruta's reminder, Akin had already started looking around. Suddenly, she saw a shining crystal eyeball in a crystal bottle placed on the top of the shelf.

"It must be it." Akin's figure was not tall. She could only climb the shelf desperately to reach the crystal flask. Finally, Akin's slender fingers caught the eyeball in the bottle, and then she put it in her palm. !!

"Ruta, I got it ..." Akin, who was still climbing a hand on the shelf, showed his eyes to Ruta, who was sitting at the door, but at this time, the entire magic palace was because of Guan Heng and Paine. The fierce fighting produced huge shaking.


"Ahhhhhhh!" As Akin ’s climbing frame suddenly collapsed, she immediately pressed her feet underneath, but at this moment, Akin was still holding her eyeball tightly, struggling towards Lu, who had fallen into a coma. The tower climbed.


Due to the use of a large amount of fusion power of light and dark dragon origins, the excessive consumption of Guan Heng also requires a few seconds of breathing time. When he quickly adjusted his breath and jumped out of the ruins of the main hall, he found that Pann had already ran Going to the front of the crystal cover, he reached out and pulled Cohan's guy.

"Pann, you bastard, let go of Lao Tzu !!" Cohan seems to know that something terrible will happen next. He is struggling to get out of Pain's control, but at this moment it is completely helpless!

"Kouhan, you don't have to dying anymore, and re-integration is inevitable after all, because ..." Pang yelled at this time: "Because Guan Heng's power is so weird, I simply suppress it Can't live with him! "

Upon hearing this, Kou Han shuddered with anger, and he hissed: "Even so, I will not merge with you, let me go, let me go!"

"Strange, what are these two guys doing?" Guan Heng observes not far away at this time: "Pawn pays attention to this Kouhan, what does it mean?"

"Guan Heng, something's wrong." At this moment, the dragon **** Ganesha shouted in Guan Heng's brain: "I noticed that the breath on Kou Han's body was exactly the same as that of the devil. Did he say, Kou Han? Is the demon's avatar impossible? "

"What did you say ?!" Hearing Ganiso's analysis, Guan Heng suddenly felt something wrong. When he was about to pounce and continue to chase Pawn, Her Majesty made a surprise Unexpected move!

"Damn Cohen, you shut up this seat!"

"Bang--" Pawn saw Cohan stubbornly unwilling to cooperate, and finally clasped his opponent's forehead under the outbreak of anger: "Return the power of the devil to me!"

"Giggle-click!" Pawn's sharp claws worked hard, immediately catching Kou Hantianling's bone fracture and crackling sound, and then, the thick black gas covering Kou Han's body raging and surging all year round, sent out in no time. The sound of "whooting", all of his brain was sucked clean by the palm of Pawn.

At this moment, Guan Heng finally saw Cohan's face that was not often shown in front of the crowd: a very ordinary Demon face, at this time, Pang En was dumbfounded in his hands!

"There's something weird ..." Guan Heng's mind just flashed these three words. The opposite Pang fierce and magnificent, suddenly sucked the whispered Kou Han into a piece of thin paper--skin. !! !!

Yes, it is a piece of skin. At this moment, Cohan has no bones left in his body. It seems that all the energy and energy are exhausted by Pawn.

"Oh ha ha ha ha ha-it really is the most wonderful feeling of having the strength of the heyday!"

"Whew!" At this moment, "Pane", which absorbed Cohan's clean body, set off a powerful vortex of divine power. He laughed wildly: "At the bottom of the abyss of the Demon Realm, my evil demon is attached to it. Pawn's body, but after this guy benefited from me, he was stripped of me, forcibly stored in Cohan's body, this ungrateful thing, hum! "

"It turns out that you are the complete clone of another evil demon!" Upon hearing this, the soul of the dragon **** Ganesha suddenly emerged from Guan Heng's body, and it shouted at the other person: "Damn, I must be today To seal you up again and take it personally to a goodwill clone! "

"Ganesha, it really is that you assassin dragon **** is helping Guan Heng with divine power, you old and immortal white dragon!" At this time, the consciousness belonging to Pawn has been completely suppressed by the evil demon, so Pawn's body has already Fully under the control of the evil god's avatar, he certainly knew Ganesha, who is also an ancient three gods.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.9, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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