Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1573: The body of the ancient **** (first)

Just when Ganesha was angry and Pawn, no, it should be the moment when the evil spirits faced each other, the guy left Cohan's "skin" aside, but his eyes closed suddenly, but found A faint light of ghosts fluttered towards him, headless.

When he didn't move, Guan Heng instantaneously turned the soul group into the soul stone, and he took it into his sleeve. This action, let alone the distant Pawn, even the dragon **** Ganeso didn't notice it at all. .

At this moment, Ganesha suddenly shouted: "I have no time to talk to you, Guan Heng, and immediately tried my best to take this guy down and take it back to the devil's goodwill and human disposition!"

"Just because you want to capture me ?! Don't dream about it." Pawn's body, which is controlled by the demon's evil mind, raised his head and laughed wildly. Get on your way in complete 'form'! "

"What's the most complete form ?!" Hearing this, Guan Heng and Ganesha were both embarrassed. They were both witty and changeable characters, and suddenly realized that there was something in the words of evil thoughts.

"Uh ha ha ha ha-come on, my best body container!" It was late, and then, in the roar of evil thoughts, a huge black hole appeared in the air!

The next moment, Guan Heng's face changed suddenly, because what emerged from the black hole turned out to be a giant body with a height of dozens of meters!

"Hehehehe, this can be achieved so far, the most complete body of the ancient protoss king I let Pawn find."

At this moment, the evil demon avatar smiled and said, "See? He hasn't turned into a black god-controlling stone because of thousands of years, but a perfect body. As long as I can integrate with it, I will definitely get The unimaginable power of the ancient gods, at that time, you can be killed by waving your hand! "

"Go to you, Lao Tzu doesn't believe it, it's just a big and useless corpse, Lao Tzu is afraid that he has teeth to bite ?!"

Guan Heng said stiffly, but his heart was stunned. He had already faintly felt that the breath around the body of the ancient protoss was much stronger than the kindness of human, dragon and demon gods.

"Guan Heng, don't take care, this complete ancient protoss body has not even been seen by me, but his coercion is too strong."

At this time, Ganesha commanded in his mind: "I don't believe that the evil spirits and remnants of a demon **** can be controlled. You must defeat him before the evil spirit avatar completely controls the ancient god's body. This is my most important thing. Advice. "

"Well, I have to fight with this guy for everything!" Speaking of this, Guan Heng's Dragontooth Double Blade has suddenly emerged from the sheath, and then he uttered a loud roar: "Want to fuse the body of the ancient god? See if you have that chance! "

"唰 唰 唰 —— 噌 噌 噌 ——"

In a short time, Guan Heng exerted his own body speed to the extreme, and then immediately hurricaneed to the front of the evil thoughts. "Oh!" The most violent breath of Dragon God's power suddenly erupted in the air. The four powers of Dragon God Power, Fire Demon Giant, Ice Jail Demon, and King of King's Power gathered at the same time in the Dragon's Tooth Blades, and emerged in a sudden and fierce bombardment: "Ice Flame Thunder Dragon God Slash! ! "

Suddenly, half of the ice blue and half of the red, the ice and fire dragons flowing around the countless powers once again condensed to form, this behemoth roared and roared toward the evil spirit clone in front of him!

"Eh ?! I also want to defeat me!" In the fierce roar, the two hands of evil thoughts gathered in the fierce black gas, and this power issued a "boom" spinning loud noise, and then greeted the ice fire dragon. On: "The devil is in the body, gather !!!"

In a short time, the power of the demon condensed a powerful real body virtual image, the appearance is the same as the demon, but the body is strengthened dozens of times. The demon real body and the ice and fire dragon were killed in one place at once, and they were attacking each other. Furious fight!

"Bang bang-rumbling!" The demon **** in the sky and the ice fire dragon fought extremely fiercely, and Guan Heng on the ground was also suppressing the evil thoughts avatar madly. In just ten seconds, Guan Heng's dragon tooth blade Has been attacking frequently, is about to kill this fierce opponent on the spot, so as not to give him a chance to breathe to fuse the body of the ancient god.

In the series of roars, Guan Heng's momentum is like Hong Hong's retreat, the Dragon Fang can't move away from the opponent, and Pawn just lost the black wand just now. There is no weapon block in his hand at this time. Facing Guan Heng's fierce attack, he had to "Teng Teng Teng" retreat one after another!

"Boom-click!" At this moment, the real devil in the air was already bitten by the raging bite of the ice and fire dragon, and broke up on the spot!

"watch out--"

"Oh!" Speaking late, fast then, Guan Heng took the opportunity to chop off the left dragon's toothblade, and was shocked that the other party didn't dare to rush straight towards Feng Mang. Who knows that Guan Heng spins in a volley and another The handle dragon tooth blade has stopped the waist sweeping.

"Ah!" The evil demon avatar was first distracted by the situation in the sky, and was taken aback by Guan Heng's offensive. It was too late to escape, and the electric light and flint had to be hard-wired with his arm, "噗嗤 ——"

"Clap!" Dragon Fang chopped off Pawn, which was the arm of the evil mind clone, and the other side retreated in pain and roar!

"Just now, chase away the limbs of the dog thing that was abolished!" Guan Heng's mind moved, his body quickly swept away, and he waved the dragon's tooth blade to cut off each other's legs: "You give me Lie down-"

But at this time, a weird smile flickered at the corner of the mouth of that evil thought, and it disappeared in a moment.

"Well, this guy still has a god-control stone goggles that can complete the space vertical jump!" Guan Heng felt uncomfortable at this time, but his response was extremely fast, and his palm was suddenly spread out to reveal a king bone Javelin, "throw" in the direction of the ancient god's body: "mix ball, don't run!"

Once the Jade King Bone Javelin is attached with enough powerful force, it can tear the gap in the space. The power of the Dragon God has been used when Guan Heng turned off his hand and flew, so the bone javelin disappears with the evil trajectory of the space track nail at the instant of turning. Runaway guy!

"Ah! Danger!" The Jade King's javelin was like a blast of lightning, and the evil thoughts did not hide from the anxiety. The god-control stone goggles on his chest were smashed but broken, but the bone javelin was lost after such a block. Cross the head, so both fell out of the gap at the same time.

"Pop!" The Jade King Bone Javelin flew out obliquely for several meters and straightened on the ground, but it happened that the position of the evil thought's drop was just near the floating ancient god's body!

—— [2016.8.10 First change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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