Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1574: Biggest crisis

The reason why the evil spirit remnant of the demon did not immediately merge with the body of the ancient **** just now is because the body of the ancient **** stayed in a different space for too long and was not fully activated. In addition, the evil spirit remnant needs to continuously accumulate strength. Take control of this body with confidence, at this moment, they are ready!

"Oops, get that guy too close to the ancient god!"

Guan Heng looked at the evil thought and the stand-up Huo stood up, and flew towards the ancient god's body that was close at hand, suddenly anxious, and said that it was too late, and then, Heng Heng ’s palm gathered in a flash of heat. The power of the Dragon God, and quickly ejected it: "Dragon Star Flame Explosive."

"Oh!" Countless little Mars swelled the sky, "Bang bang-" Countless dragon-breathing flames hit the opponent's back!

"Uh!" Pawn, who was under the control of the lingering thoughts, screamed, and suddenly felt that the flames on his back were about to melt himself into ashes, but at this moment the guy gritted his teeth and pounced, finally hitting On the surface of the body of the ancient god!

"Hoo--wow!" For a while, Pawn's body and the evil spirits and remnants of the demon flooded into the interior of the ancient god's body, and Guan Yo suddenly stunned: "Damn, let this kill the thousand swords What a mess! "

At this moment, the body of the ancient **** that originally floated in the sky suddenly moved into action, and issued a terrifying roar: "嗷嗷 嗷-roar !!!"

"No, you must destroy this guy before he is fully awake!" Seeing the prowess of the ancient Protoss king couldn't help absorbing the surrounding energy, he was about to awaken immediately, and Guan Heng's eyes flashed suddenly: Do your best to make a hard move! "

Between the electric light and the flint, Guan Heng suddenly forced the power of Dragon's Breath crystal out of the body, and then attached to the surface of the body. At this moment, the power of Dragon Breath soared the momentum of Guan Heng by countless times, making him slowly behind him. A puppet black dragon head emerged.

This is the horrifying evil of the Dark Dragon Lord who could be tied with the God of Light at that time and possessed an overwhelming power! !!

"Let's burn! Dark Dragon Breath Crystal Cannon !!" Guan Heng's two-handed clutching immediately opened, suddenly pushing out the dark dragon's first virtual shadow, and blasted fiercely towards the ancient god's body that was not completely awake!

"Boom--Boom--Boom--" The sound of continuous energy bursts kept ringing.

Speaking of which, this powerful dragon breath crystal force can collapse and destroy thousands of miles from the land of St. Lomplon, but at this time Guan Heng shot without fear, because as long as he entered the main hall, it was already ten Several demon enchantment sacrifice their lives to create the strongest enchantment.

In addition, when Guan Heng shot, he concentrated the power of the Dark Dragon Breath Crystal Cannon in a straight line, so don't worry about the companions waiting outside the main hall being hurt!

"Huh, huh, huh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", he tried his best to make a move, and the breathless Guan Heng was almost exhausted, but at this moment, what shocked him finally happened!

"Bang!" In the sound of a terrifying violent sound, an extremely huge giant palm was able to block the power of the Dark Dragon Breath Crystal Cannon. I saw that the destructive crystal cannon had instantly dispelled the flesh of that giant hand and turned it into a sensible White bone, but the powerful divine power covered the surface of the giant hand at the fastest speed, forming a layer of "divine power barrier" for the white bone hand, and continued to prevent the offensive of the dark dragon breath crystal cannon!

"How is this possible ?!" Guan Heng saw the scene suddenly sink like water. If only by attack power, the crystal artillery trick is already his strongest means. This ancient god's body can even use one Blocked by one hand? It's too strong!

From Guan Heng's use of the Dark Dragon Breath Crystal Cannon to the ancient god's body to block it, the time was only a few seconds, but it made Guan Heng's cold sweat perpetual, as if after ten years. .

"Oh!" At this moment, the body of the ancient **** who reached out to resist the dark dragon breath crystal cannon was finally fully awakened, but the pain was already throughout his body. How amazing the power of the dark dragon breath is, even if he is an ancient **** The body has also lost a whole hand and this has blocked the offensive!

Moreover, the powerful fiery and highly corrosive power of Dark Dragon Breath has been spreading throughout the arm towards the body of the ancient god, this Dragon Breath Crystal Cannon has not been completely blocked!

"Ahhhh!" Under the pain of the drama, the roaring ancient god's body made an amazing decision, and the intact another hand shouted into a fist, slamming into the fist. For the bones of the wrist, give up the arm eroded by the dragon's breath directly. This is the wise decision made by the body of the ancient god!

"Just letting the old god's body of Lao Zizi abandon one hand, Lao Tzu is already tired to lie down. This monster is really difficult to deal with." Guan Heng felt extremely depressed at this time, so angry that he gritted his teeth, I almost barely busted and scolded the street.

"Oh!" But at this moment, the body of the ancient **** roaring and roaring has already rushed at Guan Heng, the "destroyed enemy".

No fancy tricks are needed. This ancient protoss just waved a punch, and the indiscriminate force that had shattered the surrounding space slammed into Guan Heng.

"Good coming, if I can't stop such an ordinary punch, what else does Lao Tzu say to beat you ?!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Guan Heng slammed the double-edged scabbard, and then his two fists collided in the roar: "What **** ancient god, your fist, Lao Tzu will go empty-handed!"

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng's fist had all the power of the dragon **** Ganesha attached to it. This is everything that the light dragon spirit can represent. In time, the earth-shattering ancient **** fist wind came, Guan Heng. He waved his fists and yelled fearlessly: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Bang! Bang--" Two powerful punches entered the hard fight phase! Originally thought that he punched a punch, the other party would surely be bombarded to the **** in an instant, but the body of the ancient **** never expected that after banging against a pair of fists with Guan Heng, he actually made his body look like One lag.

However, Guan Heng's pair of iron fists that gathered the power of all the light dragon gods just blocked the opponent a little ...

"Whew! Bang--" In a short time, the ancient God of Fist of Desolation has broken through the seal of the power of Dragon and God, and Guan Heng suddenly spit out inverse blood to Tian Yan.

But Guan Heng is also a long-time enemy and a tough-minded person. This blood burst out against the blood, but it made Guan Heng's eyes flourish: "I want to lose this? No! I still have the strongest Did not use his tricks, the ancient god-you do not want to overwhelm me !! "

"Uh ah ah-burn again, the dark dragon breath crystallizes!"

"Hoo!" With Guan Heng's excitement and roar, he has once again pushed the power of Dragon's Breath crystal out of the body and quickly attached to the surface of his body. Times, let him slowly emerge from behind a sloppy black dragon head phantom.

—— [2016.8.10 Second update, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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