Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1582: Return to the old land (fifth more outbreak)

"Okay." Ruta promised, and immediately grabbed Guan Heng's wrist, to be honest, he was the first time to experience such a journey between space tunnels, somewhat nervous.

In the black hole of space, Guan Heng and Ruta didn't know how long it took to speed forward. Guan Heng felt a faint light in front of him. He immediately exclaimed: "Ruta, watch out, let's It is about to enter the space barrier on Ashton's continent. "

But the next second, the accident happened suddenly!

The exit of the space tunnel that was only 100 meters away from Guan Heng and Luta suddenly closed in an instant. At this moment, Guan Heng shouted angrily: "What's going on? I remember that there is still time, why exit? Will close early ... "

As soon as this sentence came out, Guan Heng suddenly awakened to a serious problem: "Oops, it's time difference !!!"

Because St. Lomplon and Ashton are two different worlds, there must be an unpredictable error in the time on both sides. Perhaps St. Lomplon has not yet reached the time of closing the tunnel entrance, but Ashton It's over time!

"Ehhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhh, Ruta, who was screaming, shivered, Guan Heng felt her wrists tight, and the other party was almost out of control. It turned out that Luta and Guan Several huge spatial vortices suddenly appeared around the body.

Luta's body was about to be drawn into the nearest black hole vortex. Guan Heng knew that as long as a living person was caught in such a place, it would be a dead end.

"Abominable, it's so easy to get to this step, isn't it the end?" Suddenly, the heart-turned consciousness touched his waist subconsciously: "Yeah, I almost forgot that there is 'It', this is the lifesaver what!"

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng suddenly pulled out a golden magic pet tube and threw it forward. He yelled exhaustedly: "Snow Beast, use your space vertical ability to immediately take us through the front Barrier! "

"Woohoo !!" The snow beast that suddenly appeared in the black hole in the space suddenly roared, and then bit off Guan Heng and Ruta's blouse forward fiercely!

Originally from Guanheng, who brought the Snow Beast out of the abyss of the Demon Realm. After reaching the land of St. Lomplon, the condition of the Snow Beast has not been very good because it was originally a creature from the Ashton continent, and it did not adapt to the Holy LP's heterogeneous environment, if not for this guy's arrogance, might have been unexpectedly violent.

In desperation, Guan Heng had to let the Xuexue stay in the magic pet's canister. At this time, he remembered the use of its space vertical leap to save himself and Ruta's life!

"Yi--" Wu Xuebei, leaping through the black hole barrier with space, finally landed on the ground safely.

"Uh ... this is ... the World of Warcraft Canyon in Ashton mainland !!" Guan Heng suddenly raised his head and laughed, "Hahaha, we are finally back!"

At this moment, Ruta turned over and jumped off the back of Xun Xuebei. Opposite, five people suddenly appeared.

The sudden appearance of the two men Guan Guan suddenly scared the five people in front of them, and they turned out to be the five main gods of the Ashton continent who had closed the space tunnel by themselves.

"Guanheng, Ruta ... you ..." At this moment, the bright **** Darakund looked at the miraculous two, and he stuttered, "We have delayed the tunnel opening time by more than half. Hours, because I did n’t see you there, it started to close, but you ... how could ... "

"This is also my estimation error." Guan Heng sighed at this moment and said, "There is a serious time difference between the land of St. Lomplon over here and here. I did not take this change into account, so I almost got involved with Ruta. If it weren't for the black hole in space ... "

Guan Heng said here a moment, smiled and reached out and patted Yu Xuexue's head: "Without the help of this God Beast space leap, we must be dead."

"Oh, this is a rare space beast. I thought it had become extinct in Ashton mainland." Dalakand then said to Lao Xuebei with a smile: "Well, you guys are very good."

At this moment, Ruta next to Guan Heng suddenly set his gaze on a woman in front of him, his breathing suddenly sharpened: "You ... you ..."

After Ruta retrieved his eyeballs, a lot of memory information from the past has come to mind, but due to time constraints, Ruta has not carefully sorted it out, but when he saw the woman in front of him, everything was to himself The obstruction of memory is like countless dominoes that have been toppled, and it becomes clear with a single call.

"Wei, Weier ..." Rutta only felt that his eyes had been hazed by tears for a moment. He reached out and touched the other's face gently, and then whispered in a low voice: "Sorry, I'm late ... ... "

"Uh ah ah-Ruta !!!" Suddenly I saw the person I loved in front of me, only because the black hole in the space was closed, and my heart was so daring that Dalavier finally cried like a roar. Embracing tears in this regard, so that everyone around has a strange feeling of hardship.

"Well, let these two talk separately." The very interesting Guan Heng waved to the other four gods: "Let's talk somewhere else."

The four main gods nodded with their heads in the same direction, followed by Guan across and walked towards the distant waterfall.

"Haha, I didn't think you really did it."

"Bang!" Benus, the beast **** brother, punched Guan Heng's shoulder with a smile and said, "It's not bad, I really admire him with his thumb."

Guan Heng rubbed his shoulders and complained, "Wow, you are going to be beaten if you praise him! Then you will scold me."

Upon hearing this, the four main gods all laughed with heads up: "Hahahaha--"

Immediately afterwards, everyone sat down beside the waterfall, and Guan Heng told them all what he had heard and done this month in St. Lomplund's mainland. This thrilling experience made the four main gods startled and amazed.

"Look, this is the double-edged dragon tooth that slayed the body of the ancient god."

Guan Heng said that he was proud, and patted the dragon tooth blade on his back with a smile, and then he said, "As for Penn's asshole, because when I left, I felt that the soul demon clone that he had left on him had disappeared. Oblivion, it is estimated that the guy has farted, you can also sit back and relax without worrying about the demon domain invading the Ashton continent again. "

"Ha ha ha, I can't think of it, you have just settled our hidden dangers in just one month." Witch God Herrag sighed slightly at this moment: "Isn't it foolish to say that all these years? Really shame, ah no, shame on 'God'. "

"Herage, don't say that. If it weren't for the soul-melting technique you gave me, I wouldn't have known how many times I had died in Saint-Lombon."

Guan Heng laughed loudly at this time: "And the crystal of Dragon Breath given to me by Dalakende. With these two big killers nearby, I was able to save myself many times. In the final analysis, all of you present were merited. No, I can't do anything without your help. "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.11, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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