Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1583: The secret of the astrolabe (first)

"Haha, the more this stinky boy said that, the more I felt unpleasant in my heart." The beast **** brother Pinus laughed at the moment: "You can be regarded as me. We have done a great job. If you have any requirements, tell us quickly. All meet ... "

"Guan Heng!" At this moment, Ruta shouted from the distance. He took Dalavier and ran to Guan Heng in a breath and said, "I, my eyes suddenly felt a very hot feeling, It seems like something is coming out. "

Speaking late, at that time, Ruta's voice had just fallen, and there was a red light rushing out of the wind in his eyes, and the sound of "唰" fell into Guan Heng's heart.

"Yeah, it's the sixth remnant soul of Qinghuang returning." Guan Heng carefully examined at this time with the consciousness, and twisted into a "soul knot" from six pieces of finely-shaped remnant souls, lying quietly. Next to his own heart, but what made Guan Heng feel a little strange is that the colors of these remnants are not the same. Four of them are red, and the other two are as dark as ink!

"Weird, weird, really weird."

Seeing this scene, Guan Heng murmured secretly: "Early when I retrieved the Qing Phoenix remnants from the five main gods, I found out that according to my observations, those crimson remnants must belong to Qing Huang. Because my feelings can't be wrong, but ... the dark residual soul should also be Qinghuang, but it gave me a completely different sense of strangeness! "

Guan Heng couldn't help but be shocked by the strange shape of Qing Huang's residual soul, but he couldn't find the source of the problem at this moment, so he had to temporarily hold back the doubt in his heart.

At this time, Dalakende asked: "Guan Heng, now Ruta has been rescued, and the remnant soul of your fiancee has been found. Are there any plans for the next step?"

"I also found the last fragment of the inverse astrolabe, and the five-pole beads on the astrolabe, oh, and the core crystal." Guan Heng pulled out the thing at this time and gave it to the **** of light, he continued: "These They are all gifts from the people and gods of St. Lomplon. In addition, there is a gold leaf note about the origin of the anti-horoscope. The gods of humans and demons also helped me translate into understandable text. "

Speaking of this, Guan Heng paused and continued to say, "I believe that you have these things, and you should be able to quickly complete the inverse astrolabe. At that time, I can use it to continue to find other planes in the world. Qing Huang is dead. "

"Well, let me take a look at this note first."

Darakund said, flipping open the gold leaf notes for a few glances. Under this view, the eyes of the **** of light suddenly solidified, and then he raised his head in a dignified expression: The anti-horoscope is an invisible bond that connects our Ashton and St. Lompland continents. No wonder Pawn wants to attack us here by every means. "

After saying this, Dala Kinder handed the gold leaf notes to the elf goddess Qi Li Ni, who said, "Come on, let ’s take a look at it. To be honest, I didn't expect the inverse of the astrolabe. It is the root cause of all evil ... "

Qi Li Ni glanced over the pages of the book, and then handed it to the witch **** Herrag, after reading it, and then gave it to the beast **** brother Pinus. After looking at it for a few times, she couldn't help but frown, and then The gold leaf notes were sent to the dark goddess Dharaweil.

"Hey, I didn't have to watch this gold leaf note, what did it say?" Guan Heng scratched his head at this moment, he said doubtfully, "Don't patronize yourself and look to Let me introduce the situation. "

"Pop!" At this moment, Dallawier also glanced at the contents of the notes, and then said to Guan Heng: "In general, even the few of us were shocked, brother. You should know a lot about the Astral Disk, but you should explain it. "

"Well, okay," said Dalakande's mischievous counterparty Guan Heng at this time. "Hey, come closer, let me tell you the origin of the anti-horoscope." The original gold leaf note recorded it Regarding the derivation and origin of the Astral Disk, that happened before the formation of countless chaotic universes ...

At that time, the development of the inverse asteroid was a group of high-end life forms of unknown origin. At that time, they were inventing the prototype of the inverse asteroid in order to find the inexhaustible energy in the universe.

The first inverse star disk was plainly a certain kind of detector. Its response to various energy sources and its location can be extrapolated accurately. The inventors rely on the energy found by the inverse star disk to establish The strongest cosmic civilization.

But after getting countless energy and becoming rich, these people gradually became lazy and content with the status quo. The anti-horoscope lost its original role and was thrown into the corner of an interstellar warehouse and became isolated from the world. People even forget that it exists.

After that, millions of years later, due to the extravagance and waste of the descendants of the cosmic life forms, the energy of the planet has finally dried up, which finally triggered a cosmic battle with nearby stars for energy. The two sides even dispatched "God-level" confrontation.

The insane and fierce battles directly led to the fall of a large number of powerful men. Their souls continued to burst and annihilate in the cosmic stars, but some of them accidentally poured into the interstellar warehouse that houses the inverse disk.

At this time, because of the tens of thousands of years of subtle evolution, the Astral Disk has produced a hint of "unconscious spirit" in the unconscious state. In the ignorance, it began to absorb the shards of the fallen strong body and grow stronger!

After merging the soul fragments of countless strong men, the Astral Disc Spirit has gradually gained its own consciousness and thinking, but its spiritual intelligence is still very low and has no judgment ability.

At this time, a family of cosmic life happened to be here to avoid the scourge of war, and accidentally discovered the existence of the anti-astrolabe. This family has no shortage of geniuses. They finally learned about the anti-astrolabe after studying exhausted and forgetfulness Function, and began to gradually control the spirit, these people also wrote a "gold leaf note" during that time as a record of research on the inverse astrolabe.

The geniuses of the Cosmic Life Family family are planning to set off with an anti-horoscope to find new energy sources and living places that can thrive. Who knows that there is no airtight wall in the world, and the journey of these people was discovered by ambitionists and dark forces. The following situation is a bit miserable.

As the bad guys trying to capture the inverse of the astrolabe hunted all the way, the universe ’s life-form family was almost dead. The last member, under despair and anger, chose to end up with all the enemies. The power is amazing, not only destroying himself and his enemies, but also letting the inverse astrolabe with gold leaf notes fall directly into a huge space gap.

Already possessing preliminary wisdom, the Astral Plate Spirit, fearing that he would suffer misfortune, made an amazing decision on the eve of the moment!

—— [2016.8.12 the first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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