Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1585: Land of the Dead (Third)

"Stupid, how can there be such a way to get closer?" Guan Heng slaps Lan Di's head in an angry manner at this time: "Running through every corner of Ashton's continent ?! Do you want me to break my leg?"

"Uh ... haha ​​..." Merty heard Guan Heng's words, couldn't help pouting and grinning, even Xiaobai next to him was amused: "Hahaha, stupid Landi, it's really not Brainstorming food. "

"Huh, I just like to eat, can you manage it?" At this moment, Brother Lan didn't change his rude food appearance and rubbed a lot of berries into his mouth. He said, "You are smart, but think of a good idea. Don't just care. Laughing at me. "

"By the way, I think of one thing." Xiaobai, thinking with a crooked head for a few seconds, suddenly said, "Do you all remember the characteristics of the inverse astrolabe? That thing likes to absorb pure soul fragments, maybe. The sleeping spirits also have this habit. "

"Huh ?! Xiaobai, you are so clever." Guan Heng smiled at his chin at this time: "Yeah, in order to restore his state of heyday, Qi Ling definitely likes to absorb things like soul fragments, but Soul thing ... where does it usually appear? "

Suddenly, Merty, Xiaobai, Guan Heng, and the orc statue Xulun suddenly realized at the same time: "It must be a dead place with countless undead!"

After hearing everyone ’s speculation, Guan Heng slowly said, "Well, if I am the weak inverse astronomical spirit, I will also choose a region full of dead souls, so that I can absorb the ones that help me recover. Energy, oh, right ... "

Speaking of which, Guan Heng paused, and he turned to the orc statue and said, "Xu Lun, please help me find out which areas on Ashton's land are full of deadness and undead."

"Uh, you do n’t see many of these places, and there are only a few of them."

Xu Lun said, holding a small stick and pointing to a place on the map's sandbox, "Hey, the Hedalon Basin, here is one. There was a meteorite rain thousands of years ago, and thousands of people They were killed in that natural disaster, and since then, no one has lived on that land anymore, because the Hedalon Basin has completely turned into scorched earth that has no grass. "

"Uh, I heard about this place when Xu Lun was training with the Corps. It was indeed called the" Undead Basin "caused by the natural disaster." Merty said at this time: "Brother, here Should be a target to search for? "

"Well, that's one place here." "Pop!" As soon as Guan Heng's words fell, Xiaobai had already picked up a red flag from the corner of the table, and steadily inserted it in the Hedalon Basin: " Make a mark first. "

"In addition, I recommend the second place. This river is called 'Tirrell River', and it is called 'Dead River' on the Ashton continent."

At this moment, the orc statue Xu Lun pointed at a river-shaped area on the map's sand table with a small stick and said, "Because the Teller River started from a thousand years ago, the tide will rise every certain period, and then a huge torrent erupts. Tens of thousands of villages and cities will be completely destroyed by then. Of course, all the ordinary people will be ... "

Having said this, Xu Lun didn't continue to talk about it, but everyone knew what he meant. Those people must have been unfortunately killed and fed fish to the bottom of the river.

"Okay, Styx of the Dead, Tirrell, here is also a search target." At this moment, Guan Heng winked at Xiao Bai, who immediately understood and reached out to put the red flag on the position of Tirrell. .

"Well ... are there any other dead souls dead?" At this time, Xu Lun racked his brains and pondered his thoughts, and stunned, he flashed with aura: "I remember, there is such a place , It should be a place where the undead wander all day long! "

"Really?" Merty, Xiaobai, Landi, and Guan Heng asked in unison: "Where is it?"

"That's it." Su Xunlun, who was very busy at this time, pointed slowly at her feet: "Well, where we are, Ashton's Grand Canyon of Warcraft."

After listening to Xu Lun's words, Guan Heng, who frowned tightly, asked, "The Grand Canyon of Warcraft ?! How could this be the place where the undead gather?"

"Well, that's it. Everyone must have heard about the Ashton continent that has ravaged the Warcraft frenzy for many years."

At this moment, Xu Lun explained: "The first beast tide was really fierce, so the five main gods personally shot down and forced the remaining crazy beasts into the Grand Canyon of Warcraft. Since then, they have come here every year to hunt There are countless different races of Warcraft, and it is also gradually called the 'Graveyard of Warcraft'. "

"I see, so this can be said to be the place where the undead gather." Guan Heng said at this time, touching his chin. "Including the Grand Canyon, we have three places to search for ..."

Guan Heng's voice didn't fall, and a voice suddenly said: "Cough, Guan Heng, don't just care about your own affairs, when can you send me to the Dragon Tomb?"

"Eh ?! Kufa !!" Guan Heng noticed that he had forgotten the dragon soul Kufa in the Dragontooth Blade. He said a little embarrassedly, "Sorry, I should consider your feelings first, So, how about sending you to Ashton's Dragon Tomb now? "

"Well ... wait a minute!" Kufa was about to promise, and he suddenly saw the dragon skeleton on the lawn, and suddenly cried out, "This keel ... where did you get it from ?!"

"Ah, it's that skeleton, I tell you ..." Guan Heng introduced Kufa to everyone present, and said he had taken out the keel from the reincarnation pond.

"Brother, is this the Dragon Soul?" At this moment, Merty looked at Kufa curiously, and wanted to touch it with her fingers.

"Uh ha ha, pretty chick ..." Dragon Soul Kufa was about to make fun of the other party, and suddenly felt that Guan Heng ’s murderousness slowly spread out behind him, Guan Heng said coldly: "If you dare to tell my sister Some crazy words, brothers don't have to do it! "

"Uh ... that ... sorry, sorry, I really don't know she's your sister." Kufa hurried away from the topic at this time and said, "Brother, your dragon's bones are really good. Give me, Then I asked His Majesty the Light to reshape the body for myself, so that I could be resurrected! "

"It's not impossible for you, but aren't you trying to return to the Dragon Tomb?" Guan Heng deliberately said at this time: "Why, you don't want to go?"

"Hey hey, who would go to death if he could live?"

At this time, Dragon Soul Kufa said deadly, "I learned so much with Teacher Ganesha on the side of St. Lomplon, and I look forward to following the Light God to build my career and renew my dragon power. Come on, anyway. Field, you must give me this face. "

—— [2016.8.12 the first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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