Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1586: Somewhat embarrassed

"By the way, Heng Heng, hanging over the Dragon Tomb, it should be regarded as an undead dead, right?" At this time, Xu Lun said with a smirk, "You should let Kufa lead the way and also go to the Dragon Tomb to see "" Fuck the statue, what's your idea ?! "

At this moment, the bad-tempered Kufa's tone suddenly changed, and the guy insisted: "That ... I don't want to go if I can't go to the Dragon Tomb."

"Hum, there are weird ones, absolutely weird ones!" Xiaobai laughed, holding his shoulders, "Young Master, you must put the truth of this guy out!"

"If it makes sense, then listen to Mr. Xiaobai." Guan Heng suddenly grasped the Dragon Soul in his hand and asked loudly, "Kufa, what have you concealed from me? Hurry up from the actual situation, otherwise If I do, I will use my sentence! "

"Hey, you are too much." Dragon Soul Kufa was struggling in Guan Heng's hands at the moment, hissing and snarling: "In fact, there is nothing to hide, I said, can I say it?"

Therefore, Kufa branched out his concerns again. It turned out that Kufa was the most inconspicuous newcomer in the Dragon Warrior before exiled to St. Lomplon in another world. That is to say, the middle and lower levels. The reason why it fell on the land of St. Lomplon was because of the consequences of being confused.

At this moment, Kufa said with a somewhat difficult tone: "Originally, I thought of taking a free ride back to Ashton mainland, and then went to the Dragon Tomb to report. Now I think about it again and feel a bit uncomfortable. OK. "

"Not right? Why?" Guan Heng said with a lip. "Is it right to return to the Dragon Tomb as the soul of the Dragon race?"

"Hey, this thing is a bit embarrassing to say." Kufa continued to explain: "I used to be dragon ball companions who like to chew the tongue. If I rush to the dragon tomb to meet them, these guys ask me that I am missing The reason is that if you have lost your way to a different world, you will surely be killed by everyone's joke! "

"That's it, this is your scruples?" Guan Heng said indifferently at this moment: "Our brothers, but the heroic partners who defeated the Dark Dragon and the Demon Army, are the number one heroes in the world of Saint Lomplon and Ashton. If anyone dares to laugh at you, his head must have been kicked by a donkey! "

Speaking of this, Guan Heng paused for a moment, and then he went on to say, "Kuffa, rest assured, take a step back and say, if someone dares to laugh at you, Lao Tzu will die He's angry for you. "

"That is to say, Kufa, and Miss Ben to support you." At this time, Xiaobai said indifferently, "Manly husband, where do you have so many worries? Be refreshed!"

"That is, the heroes of the dragons who are arrogant in the two worlds don't have the courage to return to the dragon tomb of their hometown? It's enough to persuade the eggs." Xu Lun said arrogantly on the side of the fire: "You're not afraid that this thing will spread to laugh at everyone Big teeth? "

"Well, you don't need to excite me, okay, then I will take Guan Heng and you to go to the hanging dragon tomb!" Kufa said in his mouth that he would not eat radicals, but the fire in his heart was long arched by everyone Yes, so I agreed.

At this moment, Guan Heng and others all looked at each other and smiled, secretly proud of their tricks.

"Well, according to the distance you are searching for, the first place to find is the cemetery here in Warcraft Grand Canyon."

The orc statue Xu Lun said to Guan Heng at this time: "As for the specific location, ask the Ape King Tale of the Grand Canyon. He definitely knows, and then the remaining areas. The Hedalon Basin is counted north of the Grand Canyon. At a distance of 100 kilometers, it should be regarded as the nearest, and then the Tirrell River ... "

"After you have searched the Tieler River, I will take you to the hanging tomb of the dragon." The dragon soul Kufa said to Guan Heng immediately before Xu Lun finished saying, "It's so decided."

"Hmm." Guan Heng slightly nodded his head, which was a promise. At this moment, Kufa's dragon soul flew to the dragon bone in front, and he chuckled: "Haha, see if I can control this now. Paraskeleton. "

The words didn't fall. Kufa had flown three or four times inside and outside the huge keel. Guan Heng was sitting cross-legged on the lawn at this time, picking up a berry and throwing it into his mouth. Then he said, "Hey, Kufa, Are you okay? "

"Well, I think it should be fine."

Listening only to the sound of "唰", the Dragon Soul Kufa has moved back to Guan Heng in an instant, and Kufa said immediately, "In the knowledge of the Dragon family that Teacher Ganiso gave to me, there is a secret method for the Dragon Soul to fuse with the Dragon Bone. , If I can find an environment full of the power of light properties, I can complete the fusion with the keel in a short time! "

"Environment full of light ?! Isn't it there?" As soon as Guan Heng's words were out, he pointed to the pond near the bone and said, "There is a rebirth pond that originally belonged to the bright shrine. It should be OK. ? "

"Transfer ... Transplant Pool ?! Why are you all good things here?"

Kufa then noticed the clear, rippled pool of water, and it shouted excitedly: "Haha, this time it's all right, come here, put me and the keel all in the pool of water, as long as Ten minutes is enough. I can definitely take control of this skeleton with the power of the light system. "

"Throw the bones back into the pool of water again?" Guan Heng murmured at this moment: "Damn, you didn't know I was struggling to get it out that day!"

A few seconds later, Guan Heng took five statues and Landi, and finally raised the whole keel and threw it into the reincarnation pond.

"Tongtong——" After a while, the water splashed around, and Dragon Soul Kufa called out at this time: "Wait for me." Then he dived into the pond and disappeared.

"Master, meerty and I are going to prepare lunch for you." Xiaobai said, pulling Merti up and running towards the castle. Landi called out behind them: "Hey, little white sister, I To eat barbecue-"

"I see, the ghost." After Xiaobai agreed, he ran away. At this moment, Guan Heng lay down on the lawn and muttered to himself: "Hey ... it's so comfortable, it seems like a long time I haven't taken a serious rest, let me take a break ... Huh ... "

As soon as he fell asleep for a few minutes, Guan Heng was shaken by Merty: "Brother, it's time to eat."

"Uh ... uh ?!" At this moment Guan Heng opened his eyes and laughed aloud: "I said, you move really fast."

It turned out that there was already a circle of rich food in front of him, what kind of barbecued fish and various fruits are available. When he saw these foods, Guan Heng suddenly felt his stomach cooing, he reached for a grilled fish, I didn't care if I swallowed three or two bites and then swallowed, saying, "Uh, delicious!"

—— [Fourth more in 2016.8.12, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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