Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1588: Canyon Tomb Cave (first)

After a while, Guan Heng was in the ape-devil's residence, and then said his intentions in a few words.

"You ... want to go to the cemetery of the Grand Canyon of Warcraft ?!" Seeing the ape-devil face embarrassed and thoughtful, Guan Heng asked: "What's wrong? Uncle Talie, is it the Grand Canyon?" Cemetery is forbidden, can't we enter? "

"No, no, it's not the problem." Ape King Tale shook his hand at this time and said, "I said, you are friends. No matter what the requirements are, my old ape will try to satisfy it, but I have been upset recently. This happened to be related to the cemetery in the Canyon of Warcraft, so I just came up with the idea. "

Hearing this, Guan Hengban said jokingly: "Hehehe, you are now the only King of Warcraft deserved in the Grand Canyon. Why are you bothering?"

"Well, you don't know, it's because I'm the only Beastmaster now, so I'm so embarrassed!" After a slight sigh, the Ape Demon said his troubles here again.

It turned out that after the death of the three beast kings: the rhinoceros king, the eagle king, and the python king, the remaining rhino, raptor, and python are all headless and leaderless. I read these are the orphans of my old friends. The ape demon king takes care of the three junior Warcrafts, and strictly prohibits his ape people from provoking troubles with the three races and living with them peacefully.

But after all, the Rhino, Raptor, and Python are not their own relatives. Once the juniors between the three races conflict, the ape demon king as an arbiter will have a headache. No matter which side he favors, the ape demon king will fall into a "li Outside is not a human "situation.

Therefore, the mind-struck ape demon king Tale thought of a way to choose a new leader for these three races as soon as possible, and each of them restrained the crowds, so that going down to the Grand Canyon of Warcraft can restore the peace of the past.

However, it is not easy to pick a new tribal king. It is not easy to choose a leader among World of Warcraft. There are not so many twists and turns and it depends on strength, but there is also a problem among them. We don't have an example of turning on ancestral talents.

According to the iron law circulating between the Warcraft tribe, to become a leader, to understand the talents of the tribe is the most important prerequisite, so up to now the Rhino, Raptor and Python have not elected their leaders.

Hearing the narrative of the ape demon here, Guan Heng suddenly asked, "This ... What are the three leaders of the three Warcraft juniors choosing a new leader, what is the relationship with the Warcraft cemetery?"

"Yes, the most direct and convenient way to understand the magical powers of this tribe is to go to the World of Warcraft Cemetery, and in the graves of your ancestors, the chance of comprehending the mystery will increase greatly." Ape Demon King said here , Patted his chest: "I was my supernatural power realized in the tomb cave of the ape king."

"That being the case, Uncle Wang, you just have to let the guys of the three races go to the graveyard of the cemetery?" Xiaobai Yuyou sat down and said, "Isn't this an easy thing to solve?"

"Little white fox, you don't know, something weird has recently appeared at the Warcraft Cemetery."

The Ape Demon King Tale said with a calm face at this time: "The three entrances of the Rhino Tomb Cave, Raptor Tomb Cave, and Python Mantle Tomb Cave were all sealed by some inexplicable force. I took the tribe juniors there to prepare It was discovered during the training that even my brute force could not break the barriers to those entrances. "

"So strange?" Guan Heng asked at his chin at this time: "Well, could it be a means for some ancestors and beasts to play in the tombs of the three races?"

"Why, Guan Heng, do you have a solution?" The ape demon king saw Guan Heng thoughtfully, and he quickly said, "Would you rather go to the cemetery tomb with me now to see what? Maybe? This has something to do with the anti-horoscope spirit you are looking for. "

Merti next to him also said: "Brother, Mr. Ape King made a lot of sense, let's go and see."

"Well, King Ape, let's go now." As soon as Guan Heng's words were out, King Ape immediately overjoyed: "The cemetery in the Canyon of Warcraft is about a dozen miles behind my territory, and I will take you right away. go with."


After a while, Ta Lie, the ape demon king, took Guan Heng and others to the cemetery of Warcraft Canyon. He pointed at a huge cave cave not far in front of him and said, "Oh, after passing through this tunnel that is several kilometers long, , There are four fork road entrances, which lead to the graves of the ancestors of the apes, rhinos, raptors and pythons. "

When this was said, several people had already entered the hole and walked a distance. Guan Heng, who was next to the Ape Demon King, suddenly frowned tightly, and said, "There is something wrong, everyone is behind-"

Guan Heng's words fell away, and there was already a nasty gray, windy wind sweeping from the distance, Xiaobai whispered: "Yeah!" "Yeah! Paw!" The spirit snake bone whip in her palm has been twitching. Out.

I could only hear the sound of "calling—cracking", and a thick ice wall condensed in front of everyone. This was the effect of the freezing cold brought by the spirit snake bone whip.

However, the grey wind rushed up to the ice wall without hesitation, and time passed through silently.

"Huh ?! It ’s the beast soul, watch me take you—" Seeing this scene, Guan Heng growled and then shook the tattoo of the swallowing beast on his wrist, and "swish" the ghost of swallowing beast appeared suddenly. Opening the blood basin, he bit the shadow of the beast soul that rushed over, and Guan Heng turned it into the stone of the soul at the instant of turning.

"It is the soul of a bird of warcraft." Guan Heng glanced at the soul in the spar, and then said to the people around him, "There are beast souls in this cave where the beasts are lingering, everyone must be careful, otherwise you will be evil Soul possession is not a joke. "

After hearing Heng Heng's words, and remembering that her bone whip structure didn't stop the beast soul, Xiao Bai seemed a little scared. She dragged Landi's arm and said, "Hey, you should walk in front of me. "

"Hi, your courage is too small." Lan Di laughed with a fist and shook his fists: "A few beast souls, what's so great? Little white sister, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Merty, the scepter of the elven goddess, also said, "Okay, let's go forward."

The crowds followed Guan Heng carefully all the way. In order to prevent it, Guan Heng also wore the five-star Divine Soul Armor deposited in the ring of Xiaobai Space. They actually encountered several wandering beast souls along the martyrs. Guan It is impolite to turn these little beast souls into soul stones.


A few minutes later, Guan Heng and others were stopping to speak in front of the four fork road graves.

"Here it is, the first to the left is the tomb cave of our ancestors of the apes, and now I can enter at will, there is only that." After saying this, the ape demon king Tale glanced at the other three holes, and then He continued: "But at these entrances to the grave, I struggled to get closer."

—— [2016.8.13 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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