Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1590: Awakening by the film (third)

Immediately after, Guan Heng took Merty to the Raptor tomb hole. There was also no whereabouts of the spirit, but Guan Heng grabbed a pair of gold and silver double-sculpted beast souls, because these two guys also have their own talents and magical powers. Memories.

The last is the search of the tomb cave of the python family. No trace of the spirit of the instrument is found, but Guan Heng did not go there for nothing, and grabbed a millennial python king beast soul with magical memory, causing the soul of the soul. .


After a moment, Guan Heng walked out of the tomb and told the ape king Ta Lie and Xiao Bai and Lan Di this time.

Guan Heng then gave the four Abyssal Stones to the Ape King: "Hey, this is what I got into the tomb hole. You can give it to the juniors of the Rhino, Raptor and Python. Just release it. Beast souls, they should understand the magical powers of their own race. "

"Oh ha ha ha, Guan Heng, but you have helped me a lot." Ape King Tale laughed at this moment: "Let's go to my place of residence, I invite you all to drink."

"I think it's fine," Guan Heng shrugged. "I still have two undead places to search. I really can't delay too much time, so I have to leave first."

"Er, the business matters, so I won't keep you much." The ape demon king Ta Lie was not a man of pride, and immediately sent Guan Heng and others out of his territory, where Bone Dragon Kufa was still waiting.

"Kufa, the next destination is the Hedalon Basin." Guan Heng and the others crossed to the back of Bone Dragon and said, "At your speed, you will arrive in tens of minutes, and go all out."

"Well, everyone sit still!" "Hoo--" Bone Dragon Kuffa suddenly spread his wings, "Wow, slap--wow!" Fly into the air in the blink of an eye with the rapid flapping of the wings.


After a short while, everyone had already come to the Hedalon Basin, looked up, and it turned out to be a ruined and desolate scene.

"Eh ... the smell of death is spreading everywhere, this feels very uncomfortable." Melty's words fell off, Xiaobai and Landi immediately echoed slightly with their jaws: "Well, we have the same a feeling of."

"Hey, Guan Heng, I'm going to land near here!" After finishing the sentence, Bone Dragon Kufa had landed the next moment. Guan Heng and others immediately turned over and jumped off the dragon's back, and began to look around.

"Hmm ... hmm ..." Guan Heng slightly shook his head at this time and sighed, he looked at the core spar in his hand and said, "Although death gas is spreading here, this thing still doesn't respond. It seems that the Astral Disc Spirit is not there either. Here……"

Before Heng Heng's words were finished, Xiao Bai suddenly pointed at a scorched earth in the potholes in front of him and shouted, "Master, look at it, there seems to be something out there."

In the direction pointed by Xiao Bai, Guan Heng and others looked up. Something on the scorched ground surface hundreds of meters away continued to bulge out of the mulch. Then, I saw some slowly crawling out of the ground. Something comes.

"Huh? That seems to be ... an undead skeleton?" Merty cried at this time: "This kind of thing often appears in cemeteries and cemeteries with many dead and undead, and I have seen it several times as a mercenary. "

"How are you going to pass these things off?" At this moment, Bone Dragon Kufa and Lan Di are both flexing their muscles, and they said in unison: "Guan Heng, let me do it."

"Uh, this ..." Guan Heng, who was about to speak, suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. He suddenly felt that he was restless in the depths of his knowledge, because there was a very familiar force about to wake up.

"Is it the shadow sword soul ?! Even at this time ... hahaha ..." Guan Heng couldn't help but secretly rejoice: "You guy, have enough sleep finally?"

"Well ... uh ... Guan Heng ?!" At this moment, Cheng Ying Jianhun said slowly in his head: "I, how long did I sleep?"

"The specific time ... maybe a few months." Guan Heng asked at this time: "How about, have you saved enough power?"

"Well, I now feel that there is powerful energy in your body to supply me." Cheng Ying Sword Spirit said at this time: "Soul body power is estimated to have recovered 70% to 80%, but if you want to split the space again to take you to Elsewhere, it seems to be close. "

"Well, in front of you ... come over some skeletons with remnants, and I can just absorb their energy."

Upon hearing Cheng Ying's words, Guan Heng laughed immediately: "This is all right, then I will let you **** enough."

Having said that, Guan Heng shouted to Xiaobai, Landi and Merty around him: "Everyone takes a few steps back, and these undead skeletons are left to me to deal with."

Although I don't know why Guan Heng suddenly became interested in the skeleton soldiers, everyone still did what they said. "Xie" retreated seven or eight steps, giving way to a clearing.

At this moment, Guan Heng's mind moved slightly, and a strange light suddenly flowed out of his heart, and then a small 3-inch sword fluttered in Guan Heng's palm, and then changed. To support the normal size of the shadow sword.

"Buzzing--" It was late, and then fast, Cheng Ying Jianfeng trembled suddenly and suddenly, this sword edge produced a huge absorption force, suddenly rushing to the skeleton soldiers gathered around. .

I could only hear a series of crisp sounds like "wow-la-la-wow", and the shadow of the cruel green body appeared in the wreckage of countless skeleton soldiers, and all the time was sucked into the sword's sword body.

With a bang, Cheng Yingjian in Guan Heng ’s palm stopped the constant tremor. The next moment, Cheng Ying ’s sword soul laughed in Guan Heng ’s mind: “Hahaha, I have n’t eaten so full for a long time, comfortable-- "

Speaking of this, Cheng Ying Sword Spirit paused for a moment, and he continued to say, "Well, if I follow this progress, after absorbing ten or eight times, I can recover about 10% of my soul power."

"Jin Yicheng, your appetite is too big, right?" At this moment, Guan Heng smiled bitterly: "Okay, okay, I must try my best."

"I'll take a break now to digest these remnants, and call me if something happens."

The words fell away, and Cheng Ying's sword soul's voice suddenly disappeared into Guan Heng's mind. At this time, Guan Heng slightly shook his head and muttered, "It is another big stomach king that consumes the energy of the soul. Hey, if you add inverse Astrolabe spirits, it's not surprising if you don't eat me poor. "

"Hey, Guanheng--" At this time, the bone dragon Cuffalo standing not far away called out, "What are you doing there talking to yourself? If there is no trace of the spirit here, let's hurry to the iron Rall River. "

"Oh, I see." Guan Heng had already stowed Cheng Yingjian at this time, then ran to the crowd with a smile and said, "Okay, let's go."

You see me, I see you, I feel that Guan Heng ’s behavior is a bit weird, but it ’s hard to say anything, so he rides on the bone dragon library method again, and I see this big guy “scream” and jump out. Fly quickly in the direction of Undead Styx, Tirrell.

—— [2016.8.13 third more, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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