Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1599: Unexpected accident

It turned out that the energy spheres in the Dragon Heart Stone Jiggle slightly in the place, and they shone unceasingly. There were hundreds of dragon souls struggling to cling to them, which seemed to be extremely painful.

Guan Heng, who is not far away, can clearly see that the original sphere circling the thunderfire element has produced a strong suction, and is constantly drawing away the energy in those dragon souls.

"Ah ... it's the patriarch, the patriarch is here ..." A relatively large group of dragon souls was struggling at this time: "patriarch, please save us, this ball of light is about to exhaust our soul energy. It's up! "

"Abominable, you **** invisible monster, dare to harm the dragon soul in the cemetery of my clan, I destroyed you!" Roared out, the black robe brave man incarnated by the thunder fire dragon suddenly raised the storm, and he gathered red fire , Lei Jin, who gathered the faint blue lingering in one hand, was the prelude to the fierce move.

"Hey, patriarch, wouldn't you want to destroy those Dragon Souls together?" Guan Heng said angrily at this time: "I think your power is too strong, just in case ..."

"Well, what you said makes sense, I can't kill the dragon soul of the people."

"Oh!" After hearing Heng Heng's words, the Thunder Dragon God suddenly stopped the trick that was about to be released, and then asked, "Do you have any way?"

At this moment, Guan Hengsheng said, "I naturally have a way. First of all, I must let those dragon souls flee."

"Swallow the beast, come out--" It was late, then fast, Guan Hengyiliang tattooed on the back of his hand, and the ghost of the swallow beast swept into the air, and then his body was solid and concrete, seeing When it was ready, Guan Heng quickly raised his finger in front of him and shouted, "Hurry up and disperse the dragon soul in front of you!"

"Hoo! Roar!" The moment he heard Guan Heng's order, the devouring beast immediately burst into a terrifying roar. This roar wandered around like a thunder, shaking the whole tomb of the dragon, shaking and trembling, even by the side The thunder **** of fire and dragon, all ten steps back and forth in unpreparedness, then stood firm.

But the strongest feeling was the hundreds of trapped dragon soul spirit groups in front of Tupo. I saw their energy **** being hit by the beast roar wave, and they were frightened, and the dragon souls broke out instantly. Bound, a smoky exit exited hundreds of meters away.

At this moment, the fierce mang in the eyes of the thunder dragon dragon fired, and he shouted loudly: "Okay, the dragon souls of this tribe are out of danger. I will now tear up the invisible body in that energy ball! "

"Wait, patriarch." Guan Heng reached out and rubbed his opponent's black robe. He smiled at this moment and said, "Don't forget, I came for the energy ball, let me do it. , But I still have a small favor for you. "

"This ... well, it's the same for anyone to clean it up anyway." As soon as the other party said, the Thunder Dragon God had to hold back the anger in his heart. The dragon tribe said at this moment: "Mr. Guan Heng, what are you doing, Just tell me. "

"If I have a fierce conflict with the instrument spirit in that energy ball, it will inevitably mess up the dragon's tomb, so it will be very troublesome to clean up." At this moment, Guan Heng stared at the dragon heart stone prison, no The energy sphere that stopped flashing different lights said, "Can you think of a way to move me and this thing to an unaffected place?"

"This is okay." The Dragon clan promised: "There are many small gaps in the space around my cemetery, as long as I use Thunder and Fire to open a different space channel and‘ throw you in ’...”

Having said that, the patriarch frowned slightly and said, "But after you succeed, how do you plan to come out?"

"Hehehe, it doesn't matter. I also have Yibao to cut off the space barrier. It is quite easy to return here." Guan Heng waved and said, "Let's start quickly."


"唰 —— 嗤 啦!" With the clan of the Dragon patriarch yelling, a huge blade containing the power of thunder and fire broke through a gap in the space near the soil slope, and when the air flow suddenly swept out, the energy was imprisoned immediately. The heart of the ball sucked in.

"Okay, patriarch, see you soon." It was late, then fast, and Guan Heng threw down a sentence. He also dart into the gap of the space with a flash of light and flint, and then the slit closed in an instant. It's up!


The next moment, Guan Heng had fallen into the dark space with the stone heart made by that dragon heart stone.

At this time, Guan Heng's heart was suddenly hot and sudden, and a sudden white light burst out, and then stopped beside Guan Heng.

Seeing the other party, Guan Heng asked in amazement slightly: "Cheng Ying? Why did you suddenly wake up?"

"I feel that the sphere in front of it seems to contain extremely strong energy. If it can be absorbed, my soul power can be restored to 60% to 70% at least." At this moment, the shadow-changing teenager whispered softly. Laughing: "Of course, I only absorb the energy that contains the element of thunder and fire, and that 'spirit' is left to you."

"Hahaha, you know my mind the best, that instrumental spirit is a convenient prop to find Qinghuang's residual soul. I must get it."

Guan Heng's words fell away, and Cheng Ying's sword soul condensed into a three-foot-long ancient sword body in a sudden, he cried, "I first went to chop the stone prison, and then absorbed the energy of the Thunder Dragon God, and the rest I leave it to you! "

Speaking slowly, then quickly, Cheng Yingjian slightly trembled, and instantly turned into a fast and unethical aurora, and hit the Dragon Heart Prison with a bang.


Suddenly struck by Cheng Yingjian, Stone Prison suddenly broke apart. The energy sphere suddenly thought about escaping from a distance, but how could Cheng Yingjian make it work? In the middle, one minute, two minutes, four minutes, eight minutes, and then hundreds of thousands of illusions. In a short time, a dense sword net has been compiled, and a sound of entanglement envelops the energy sphere.

"Bang!" In the next second, because the energy sphere could not be squeezed by the force of the sword net, it finally burst on the spot. Those pure elements of thunderfire not only contained the powerful power of the Dragon patriarch, but also removed countless numbers just now. The soul power of the Dragon Soul is now transformed into countless colorful energy bonds in the dark space, which are just the good things that make Cheng Yingjian rush.

"唰 唰 唰 ——" For a while, the shadow-sword that broke through the sky never stopped Yukong Pan, desperately absorbing those energies, but Guan Heng at this time was already worthy to stop the spirit from the energy sphere. .

"Hahaha, I have been looking for you for so long, but this time I can't let you run away." As soon as this sentence was out, Guan Heng suddenly slammed his wrist and said, "Swallow the ghost and go out to work--"

To deal with the invisible spirit body, in the end, it is still the most secure to swallow the ghost and beast. I saw the phantom of this broken evil beast suddenly solidified in the air, and the instrument spirit was trembling.

—— [2016.8.15 second, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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