Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1600: Tamer Spirit (Third)

Just now in the tomb of the dragon, the devouring beast exploded and shook the sky, shattering the countless dragon souls sucked by the instrumental spirit, which made the instrumental spirit fresh in memory. It knew that the evil power of devouring the ghost and monster was extremely amazing. Can absorb soul power, but this trick does not work for swallowing ghosts.

In mid-air, the fierce power of swallowing ghosts and monsters kept rising, which caused great fear to Qi Ling. It is now unable to enter, retreat, and stun the ground. The Qi Ling even said something like: "You ... what do you want? kind?"

"Well, you can learn to talk with humans. It seems that your instrumental wisdom is not shallow." Hearing the other party's inquiry, Guan Heng took a moment to pick up a thing with two fingers, and then laughed: "Hey, you know this thing ?"

"Ah ... ah ?! This is ... the core spar of the inverse astral plate!" The tool spirit suddenly cried out when he saw an important thing related to his own body: "This thing, where are you from? Got it? "

"It should be said, it is in another world." Guan Heng said at this time: "In addition, I also got five pole beads, thirteen astrolabe fragments and gold leaf notes. Are you planning to escape now?"

"Hoo--" Guan Heng's voice didn't fall, and Qi Ling could not wait to fly to Guan Heng. He asked in a hurry: "Where are those things now? Tell me!"

At this time, Guan Heng saw the other side so eager to know the whereabouts of things, and suddenly secretly ecstatic.

"Now, I have a few friends who are using their own strength to assemble the inverse astrolabe, and plan to restore the fragments to completeness." At this moment, Guan Heng explained: "This is also good for your instrumental spirit. ,am I right?"

"Really? That's good ... wait!" The spirit floating in midair realized something was wrong, and suddenly called out with doubt: "Human, how do you re-assemble the inverse star disk so carefully, what is the purpose? ? "

"Because I fancy the ability to reverse the astral disk." At this time, Guan Heng said without concealing: "You can find the energy body in any corner of the universe, and of course you can find the scattered remnant soul fragments. I want to use It's your ability. "

"Human ... you are asking too much."

At this time, the Astral Disc Spirit whispered, "You know how vast the universe in which we are is. If the fragments of the residual soul are too small, it is very difficult and time-consuming to find them. Then I would not Countless years of being enslaved by you? !!! Sorry, you asked me not to ... "

"Stop my mouth !!!" Before Qi Ling finished his refusal, Guan Heng suddenly shouted: "No matter how much time it takes, I must collect all the ghost souls of Qing Huang, and then let her rise again, you -Must help me, must help me !!! "

Guan Heng's hissing roar was even more terrifying than the coercion of swallowing ghosts. Why had Qi Ling ever seen such a scary guy? In anxiety, he wanted to escape again, and Guan Heng screamed sharply at this time: This spirit swallowed into his belly! "

"Oh!" It was late, and then, quickly, the mouthful of swallowing ghosts swallowed hard, and immediately sucked the anti-horoscope device into the belly.

"Well ... let me out ... let me out ..." Qi Ling swallowed the ghost and immediately struggled in it, but at this moment, Guan Heng said leisurely: "Do n’t Toss again, as long as you don't agree to my terms, never think of it! "

At this time, Qi Ling was a little calm, and he begged, "Please let me out first, and have something to say."

"There is nothing to say!" Guan Heng replied very simply: "Follow me and help me collect all the Qinghuang residual souls. During this period, I can provide you with any other soul power. In addition, as long as When my business is done, you will be free immediately! "

"This, this ..." When Qi Ling heard Guan Heng's words, he whispered, wondering what to say. At this moment, Guan Heng also said, "Now, 13 pieces of fragments from the inverse disk are assembled, and For a day or two, think about it and tell you, don't think about running away, hum! "

Having said that, Guan Heng beckoned against the swallowing beast in the air and immediately retracted it into the tattoo on his wrist.

At this moment, I heard the sound of a blast coming from not far away. The shadow sword stopped in front of Guan Heng. The sword soul laughed loudly at the moment: "Guan Heng, the two elements of thunder and fire plus The overflowing soul power of dragon souls has actually restored me more than 70% of my strength, which is really good. "

Seeing the brilliance of Cheng Yingjian's blade, the breath overflowed, it was obvious that he had recovered a lot. Guan Heng slightly slightly at this time: "Well, it can be helpful to you ... wait, I thought of it!"

At this point, Guan Heng's brain suddenly flashed, and he looked down at the "Five Star Spirit Soul Armor" on his body, and then smiled and said to Cheng Yingjian, "This Spirit Soul Armor contains five Ashton continents. The divine power given to me by the Lord God is now free, and it is yours, so let's absorb it. "

"Is this okay?" Cheng Ying Sword Spirit said at this time: "If I exhaust the power of the soul armor, this armor will probably become a pile of scrap iron."

"Hahaha, who cares about him! We will leave here in two days. At that time, if the five-star spirit soul armor is not needed, we can only throw it away."

After saying this, Guan Hengyang laughed and said, "Rather than letting you absorb the power of the five main gods, it would be more useful to us."

"Well, what you said makes sense." As soon as Cheng Ying's voice fell, she immediately turned into a teenager in her tenth year of age. She walked to the front of the **** soul armor that Guan Heng took off, and the sword soul looked left and right, and suddenly laughed. Road: "Huan Heng, this armor style doesn't seem to match your personality. Wouldn't your kid want to throw it because he hated it?"

"Ahem, don't talk nonsense, this is the gift of the five main gods." Some guilty Guan Heng cleared his throat before he said, "What are you still doing? Quickly absorb the divine power."

"Pop!" Cheng Ying Sword Soul slaps out a five-star Divine Soul Armor, and then a great absorption force is generated. Instantly, the five streams of Divine Power are slowly twisted into one, and then poured into the palm of Sword Soul!


After a moment, I saw a sudden flash of cold in a certain area of ​​the Dragon Tomb. Guan Heng had stepped out of the different space with the shadow sword, and he whispered: "Unexpectedly, the power of the five main gods is so full. , Even to restore you to the state of prosperity, this time is to cut the space of the universe plane, it should be more than enough, right? "

"I guess so, okay, I'll go back to rest first, and call me if something happens." Cheng Ying Sword Spirit fluttered, the three-footed sword in Guan Heng palm trembled, and narrowed down into a sudden, tight. Then, a swift white light melted into Guan Heng's body.

—— [2016.8.15 third, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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