Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1602: Mark of the Soul Burner (fifth more outbreak)

Hearing this voice, Dala Kendall suddenly shouted: "Huan Heng? You are just right, throw the core spar of the inverse astro ---"


"唰 ——" Guan Heng took the core spar from his arms without hesitation at this moment, and quickly flew out. "Let's also take out the five pole beads!"

The Bright God gave a command, and the other four gods immediately threw out the beads in their palms, and only heard the sound of the "huhuhu" bursting into the air. The five-pole beads suddenly moved closer to the core spar, and instantly merged with it. Then, the five-pole bead and the core flew to the top of the inverse star disk, and the docking with the body was completed in an instant.

"Beep beep-唰 唰 唰-" At this moment, the entire anti-horoscope trembled, began to bloom, and issued a strange "humming" sound, it seems to be looking for something.

"Huh? The tattoos that swallowed the ghosts and beasts on the arm were so hot, by the way, it was the inverse astrolabe that was trying to communicate with the instrumental spirit of my body!" Guan Heng thought of this, and suddenly raised his wrist: "Swallow the ghosts, come out--"

Speaking late, then, quickly, the ghost of the devouring beast suddenly drifted into the air, and in a short time it has condensed into a concrete entity. At this moment, the instrumental spirit in its belly screamed sternly: "Quickly, let me Be with the anti-horoscope, otherwise I would lose control of it forever! "

"Okay, this is just a trivial matter, but you must promise to find the remnant soul of my fiancee for me, otherwise, don't want to touch the edge of the inverse astral body!" Opportunities must be met by the instrument spirit, so the conditions were opened without hesitation.

"Uh, you ..." Qi Ling refused intentionally, but it looked at the nearby astral plate body that was about to lose its light, so he had no choice but to say, "I promise you, but you also have to keep your promise and look for Qi Can Immediately after the soul, set me free. "

After listening to the other party's words, Guan Heng nodded without thinking: "Well, that's it!"

Upon hearing this, the bright **** Drakekend suddenly exclaimed: "Guan Heng, quickly take out a drop of blood!"

"Eh ?!" Although Guan Heng was a little surprised, he also reacted instantly, smashing his fingers and squeezing a drop of blood in his hands.

At the same time, the five gods of Ashton's mainland shouted in unison, "Spirit marks the soul, Ning—"

"Wow!" Wudao Shenguang brushed on the drop of blood in Guan Heng. After seeing that blood received the blessing of divine power, he suddenly entered the core spar of the inverse star disk.

"Oh-buzz!" The original lush green rhombus spar trembled and made a loud noise. Immediately because Guan Heng's bloodmark was injected, a glamorous red was added!

"Uh ?! What kind of soul seal is this, so powerful!" The instrumental spirit and the inverse astrolabe in the belly of the devouring beast each other sensed each other, and it felt that when facing Guan Heng again at this moment, an irresistible thing happened A sense of submission!

Guan Heng knew this at this time. The five main gods used divine power and his blood to consolidate the strongest imprint of the soul to help Guan Heng control the anti-horoscope spirit, so that this guy must not regenerate resistance. Thoughts.

"Slightly bigger, it should be shrunk." Guan Heng's mind moved, and the anti-star disk in the air suddenly shrank slowly until it became the size of an ordinary dinner plate. Guan Heng shouted at this time: " Hey, swallow the beast, and swallow that anti-horse immediately! "

After listening to Guan Heng's request, the swallowing beast swept up without hesitation, and opened his mouth and swallowed the narrowed star.


The body of the inverse star disk suddenly collided with Qi Ling at this moment. At this moment, Qi Ling felt happy and sad. At the moment, after experiencing countless years, he finally became with Qiu again. Sadly, in the future, I still have to find the Qinghuang Residual Soul for Guan Heng's hard work. In this case, I really do n’t know if it is a big loss or a luck ...

"Hahaha, congratulations, Guan Heng." At this time, the beast **** brother Pinus stood up and laughed: "Your boy finally got the anti-horoscope."

"Unfortunately, it was all thanks to the help of the five main gods, and a little luck to succeed." Guan Heng first humbled, then said to the spirit in the stomach of the devouring beast: "You are usually honest Stay here, I will naturally let you swallow the ghost when you need me. "

After listening to Guan Heng's words, the Astral Disciple spirited weakly and agreed, and Guan Heng took back the devouring beast.

At this moment, Guan Heng turned his head and asked the dark goddess Dalavier who came over, "Xiao Bai, Landi and Merty, are you at your shrine?"

"Yes, the three of them are very enthusiastic and are helping me plan my wedding tomorrow."

Dalavier smiled at the moment and said, "Guan Heng, you and Ruta's wedding must arrive on time, otherwise, I will be angry, yes, Merty asked me to tell you that she was at the shrine. I'm looking for you after I'm busy, so you'll be waiting for her on the top floor of the canopy giant city of the Elven Forest this evening. "

"Sister Merty ... Is she looking for me?" Guan Heng couldn't help but wonder: "What did this girl think of? Hey, whatever, go and ask again." At this time, Guan Heng said to the **** of light "Dalakander, I beg you one thing ..."

So, Guan Heng said that Kufa needed a dragon body. "Oh, this is a trivial matter." After listening to Guan Heng, Bright God said with a grin: "Shaping the dragon's body is very simple, just a hand."

Speaking of this, Dala Kinder paused a little, and then continued to say, "Go to the canopy giant city first, and then I will let the reinvented Kuffa fly to the Elven Forest and take you and Merty back. The palace is fine. "

"Guan Heng, here." The elf goddess Qi Li Ni came over at this moment and handed him a turquoise scroll of space: "After tearing it open, I can teleport you to the canopy giant city and go."

"Thank you, Your Majesty Grace." Guan Heng took the scroll with a smile, waved at the five main gods, and then tore the scroll away.


In the evening's Elven Forest, the starry arches illuminated the moon, and the night scene was extremely beautiful. At this time, Guan Heng had reached the top floor of the tree crown giant city.

"Merty, you have already arrived!" Guan Heng saw the elf princess wearing a turquoise dress and holding a goddess scepter, and immediately waved and walked up, he asked: "Sister, you call me to Come here, what is going on? "

"Ahem, that ... brother ..." At this moment, Merty's face suddenly added a touch of crimson. She supported herself and said in a weak mosquito tone: "I, I want to ask you something."

"Please me? No problem, as long as I can do it, you can speak." Guan Heng said with a smile at this time: "Who made you my favorite righteous girl?"

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.15, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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