Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1603: Goodbye, Hero (End of Volume)

I thought Merty was just saying something unusual, but after hearing Heng's next sentence, Guan Heng was shocked.

Because Merty said: "Brother, I want you to leave me a child!"

"Eh ?!" Guan Heng heard the other person's words, and suddenly frightened back six or seven steps. He almost planted the top floor of the canopy giant city. He said awkwardly: "Merty ... you What did you say? I, I didn't hear clearly ... "

"Brother, I know you heard it clearly." Merty said with courage at the moment: "I said that I wanted to" let you have a child for me ", but it was definitely not the" meaning "you understood! "

"Not what I understand ?!" Hearing this, Guan Heng scratched his head and said, "So what are you ?!"

"Oh, I don't know too clearly, you still come with me!" Merti stomped at this moment, then pulled Guan Heng, and the two hurriedly walked into the top floor of the canopy giant city. one room.

"Look at this ... it's called 'Pregnant Spirit Ancestral Tree' and it was planted here by Her Majesty the Elf Goddess."

Release the switch horizontally, and Merty pointed at a huge plant in the room at this time and said, "It is said that if there is a" non-elf person "with a heart that loves nature and life, he will keep his blood dripping. If it is under the root of the tree, ten months later, the fruit will fall on the tree, and a brand-new Elf-type person will be born from it, instead of the non-elf-type person living here, as a conclusion between us. "

"It turned out to be this way, there are plants that can create life. I am an eye-opener." Just said to himself, Guan Heng suddenly realized: "Sister, what you said 'Leave a child', it turned out to be Do you mean this? "

"Of course, what do you think your brother is?" Merty snickered at this moment. "Brother don't tell me, you used to be cranky, don't forget, you have a fiancee."

"Ahem, in fact, I already guessed this kind of thing, just just intentionally joking with you." Guan Heng cleared his throat to cover up his embarrassment, he quickly shifted the topic and said, "Tell me what to do. "

"Well, use this silver knife cleaned by the Elven Fountain to cut your fingers and drop it on the roots of the tree." Merti said, and handed things over, she said half-jokingly: " Be careful not to cut your fingers. "

"Uh, can't you hope for something good?" Guan Heng shook his head slightly at this moment, and then slightly cut his finger, dropping a drop of blood on the root of the pregnant ancestral tree.

At this time, Merty said with a smile: "Did you know? I asked you to stay with the elves, and I have discussed with Xiaobai and Landi for a long time, because everyone is worried that after you leave, Ashton Life on the mainland will be a lot boring. With this child, everyone will not be lonely. "

"Well, poor baby, don't be killed by these uncles and aunts." Guan Heng thought of this, piled up a smile and said, "Oh, as long as you are happy, just happy."

After speaking, Guan Heng paused for a moment, and said to Merty again, "Go, I think Kufa is coming to pick us up, and go to the top fence."

A few minutes later, a dragon roared in the air near the elven forest canopy giant city: "Hoo-Guan Heng, Merty, I'm here!" "Look, Kufa, this new dragon body Pretty pretty. "

At this time, Merty pointed at the dragon flying in the air and said to Guan Heng, "I have seen this kind of dragon for the first time with the scale and skin of the sun shining."

"Hahaha, little girl, this is the body of the light dragon created by Her Majesty the Light God Dararkand for me, very spiritual, right?" Kuffa stretched out the dragon claws at this time to gently release Guan Heng and Merty. On its own back, it suddenly made a whistle: "Howl—Go to Jingu 喽"

"Woohoo--" The proud Kufa deliberately made a few rounds in the air, and then flew straight into the distance with the laughing Guan Heng and Merty.


Time flies quickly, and in the blink of an eye the next morning, the largest main hall of Ashton's mainland shrine finally sounded a solemn and festive music!

In the main hall, the bright **** Dalakander, wearing a pure white Dalavier, led her to the groom Ruta, and he said with a smile, "Oh, Pirate God, you have finally completed the most perfect thing in your life. Stealing, stealing my sister's heart, what can I say as a brother ... "

"Oh oh-no need to say anything, hurry up and let the groom kiss the bride!" Just then, a loud voice shouted, "Ruta, hurry up, or the brothers will do it for you!"

It was Guan Heng who was yelling and yelling, and everyone in the audience listened to him, and all laughed out loud: "Yes, yes, kiss--"

Hearing the noise of the crowd, the bride Dalawi lifted the wedding dress on her face, and she blushed and shouted, "You bad guys, what are you doing ?! Don't spoil the atmosphere!"

"I can't wait, come here first!" Then, Dalavier, who had always been shy and tender, held Ruta's face and kissed.

"Uh ..." Ruta was caught off guard and had to accept the kisses. At this time, Guan Heng shook her head and smiled: "It's over, this time the woman has taken the initiative, and later, as a husband It will definitely be suppressed for a lifetime. Ruta is a counselor, and he will be strict with his wife! "

"Guan Heng! You do n’t want to be there anymore!" Da La Weier then let go of her husband Ruta, she pointed at Guan Heng and laughed: "Today is my day of great joy, I must be drunk on you, come! Hurry up and bring— "

"Hahaha-notify the upper and lower shrines, set up a wine banquet to celebrate with everyone!" At this moment, the bright **** shouted with a big laugh: "On a festive day, you don't need to be restrained, everyone just eat and drink, and revel!"


As all the priests and soldiers shouted in unison, the hearty laughter of the five main gods also sounded. The light **** Dalakand, the dark goddess Dalavier, and her husband Pirate God Ruta, and the elf goddess Qi Li Ni The beast **** brother Pinus and the witch **** Herrag all raised their glasses and drank the waves, leaving them free. At this time, everyone rushed to Guan Heng with a wine glass.

"Great hero, come and have a cup with us! Hahaha--"

"Well! Guan Heng, Guan Heng, Guan Heng—"

The cheering sounded like a raging tide, higher than a while. Of course, as a hero who saved Ashton's continent from the invasion of the Demon Realm, Guan Heng deserved praise and cheers for these honors. He simply picked up a huge wine barrel and was cheerful and peaceful. Everyone cried fiercely: "Come on-no matter how many toasts I have today, I will go along! Let's drink as much as you like!"

In this way, the feast of the carnival lasted until late at night, the five main gods and all the people in the shrine turned upside down one after another, lying in a horizontal position with bottles and jugs in their bottles, all drunk and unconscious.

And no one noticed that Guan Heng had left alone. At the gate of the shrine, he bid farewell to Xiaobai, Landi and Merty who whispered and embarked on a new journey.

Concluding remarks of the second volume "Another Land Continent: The Sleeping Lord": The second volume with (Swords and Magic of the Fantasy World) as the background, and officially ended here. This volume is an independent and complete story with a total length of more than 2 million words. , There is basically no content associated with the next volume of content.

Beginning from the third volume, the legend of the ghosts will tell the stories that happened in the long history of the Huaxia world. The ghosts and demons, inadvertently, turn the gears of the history of all dynasties and generations. Please readers later enjoy.

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