Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1605: Occasional friction

"What are you talking about? Keep your mouth clean!" Guan Heng saw that the fluffy and grotesque face of the big man was hurting, and suddenly he didn't hit one place: "I just touched you, but not Chopping you a piece of meat, is it so coquettish? "

"Good boy, spit words when you hit someone, you must teach you today!" Under the rush of fire, the blue muscles of the big man's forehead came out, and he reached out and grabbed Guan Heng's collar and raised him above his head. : "Fall you stinky!"

"Well, my power has been transferred to Cheng Ying Sword Spirit before."

At this time, when you started to work, Guan Heng was secretly screaming badly, because to allow Cheng Yingjian to accumulate enough soul power to cut through the space, Guan Heng had already integrated all the power he had mastered in a different world with Cheng Ying. Now, although it is not the power of chickens, but it is also an ordinary person!

"Big guy, let go of my brother, or I will ..."

The shadow sword soul beside him was about to say two ruthless words, but he shook his feet and almost fell to the ground. He also screamed in secret: "It's over, my strength is continuously breaking through the space barriers. It took 80% to 90% of the time, and this time it was completely bad! "

Speaking late, fast then, when the strong man held Guan Heng high and wanted to throw him to the ground, Guan Heng suddenly yelled, "Swallow the ghost and come out--"

At this moment, the tattoo of the swallowing beast on the back of the hand is one of Guan Heng's only remaining cards. After the huge change of the last swallowing beast, it already has three evil eyes, You can turn the invisible ghost into the "Soul of the Soul" and then keep it in the hands of Guan Heng.

Moreover, after undergoing many evolutions, the strength of the swallowing beast cannot be underestimated. At the moment when the swallowing beast sprang out with tattoos on the back of his hands, suddenly a loud roar broke out: "Oh!"

"Eh ?!" Just on this avenue of Shanhai Street, all the people walking along and the shop's bosses and buddies were shocked by this voice, with a bit of shock in their faces, they were all surprised and thought in their hearts. : "What the **** is this ... what is this terrifying throbbing ?!"

"Woo ..." The big man who seized Guan Heng saw the ghost swallowing monster released by Guan Heng, and a little fright suddenly appeared on his face: "This, this ?!"

"Go to you!" Guan Dianshi flint, Guan Heng suddenly flew up in the air and kicked on the other side's nose, the bone of the strong man's nose was not as strong as he thought, only to hear a "click" crunch, This Jun nostrils screamed and screamed backwards, Guan Heng broke free from the other party's control, suddenly tumbling in the air, and then fell to the ground.

"Flop, dang--wow!"

The back of the strong man just hit the door of a luxury store and smashed it into pieces. The strong man was not seriously injured. He shook his head and got up, just yelling to find Guan Heng. Desperately, but suddenly a foot came to brake suddenly: "squeak-"

Because, at this time, Guan Heng just patted his head to swallow the ghost and beast around him, and both of them swept around the brawny man with sharp eyes, looking like a person.

"Uh ... you guy ..." The brawny figure suddenly felt a little timid when he thought of the scream that struck the sky just before swallowing the ghost and beast.

Just as the two sides confronted each other, a curse suddenly uttered in the shop where the door panel was smashed: "Damn, which **** thing smashed the door panel of my shop? Are you looking for death?"

Hearing this voice, the brawny man suddenly snored, he turned his head and glanced at the mark on the shop, and the cold sweat on his forehead suddenly burst out: "Oh, it's ... the shop ! "

At this time, it was too late to run, because an aggressive man had already rushed out of the luxury store. It turned out to be a woman in a green dress, over thirty years old, who looked good and looked like a beautiful woman. This green skirt woman saw The brawny man stood in front of the collapsed door panel, and suddenly yelled, "It turned out that you smashed my facade, you are really looking for death!"

"No, boss, listen to me ..."

"Bang!" Without waiting for the strong man to finish his words, the woman in the blue skirt had already slapped the skirt lightly, and suddenly a sharp spin kick swept over the opponent's face: "Mixed ball, do you still want to quibble ?!"

Poor strong man, after taking this kick, he buried himself directly in the ground with a "knock", and the woman in the green skirt immediately shouted, "I know this guy, he is the patriarch of a certain wild world tribe. Come, two guys, put me down and wait for his compensation to be released before letting him go! "

"Yes, boss!" Two wolves and tigers rushed out of the shop and took off their strong men.

"Cheng Ying, let's hurry up ..." At this moment, Guan Heng saw the vicious expression of the female boss's Yasha, and he felt a moment of snoring. He winked at the soul of the sword soldier beside him. He planned to slip away quietly with swallowing ghosts and beasts.

But at this moment, a turquoise shadow suddenly shaken and stopped in front of Guan Heng. The green skirt female boss said blankly, "Hey, where do you want to go?"

"Uh, this ..." Guan Heng asked a little timidly: "Sister, what's your advice?"

Upon hearing this, the female boss pouted and said, "Well, I saw it clearly at the door just now. How could my store door be smashed if you did not fight with that strong man just now?"

"Ah? Sister, I was just forced to defend myself, not intentionally!" Guan Heng's expression of sincerity and horror at this time, he waved his hands again and again, "Isn't the repairman let the strong man out? I should be fine now Right? "

"Your kid is so beautiful! Come with me--"

"Pop!" She didn't see how the lady in green skirt shook her figure, but she caught Guan Heng's ear in the flashlight and twisted it.

"Oh! Sister loose hands, sister loose hands!" Guan Heng grinned with pain at this moment, had to follow the female boss into the luxury store, Cheng Ying sword soul covered his mouth and sneered, and also took the ghosts together Walked in.

Only when I entered the house did I find that this shop was really as magnificent and elegant as the palace. Guan Heng and Cheng Ying Sword Spirit had also seen the big world, but there were seven or eight Chengdu furnishings. What is it.

"Hey, sit down!" At this moment, the female boss loosened her ears and let him sit across from her. Then, the woman in the green skirt said, "You are not like the residents of Shanhai Street. They are from outside. ?"

"Hey, my sister Ming Jian, first introduce the younger brother to myself. I'm Guan Heng, that's my brother Cheng Ying, and--" Guan Heng pointed and said, "It's a swallowing ghost."

With that said, Guan Heng smiled and asked, "I don't know what my elder sister is calling?"

—— [2016.8.16 The second more, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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