Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1606: Sister Xi and Shanhai Street (third)

"Hehehe, one sister yelled, your little ghost is really sweet." Seeing Guan Heng's eyebrows slap in the eye, the green skirt woman was also somewhat useful, and she smiled and said, "I It's Dai people. The merchants and customers here call me 'Sister Sister', so please call me that. "

"Yes, Hello sister, did you just say that we are not residents of Shanhaishanshanhai Street? Indeed, we just came through the space barrier from another area and intend to go to the East Pole universe area." Guan Heng at this moment He whispered, "But I don't know what this" Shan Hai Street "is? Would you please tell me?"

"Oh, you came here from different space planes." At this time, Sister Xi leaned leisurely on the back of the chair and said, "No wonder I don't know where Shanhai Street is. Let me tell you, this is heading east. The only way to go to the polar universe region, anyone who wants to go to the 'Dongyu region' must go here. "

Then, Sister Xie told Guan Heng about the origin and location of Shanhai Street. This Shanhai Street is actually a mysterious partition area that is isolated from the rest of the universe and the East Pole universe. It does not belong to the East Pole universe. Part of it, however, is closely related to it.

Here, all races and individuals in the plane world of the East Pole universe can come and go freely.

Regardless of whether these races are friendly or hostile in their own world, large-scale fighting and conflict are not allowed in Shanhai Street, so this is a 'balanced place'. Everyone likes to choose some barter here. Over time, this event turned out to be a lively commercial street.

"This Shanhai Street is a different space divided by the" Keepers of the East Pole Plane "." At this time, Sister Xuan chuckled softly: "Even the adult did not expect that Shanhai Street would be so prosperous now, huh Ha ha."

Guan Heng examined the display in the shop and asked casually, "Sister, what kind of business does your shop do?"

"Almost all businesses are done, but then, my main business is 'people' business."

Sister Xu said here that she saw Guan Heng and Cheng Ying's sword soul with doubts, so she explained: "Our Qiang are the ones who are best at making 'skins'. Many of them are lost in battle or accidental injuries. My own physical soul will come here to buy new skins. This is our family business. "

"Making and selling new skins ?! I didn't expect such a magical sale ..."

After listening to Guan Heng and Cheng Ying, they both felt incredible. At this moment, sister-in-law took a look at Guan Heng and said, "Besides talking about others, I think you and this little brother next to you need a new skin. So-called preparedness. "

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng and Cheng Ying Jianhun looked at each other, and then asked invariably: "We also need a new skin flesh? What does this mean?"

"First of all, this is the little brother named Chengying." Sister Xi pointed at the other side and said, "I can see that he is not an ordinary soul, but a sword soul, and has already been with you. The souls are fused with each other, which is not a good thing. "

Hearing this, Guan Heng frowned and asked, "You mean ..."

"Yeah." Sister Yee sighed and said, "It looks like it is probably between the two of you. At first, one of the two was extremely weak, so the other was forced to merge to protect the other's soul, but in this case it would Great omissions. "

Speaking of this, Sister Ji paused for a moment, then went on to say, "Even if two similar and equal souls are not fused together, if they are barely enough, it will definitely cause a great crack in the soul. The worst will be destruction together! "

"What ?!" After listening to sister-in-law, Guan Heng and Cheng Ying were a bit frightened. At that time, the fusion of their souls was really similar to that of sister-in-law. Who would have thought that there would be such a big one? Fatal sequelae!

At this moment, Guan Heng's eyes flickered. He looked at Sister-in-law and asked: "I wonder if Sister-in-law has any solution to this unexpected fusion of souls?"

"Oh, it's not really difficult." Sister Xi said this, took the tea cup on the table and took a sip, and then said, "As I reminded you just now, think of a way to put the two Soul body peeled off, and then prepare a flesh skin for the sword soul brother.

Speaking of this, Sister Ji paused, pointing to the tip of her nose: "As for the technique of actively stripping the soul after fusion, I will use it."

"Sister Sister, how about preparing a flesh skin for the film?" Guan Henggang said here, and Sister Sister suddenly waved her hand. She smiled and said, "Guan Heng, don't be so anxious, my words are still I'm not finished, except for the Soul Soul brother, maybe you need a body ... "

Guan Heng scratched his head at this moment and said with a doubt: "I ?! My physical body is here!"

"Stupid boy, for a 'professional' like me who often fiddles with souls and things, can't I find the existence of a group of remnants in your body?"

Speaking of which, Sister Yun clicked on the horizontal position with a spring onion-like finger. She smiled and said, "Let ’s talk, what happened to the remnant soul? Maybe my sister is in a good mood for a while, but Can help you. "

According to Guan Heng's original temperament, he should not believe the person who met for the first time today, but sister-in-law's feeling for Guan Heng is not like a wicked person, plus the skinny body of Cheng Yingjian soul has to ask for help In this way, Guan Heng told her about Qing Huang's residual soul.

After listening to Guan Heng's narrative, sister-in-law even faded the blood on her face, she said in amazement: "That is to say, you, you are now looking for the remnant soul of all your fiancee. Plane travel wandering ?! "

Speaking of which, Sister Wu whispered stupidly: "Guan Heng, are you a fool? Or are you crazy?"

Hearing this, Guan Heng turned his mouth up and smiled slowly: "Hehehe, many people have said so, but in order to save Qing Huang, all my efforts are worth it!"

"Stupid man ... oh, let me tell you something."

At this moment, sister-in-law said to Guan Heng, "You connect your fiancee's remnant soul fragment to your heart and nurture it. This method will be fine in the short term, but her soul body fragment will be During the collection process, it will gradually increase. In this way, the stress on your heart and the remnants of the gathering will increase dramatically, and that will have extremely dangerous consequences. "

Having said that, Sister Sister stood up and walked around the room for two laps. She then said to Guan Heng: "Still, even if it is for the sake of the remnants that are about to be collected, you must prepare one for them. The new skin, in this case, the physical skin can also help the remnant soul absorb the aura in the universe, and thus strengthen the vitality. "

—— [The third change of 2016.8.16, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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