Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1607: Temporary skin

"So, Cheng Ying and Qing Huang's remnants each need a new physical skin ?!" Guan Heng said at this time, touching his chin, "Well, I understand."

"It's good to understand now. If you want two bodies, I can prepare for you immediately." Sister Xi said at this time with a smile: "Guan Heng, you only need to pay me 10,000 'souls'. "

"Eh ?!" Guan Heng stared at Sister-in-Law with a look on his face at this moment, and he cried out, "Why? Didn't the two flesh skin bags come to us?"

"Boy, what are you talking about?" At this time, sister-in-law's eyebrows were upright and Xingyan's eyes were open. She said with her hips folded, "We just met for the first time, and we are not friends of life and death. For business, my skin bags here are all goods with clear price tags! "

"Well, in the end, I still want money. I thought I talked to you for a long time. My sister was a bit moved ..." Guan Heng slightly shook her head at this time, and sighed deliberately: "Well, I still couldn't escape the scope of a transaction. I It's so sweet. "

"Well, in fact, as long as the two bodies have only 10,000 spirits, I have already given you a lot of discounts." At this time, sister-in-law was a "merchant character", and she exclaimed: "It's just that you look hard to find For the fiancée's residual soul, otherwise the price would be doubled. "

"But what is the spirit you said? I have never seen it before." Guan Heng said with both hands at this time: "And 10,000, sister, where can I go to find you?" Yeah? "

"You stupid, it really is a country guy who is here for the first time, and has no knowledge at all." At the moment, sister Sister looked at Guan Heng very disdainfully, and then pointed at Cheng Ying Jian Hun and said, "Essential soul does not know anything? It is like This invisible soul like Brother Soul of Soul belongs to the category of 'fine soul'. "

Then, Sister Xuan told Guan Heng something. It turned out that the most common transaction "money" in the whole mountain and sea street is the spirit.

As we all know, almost all life itself was born out of rich spirits, and the souls derived from them after death are the last strength gathered in life.

No matter whether it is a weak soul or the powerful energy that is gathered after the accumulation of less and more, so the people here on Shanhai Street, whether it is a business or a customer, are enthusiastic about things like spirits. Most of the time, the soul is used for trading.

After hearing the words of sister-in-law, Guan Heng groped for a long time on his own body, and then turned out a humble ring. He murmured in his mouth: "It's okay, this one is not thrown away."

It turned out that when Guan Heng left the last strange world, he had thrown away all his equipment, but inadvertently left a broken space ring on his body.

At this moment, Guan Heng shook the space ring, and then poured out a few spar, which are some "Soul Stones". This thing is to imprison the invisible soul with the power of the evil spirit that swallowed the ghost and beast. Come.

Guan Heng picked up one of them and shook it in front of the female boss: "Sister Xi, can you see this thing as a substitute for the soul?"

"Let me see."

"Slap!" Sister Yun grabbed the soul stone and looked at it, then said in surprise: "The invisible soul is actually confined in this crystal. What a magical thing, how did you do that? "

"That's just a trivial matter, not worth mentioning." Guan Heng whispered at this time: "Look, this soul stone can be used as a spirit to trade?"

"Since it is the power of the invisible soul, of course, no problem. For every piece of this soul stone, I'm even if you are equal to a spirit." At this moment, sister Shou stunned the spar in Shou's hand, and then asked Guan Heng. "So, how many of these things do you have?"

"Oh, there are one, two, three, four, five in this space ring ..." Guan Heng looked up and said, "Fifteen more ..."

Upon hearing this, sister-in-law suddenly sank her face, she hummed and said, "It's too little!" Guan Heng said frowningly at this time: "Then I can't help it. The only thing on our inventory is this More, can't you be comfortable? "

"Through ?! Then I'm going to lose money at home!" Holding her shoulders at the moment, sister-in-law glanced at Guan Heng and Cheng Ying sword soul, and then said: "Less nonsense, two flesh skins, 10,000 spirits, Or ten thousand soul stones, the iron price is the same! Think about it yourself. "

"Guan Heng. I'm just a sword soul. It doesn't matter if you have a flesh or not, you should prepare a flesh for Qing Huang's remnant alone." Cheng Ying stood up at this time, and he said sternly to Guan Heng: "In this case, it should save a lot ..."

"No!" At this moment, Guan Heng shook his head and said to Cheng Ying, "Did you not hear the words of sister-in-law? If there is no physical body to protect the soul body, your soul body will crack!"

"But Qing Huang's body skin is more important, right?" Cheng Ying whispered at this time: "I ... it doesn't matter ..."

Just when Guan Heng and Cheng Ying sword souls were arguing, the ghost swallow who had been lying beside him suddenly raised his head, and it turned out to speak: "Hey, Guan Heng, I seem to find the trace of your fiancee's soul It's up! "

As soon as he swallowed the ghost beast, he suddenly surprised his sister-in-law: "Why, this beast spirit can even speak?"

"It? No, it isn't." Guan Heng quickly waved and explained: "Sister Mi, you misunderstood, my ghost swallower wouldn't speak, what was speaking was the thing in his stomach." Speaking of this, Guan Heng faced Qi Ling in the belly of the devouring beast said, "You found the trace of Qinghuang Residual Soul? Where?"

The Astral Disc Spirit said at this time: "The location of the remnants seems to be in the flow of time in a certain area. It seems that they have flown into the gaps of those 'time periods'."

Having said that, Qi Ling paused a bit, saying, "Guan Heng, you should understand what I mean? The gap between time and the concept of space are different. You have to rely on special methods to travel back and forth in that area. And the future 'so that the debris can be collected back. "

At this time, Cheng Ying sword soul said with difficulty: "Guan Heng, if I say that I can travel through space, my sword power can still be achieved. This ability of 'traveling time' is not within my ability."

"Well ... that's okay," Guan Heng said at this moment, touching his chin. "On the question of traveling through those times and ages, we should be able to use Wenzhu's ability."

Speaking of which, Guan Heng glanced at the indifferent boss lady, and he said again, "Sister, how about a discussion?"

—— [Fourth more in 2016.8.16, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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